determine how relationships between leaders and staff affect influence and power course hero

by Dr. Omer Pfeffer Jr. 4 min read

What are the factors that influence the relationship between leaders and employees?

Aug 23, 2019 · o Explain power and compare how it relates to leadership o Analyze the five sources of power o Summarize the relationship between influence and power o Determine how relationships between leaders and staff affect influence and power Cite a minimum of two references other than the text. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Submit …

What is leadership influence and why does it matter?

May 21, 2019 · According to getsmarter’s online course (2017) “The relationship between power and influence is vital to good leadership.” Employees are 12% more productive, take ten times fewer sick days and can improve sales by 37%.

What is the relationship between power and leadership?

View Notes - Leadership and Power.docx from HI 113 at Montgomery College. Create either a 2- to 4-minute podcast, a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, a 1- to 2-minute video, or other. Study Resources. ... Course Title HI 113; Type. Notes. Uploaded By …

How can a leader influence his followers?

Unformatted text preview: Lesson Description The lesson is about influence, especially the process of influencing people to achieve a level of integration of power and influence to change personal attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of followers; to gain commitment within an organization.While influence is the essence of leadership, it is just the starting point.

What is the key to developing influence?

The key to developing influence is understanding contacts and relationships are not synonymous. Don’t confuse a database with a sphere of influence. A database consists of information records, and a sphere of influence consists of meaningful relationships built upon a foundation of trust – a point of distinction lost upon many.

How to develop influence?

Keep in mind the purpose of developing influence is not to manipulate for personal gain, but rather to facilitate for mutual benefit. Take a sincere interest in the success of others, work on your likability factor, become adept at gaining commitment, develop your authority, secure access to things of value and/or scarcity, and your influence with others will increase.

What makes a good leader?

When you closely examine the core characteristics of what really makes for great leadership, it’s not power, title, authority, or even technical competence that distinguishes truly great leaders. Rather it’s the ability to both earn and keep the loyalty and trust of those whom they lead that sets them apart. Put simply, Leadership is about relationships and the trust, stewardship, care, concern, service, humility, and understanding that need to occur in order to create and nurture them. If you build into those you lead, if you make them better, if you add value to their lives then you will have earned their trust and loyalty. This is the type of bond that will span positional and philosophical gaps, survive mistakes, challenges, downturns, and other obstacles that will inevitably occur.

Why are people not as influential as they would like to be?

So why is it that most people aren’t as influential as they would like to be? The answer is that most professionals, even if they intellectually understand the benefits of what I’m espousing, just don’t do the work it takes to build an influential network. Great relationships take great amounts of effort, energy, and commitment. Think of the most successful people you’ve ever known and they will always seem to know the right person to call on in any given situation to influence or decision the needed outcome. This type of influence doesn’t just happen, rather it has taken years of painstaking effort. If you want to create a powerful sphere of influence start by taking the following ten steps:

What is the value of relationships in business?

As business people, nothing is more valuable than the quality of your relationships. Whether you realize it or not, your success in business (and in life) will largely be dependent upon your ability to not only establish key relationships but in your ability to influence and add value to your relationships. We have all known professionals that have been smarter, more affable, better looking, possess a better CV, or are more talented than their peers, yet they never seem to rise to the top. These professionals who seem to have the whole package yet fail to grab the brass ring simply don’t understand the power of relationships – they’ve failed to invest in people. Again, leadership isn’t about any single person, but rather a complex ecosystem of meaningful relationships.

What is the foundation of influence?

Influence is built upon a foundation of trust: If a person is not trusted there is a firm limit on their ability to create and use influence. People will rarely make a leap of faith for someone who hasn’t earned their trust. However, most people will gladly take a blind leap of faith for someone whom they have come to trust. Trust matters.

Why do some people have more influence than others?

Have you ever wondered why some people have more influence than others? It’s because they invest more “ in ” others. Those with leadership influence have built into others through some form of a consistent direct or indirect contribution to relationships. Those with the greatest amount of influence almost always have the strongest relationships.

