describe how the packing of chromatin changes during the course of the cell cycle

by Dr. Forest Gleichner DVM 3 min read

Chromatin undergoes few structural changes throughout a cell cycle. Histone


In biology, histones are highly alkaline proteins found in eukaryotic cell nuclei that package and order the DNA into structural units called nucleosomes. They are the chief protein components of chromatin, acting as spools around which DNA winds, and playing a role in ge…

proteins are the general packer and coordinator of chromatin and can be altered by numerous post-translational changes to alter chromatin packing. Most of the modifications take place on the histone tail.

Full Answer

What happens to chromatin during the cell cycle?

Jun 08, 2020 · Chromatin is a dynamic structure capable of changing its shape and composition during the life of a cell ( cell cycle ). Chromatin can be defined as highly condensed chromosomes at metaphase stage, and very diffuse structures in course of interphase. Chromatin composition and packaging Histones: Histones are most abundant proteins in …

What is a dynamic chromatin?

Dynamic Structure. Chromatin undergoes few structural changes throughout a cell cycle. Histone proteins are the general packer and coordinator of chromatin and can be altered by numerous post-translational changes to alter chromatin packing. Most of …

How does the structure of chromatin change during transcription?

Jun 01, 1992 · Interphase: cycle-dependent alterations to chromatin compartments Following mitosis, the extremely compacted chromatin of metaphase chromosomes unfolds and disperses in interphase. The resulting chromatin arrangement in the interphase nucleus is not random, however, and appears to be highly organized in a cell-type specific manner.

What is the role of histones in chromatin?

Jan 01, 2017 · During the interphase of the cell cycle, chromatin is loosely packed, for cell division, chromosomes must be densely packed (condensed) in order to allow their proper separation into daughter cells. Histones. A family of proteins with a high content of basic amino acids, that is, lysine and arginine. Histones interact with DNA.

How does chromatin change throughout the cell cycle?

While chromatin impacts cell cycle events like origin firing and chromosome segregation at mitosis, the cell cycle machinery also impacts chromatin by regulating the histone modifiers. The activity of certain histone modifiers fluctuates in a cell cycle-dependent manner.Feb 3, 2015

How is chromatin packaged?

The process starts when DNA is wrapped around special protein molecules called histones. The combined loop of DNA and protein is called a nucleosome. Next the nucleosomes are packaged into a thread, which is sometimes described as "beads on a string". The end result is a fiber known as chromatin.

What is chromatin packaging?

Chromatin is the material that makes up a chromosome that consists of DNA and protein. The major proteins in chromatin are proteins called histones. They act as packaging elements for the DNA. The reason that chromatin is important is that it's a pretty good packing trick to get all the DNA inside a cell.

What happens to chromatin during interphase?

Euchromatin and Heterochromatin In the nucleus, chromatin exists as euchromatin or heterochromatin. During interphase of the cycle, the cell is not dividing but undergoing a period of growth. Most of the chromatin is in a less compact form known as euchromatin.Feb 15, 2020

What does chromatin wrapped around?

Chromatin is a complex of DNA and proteins that forms chromosomes within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Nuclear DNA does not appear in free linear strands; it is highly condensed and wrapped around nuclear proteins in order to fit inside the nucleus.

How is chromatin fibers formed?

Chromatin fibers are formed by heterogeneous groups of nucleosomes in vivo. Cell.Mar 12, 2015

How does chromatin packaging influence gene expression?

Chromatin packing also offers an additional mechanism for controlling gene expression. Specifically, cells can control access to their DNA by modifying the structure of their chromatin. Highly compacted chromatin simply isn't accessible to the enzymes involved in DNA transcription, replication, or repair.

What is the first order of chromatin packing?

The first level of packing is achieved by the winding of DNA around a protein core to produce a "bead-like" structure called a nucleosome. This gives a packing ratio of about 6. This structure is invariant in both the euchromatin and heterochromatin of all chromosomes.

What is the process of DNA packaging?

0:101:43How DNA is Packaged (Advanced) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe combined tight loop of DNA and protein is the nucleosomal tapu Luke Leo's ohms are coiledMoreThe combined tight loop of DNA and protein is the nucleosomal tapu Luke Leo's ohms are coiled together and these then stack on top of each other. The end result is a fiber of packed nucleosomes.

What does the chromatin do?

Chromatin is a complex of DNA and protein found in eukaryotic cells. The primary function is to package long DNA molecules into more compact, denser structures.

What is chromatin material and how does it change just before the cell division Class 9?

Chromatin material is a mass of genetic material consisting of DNA and histone proteins. Before the cell divides,the chromatin material packages itself more tightly for facilitation of segregation of the chromosomes.Jun 2, 2017

What is the function of chromatin Fibres?

