describe how the rabbit population changed over the course of 10 years quizlet

by Tiffany Kessler 6 min read

How did the rabbit population change over the course of 10 years?

Describe how the rabbit population changed over the course of 10 years. Rabbits are small mammals of the Leporidae family who are very sociable and are also called as a bunny. The population of rabbits first were seen to be at expanding rate of 20% in every month but afterwards, the decrease was also seen.

How many rabbits are there in the initial population?

Around 40 rabbits is the initial population. 2. Select the T ABLE tab. Click Play ( ), and allow the simulation to run for one year. A. In which season did the rabbit population increase the most?

Why does the rabbit population increase in the spring?

The rabbit population increased the most throughoutthe spring, due to the nice temperatures, therefore naturally producing proper vegetation for the rabbits to consume, and a thrivable habitat for them to thrivein.

What are the limiting factors for the rabbit population?

Think about it: A limiting factor is any factor that controls the growth of a population. What do you think are some of the limiting factors for the rabbit population? Examples of limiting factors include competition, disease, living space, natural disasters, predation, and unusual weather.

How did the rabbit population changed over the course of 10 years?

Describe how the rabbit population changed over the course of 10 years.At the beginning, the rabbit population gradually increased, but along the way it wentin a cycle in increasing and decreasing. After that, it reached its maximum point andstarted decreasing a little.

What causes rabbit population growth?

Rabbit populations are also driven by favourable environmental conditions which enable them to maximize their reproductive output as does pasture development through the replacement of indigenous vegetation with productive pasture species and the application of fertilizers.

In which season did the rabbit population increase the most gizmo?

springThe rabbit population increased the most throughoutthe spring, due to the nice temperatures, therefore naturally producing proper vegetation for the rabbits to consume, and a thrivable habitat for them to thrivein.

What would cause a decrease in the rabbit population?

In recent years its populations have declined due to several factors including habitat transformation and viral diseases. At the same time, corrective measures including population restocking in areas with low population densities using rabbits from other geographical areas have been performed.

What has happened to the rabbit population?

Why has the wild rabbit population declined? The main cause is Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD), which is something that's been around since the early 90's. Although other causes like Myxomatosis played a part too. You may have already heard about a new strain of VHD, called VHD2.

What affects rabbit population?

Any of these factors—food, shelter, breeding sites, predators, and more—may serve to limit the growth of a rabbit or toad population. Often, the population is affected by several limiting factors that act together.

How did the amount of space available to the rabbits affect how many individuals the environment would support?

Analyze: How did the amount of space available to the rabbits affect how many individuals the environment could support? As the amount of space decreased, so did the number of rabbits the environment could support.

How do you think a period of hot summers affect the rabbit population?

A period of hot summers will affect the rabbit population in a positive way. This is because it will allow the population to increase in size and get ready for the harsh weather that is to come throughout the rest of the year.

Which of the following conditions will result in the lowest rabbit population Brainly?

Answer. The correct answer is letter d. ample land but harsh winters may result in the lowest rabbit population. This is because rabbits are forced to find food in such poor vegetation when the soil is covered in ice or snow.

What happened to the rabbits?

The culprit was discovered to be rabbit hemorrhagic disease, a virus so deadly it has been likened to a plague. The disease, which has a mortality rate as high as 70%, had previously devastated rabbit and hare populations in China, Europe and Australia, first reaching domestic rabbits in the United States in 2018.

When the fox population was at a peak was the rabbit population increasing or decreasing Why?

1 Answer. Alan P. Assuming no other ecosystem changes, the rabbit population will (likely) decrease.

What would be the effect on rabbit population of the predator number increases and why?

Explanation: There would be more food for the rabbits and slugs, so their populations would increase.

What are some examples of factors that keep rabbit populations from growing?

Several environmental factors, for example limited food resources, keep a rabbit population from growing too large. Gizmo Warm-up. A population is a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area. The size of a population is determined by many factors.

When do rabbits reproduce?

The rabbits reproduce during the parts of the year when resources, such as food, are plentiful, but when resources are harder to find, such as during the winter, many of the rabbits die. 3. Analyze: The carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals of a particular species that an environment can support.

What do rabbits need to stay alive?

What would the rabbit need to stay alive and healthy? Pet rabbits need food, fresh water, a clean living space, and shelter from the elements in order to stay alive and healthy. 2. A female rabbit can give birth to over 40 baby rabbits a year.

What is population density?

Introduction: Population density is the number of individuals in a population per unit of area. Some limiting factors only affect a population when its density reaches a certain level. These limiting factors are known as density-dependent limiting factors.

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