What is the role of influence leaders?

Influence leaders encourage feedback of all kinds and know their role is to inspire creativity and innovation rather than control and dominate. Rabbi Sacks told me that the best way for managers to inspire leadership in the ranks is to delegate down and empower people as far as possible, then see how they perform.

How do power leaders use their power?

Power leaders seek control and often abuse their influence. Often, they yearn for attention and respect and use their power to wield attention. They lead by intimidation and fear rather than by garnering respect. They see it as their right and privilege to rule over others rather than their responsibility to set a positive example, advise and offer guidance. Because they keep people close to them who are likeminded, their homogenous teams may enjoy comfortable relationships, but they tend to be less innovative.

How can managers inspire leadership in the ranks?

Rabbi Sacks told me that the best way for managers to inspire leadership in the ranks is to delegate down and empower people as far as possible, then see how they perform.

Why do we need leaders?

We need leaders we trust and who use their power to construct an organization on principles of justice, righteousness and compassion. The best leaders recognize that education and guidance should override coercion. Above all, great leaders model right over might and influence over power.

How to encourage openness among employees?

To encourage openness among employees, good leaders schedule informal walking meetings, others get feedback from anonymous surveys and others try to understand their employees' personal needs, whether it’s job enrichment, paid time off for religious holidays or flexible hours and mentorship.

Why are leaders more likable than power leaders?

These influence leaders are more likable than "power" leaders, as they consistently identify a common point of interest with others and compromise whenever possible so both sides leave satisfied. The best leaders also tend to be great negotiators: They seek to understand the other side's perspective so they can offer options that benefit everyone.

What are the two types of leadership?

Shutterstock. “There are two distinctive types of leadership. One is power and the other is influence. These two styles are often considered synonymous, as if you have one, it’s assumed you probably have the other. But a closer look at these two forms of leadership shows they work in widely different ways.".

What is the relationship between a leader and his/her followers?

On the other hand, other scholars focused on the leader-employee relationship side in defining leadership as they believe that there should be a good relationship between the leader and his/her followers to succeed together and enhance the whole company’s performance (Hughes et al., 2009). Dasborough and Ashkanasy (2002) found that leadership is a social and emotional process where the leader has emotions to deliver to his/her followers so as to produce an interaction between them. While, Locke (2003) argued that leadership is a relationship between the leader and the follower thus it’s important to concentrate on both of them when studying leadership. Add to that, McCallum and O’Connell (2009) suggested that leadership is about producing a sustainable relationship between the leader and his/her subordinates that encourage each other to work in an effective and innovational way.

How does a good relationship between followers and leaders work?

(1995) found that good relationship between followers and their leaders occur when a balance equation develops between followers’ satisfying performance and leaders’ feedback, rewords and supports. Similarly, Mueller & Lee (2002) concluded that followers having high communication and personal feedback with their leaders are enjoying a high quality relationship. Besides, Brower et al. (2000) suggested that leaders’ and followers’ performance is precursors for good or bad relationship; if both the leader and the member produce a high quality performance they will like each other which will form a good contraction between them. Nahrgang et al. (2009) supported the previous opinions that high performance from both the leader and his/her employee creates attraction between them and thus sustainable social exchange over time. From the above opinions it’s obvious that leaders’ and employees’ performance quality is vital for the relationship enhancement.

What are the stages of a leader-member relationship?

Similarly, Boyd and Taylor (1998) in their research about the friendship development between leaders and their employees proposed a model similar to Graen and Scandura (1987) model but they added one more stage at the beginning and used different names for their stages: LMX potential, stranger, acquaintance, and maturity . It’s not necessary that the correlation between the leader and the follower progress in a linear way, it may go forward and return to the back according to the circumstances the relationship faces (Boyd and Taylor, 1998). Conversely, Nahrgang et al. (2009) agreed with Gerstner & Day (1997) that the relation between leaders and their members will always develop in a positive way because as they know each other more and go through different experiences together their relationship will always increase over time wither they have a low or high relationship quality.

What is LMX in leadership?

The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory has clarified that the nature of the relationship between the supervisor and his/her employees within the group are not equal (Sparrowe and Liden, 1997 and Bahal and Ansari, 2007). Similarly, Bass (1990) and Scandura (1999) argued that informal roles occur between the leader and his/her follower since their first meeting and these roles differ from one employee to another which produces different relationship quality between the leader and each member of the team. Furthermore, Danserea et al. (1995) concluded that leaders and their employees create an informal agreement depending on the leaders’ support of self-worth from the employees’ perspective (which vary from one employee to another) and the satisfying performance from the superior point of view (which also differ from one subordinate to another), as a result of that leader’s relationship with each follower within the group will definitely vary. Moreover, as the leader constructs better relationships with some of his/her employees than others two groups of employees will result (in-group and out-group), the in-group members have better interaction with their leader whereas the out-group members have low quality relation with their leader (Kang and Stewart, 2007 cited Dansereau et al., 1975). This shows that according to the nature of the human being behaviour, leaders have no ability to deal with their followers in equilibrium way.

What is the process of producing the company's goals through subordinates?

Leadership is a process that produces the company’s goals through subordinates by elucidating the company’s needs to the whole team (Thomas and Schmidt, 1976). Likewise, Smircich and Morgan (1982) and Kotter (2001) proposed that leadership is about performing the routine responsibilities and surviving with the recent rapid changes in the market place through steering and controlling the employees. Moreover, Dansereau et al. (1995) argued that leadership is a process of manipulating the followers to facilitate accomplishing particular tasks in order to achieve the organisation’s objectives. In addition, Yukl (2006) supported Dansereau et al. (1995) and added that leadership is about clarifying the tasks that should be done and concurring about the methods of performing them; also it’s about providing employees with their needs to achieve the organisation’s goal. Furthermore, Goffee and Jones (2007) emphasised that leadership is an influence process where the leader direct his/her self and his/her employees using ethical ways to work together in order to attain their shared goals. Thus, according to the above description leadership is an influence process that leads individuals to achieve the whole organisation’s objective.

What is social exchange in leadership?

Nowadays, one of the most popular and important approaches to successful leadership is the social exchange model which focuses on the relationship between the leader and his/her followers (Boyd and Taylor, 1998, Zaccaro and Klimoski, 2001, Zoccaro and Hotn, 2003, and Glaso and Einarsen, 2006). Scandura and Lankau (1996) argued that according to today’s rapid change which require flat organisational structure and more motivate and encourage employees; supervisors must sustain their relation with their followers to enhance the company’s productivity. Furthermore, good correlation between the leader and his/her subordinates increases the leader’s ability to motivate his/her followers to the right direction (Yukl, 2006). Add to that, if the quality of the relationship is high the leader and his/her followers exchange will develop which will lead them to improve their performance (Brower et al., 2000). Hence it’s vital to understand the nature of this relationship, its antecedents, its development stages and its characteristics. This will be carried out through the coming sub-sections.

How to improve employee performance?

(1996) added that it’s vital to enhance relationships between all organisational levels so as to enhance every ones performance. Moreover, Coleman (1996) and Baptiste (2008) found that to improve employees’ performance leaders should empower their employees through creating a trust and transparent relationship. This section will investigate how the leader-follower relationship impact on employee’s performance.

How does leadership affect performance?

Leadership directly affects employee performance, with regards to their contributions to the organization. There are elements of group performance that cannot be taught as hard skills, they are rather encouraged through the relationships between the employees and their leaders. For example, you cannot teach an employee to be motivated, a leader must inspire the employee to care about their work in order to motivate them. Therefore, different leadership styles allow employees to grow more and work better. One example is transformational leadership which is when leaders motivate their employees to exceed certain expectations (Asrar-us-Haq and Kuchinke). In the study conducted by Asrar-us-Haq and Kuchinke, they analyzed how employees felt toward their leaders. The study found that “transformational leadership has positive influence on employee self-efficacy, motivation, creativity, and organizational performance” (Asrar-us-Haq and Kuchinke). On the other hand, the study found that laissez-faire leadership styles result in employees being dissatisfied, unproductive and inefficient in their work. The relationship that a leader develops with his employees is a direct factor in how that employee performs their tasks. Leaders must be engaged with their employees to know which leadership style is most effective.

What does a leader need to be attentive to?

Therefore, a leader must be attentive in addressing employee needs on an individual level. Each employee requires different levels of attention in each of Fagnani’s categories, but when a leader puts in the time to do this, they are exponentially helping employee and team performance.

What is the tie between employee happiness and performance?

There is a clear tie between employee performance and employee happiness, so a leader who can actively work at increasing employee happiness, they are in turn improving employee performance. A leader who is engaged in the individual employees themselves will be creating a stronger foundation for that employee to grow and work upon. ...

What is the responsibility of a leader?

There is responsibility on leaders to not only perform their own job tasks, but to also lead their team and inspire their employees. It has been explained that “leaders should build on their strengths that strengthen others. Simply put, leaders must deliver results to stakeholders” and the first of those stakeholders are the employees.

What is laissez-faire leadership?

On the other hand, the study found that laissez-faire leadership styles result in employees being dissatisfied, unproductive and inefficient in their work. The relationship that a leader develops with his employees is a direct factor in how that employee performs their tasks. Leaders must be engaged with their employees to know which leadership ...

Why do leaders need to be instilling leadership skills in their employees?

Finally, leaders need to be instilling leadership skills in their employees. This allows the team to be a bit more self-sufficient as the informal leaders will begin to take control and guide the group. These informal leaders will also be able to grow into the formal leadership roles too. This allows the employee and leader lifecycle ...

What are some examples of leadership styles?

Therefore, different leadership styles allow employees to grow more and work better. One example is transformational leadership which is when leaders motivate their employees to exceed certain ...

How do leaders use influence?

How Leaders Use Influence. In an organization, a leader can use these three types of influence to motivate people and achieve objectives. For example, compliance is a means of maintaining order in the workplace, such as when employees are expected to follow the rules set by their supervisors.

What is the power of leadership?

Leadership Power. Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others with or without resistance by using a variety of tactics to push or prompt action. Power is the ability to get things done. People with power are able to influence others behavior to achieve a goal or objective. Others may resist attempts to make them do certain things, ...

How do people use power tactics?

People tend to vary in their use of power tactics, with different types of people opting for different tactics. For instance, interpersonally-oriented people tend to use soft tactics, while extroverts employ a greater variety of power tactics than do introverts. Studies have shown that men tend to use bilateral and direct tactics, whereas women tend to use unilateral and indirect tactics. People will also choose different tactics based on the group situation and according to whom they are trying to influence. In the face of resistance, people are more likely to shift from soft to hard tactics to achieve their aims.

What is informational power?

Informational power comes from access to facts and knowledge that others find useful or valuable. That access can indicate relationships with other power holders and convey status that creates a positive impression. Informational power offers advantages in building credibility and rational persuasion.

Why is informational power important?

Informational power offers advantages in building credibility and rational persuasion. It may also serve as the basis for beneficial exchanges with others who seek that information. All of these sources and uses of power can be combined to achieve a single aim, and individuals can often draw on more than one of them.

What are the three types of power tactics?

Power Tactics. People use a variety of power tactics to push or prompt others into action. We can group these tactics into three categories: behavioral, rational, and structural. Behavioral tactics can be soft or hard. Soft tactics take advantage of the relationship between person and the target.

What are the sources of power?

Some derive from individual characteristics; others draw on aspects of an organization’s structure. Six types of power are legitimate, referent, expert, reward, coercive, and informational .