Chromatin fibers are coiled and condensed to form chromosomes. Chromatin makes it possible for a number of cell processes to occur including DNA replication, transcription, DNA repair, genetic recombination, and cell division.Nov 29, 2017

1. What do the "beads on a string" chromatin model imply?

The initial stage of compression for DNA inside the nucleus is provided by DNA and histone proteins. The nucleosome is chromatin's most basic struc...

2. What is the difference between Chromatin and Chromosome?

The main difference between chromatin and chromosomes is that chromatin is made up of DNA and histones packed into a fiber, whereas chromosomes are...

3. What are the functions of Chromatin?

One of the most significant DNA expression controllers is chromatin. The structure of chromosomes also plays an important role in DNA replication....

4. What are the Metabolic Activities of Chromatin?

Chromatin is a demanding consumer of metabolically produced cellular energy. Transcription and translation, which also feedback to control metaboli...

What are the stages of chromatin?

There are Three Stages of Chromatin Organization. 1. DNA wraps around histone proteins, making nucleosomes and the known as "beads on a string" structure ( euchromatin). 2. Several histones wrap into a 30-nanometer fiber containing nucleosome arrays in their most solid form (heterochromatin ). 3.

Which structure of chromatin differs massively from that of interphase?

Genes that require fixed access by RNA polymerase are required the looser structure delivered by euchromatin. 2. Metaphase: The metaphase structure of chromatin differs massively to that of interphase.

What are the consequences of chromatin availability?

The consequences in terms of chromatin availability and compaction depend both on the amino-acid that is altered and the kind of modification. For instance, Histone acetylation results in loosening and rising accessibility of chromatin for duplication and transcription.

Why is compressed chromatin important?

The physical strength of chromatin is important for this stage of the division to avoid shear damage to the DNA as the daughter chromosomes are divided.

What is the role of histones in chromatin?

Dynamic Structure. Chromatin undergoes few structural changes throughout a cell cycle. Histone proteins are the general packer and coordinator of chromatin and can be altered by numerous post-translational changes to alter chromatin packing. Most of the modifications take place on the histone tail.

What is the purpose of chromatin in interphase?

During interphase, the chromatin is structurally loose to permit access to DNA and RNA polymerases that copy and replicate the DNA. The simple structure of chromatin in interphase depends on the exact genes present in the DNA.

Why is chromatin important in meiosis?

In meiosis and mitosis, chromatin helps in accurate separation of the chromosomes in anaphase; the typical shapes of chromosomes visible during this stage is the result of DNA being looped into highly condensed systems of chromatin.


Considerable progress has recently been made in elucidating the biochemical mechanisms regulating changes in chromatin structure during all stages of the cell cycle. Although anticipated, the apparently ubiquitous role played by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation reactions in modulating these changes is, nonetheless, remarkable.


Chromatin changes during the cell cycle Raymond Reeves Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA Considerable progress has recently been made in elucidating the biochemical mechanisms regulating changes in chromatin structure during all stages of the cell cycle.

What are the changes in chromatin during the cell cycle?

Chromatin undergoes dynamic structural and functional changes during the cell cycle. The most obvious differential states of chromatin organization during the cell cycle are on one hand the apparently loose packaging of interphase chromatin compared with the condensed state of mitotic chromosomes. It has been shown in several cases that these morphological and functional differences are correlated with differential patterns of modifications of histone proteins. In addition to covalent modification of histones, their replacement by nonallelic variants is essential for the specific functional state of chromatin at a particular phase of the cell cycle. The effect of phase-specific differential patterns of modification or incorporation of specific variants mainly consists of the creation of binding sites for phase-specific factors. Besides phosphorylation, primarily of histones H3 and H1, differential modifications of histones during the cell cycle include acetylation and methylation of lysine side chains in H3 and H4. Further modifications have been described, but their function is still poorly understood.

What are the states of interphase chromatin?

Two different states of interphase chromatin were initially defined on the basis of different staining characteristics: euchromatin and heterochromatin (discussed in detail in Chapters 1–3 1 2 3 ). Euchromatin appeared as loosely packed material in contrast to the highly condensed heterochromatic nuclear subcompartment. The open state of euchromatin functionally correlates with high transcriptional activity, whereas heterochromatin appears to represent the inactivated portion of the genome (for review, see Ref. [22] ). As a consequence of this varied chromatin compaction, access for the transcription machinery or other factors mediating chromatin-based processes is facilitated in euchromatin and appears to be blocked in heterochromatic portions of the genome. This differential compaction of chromatin is based on specific patterns of DNA and histone modifications or histone replacement by variant histones and on differential patterns of factors interacting with these modified sites in DNA or histones.

What is the centromere? What are its functions?

Centromere#N#The centromere is the region in the condensed mitotic chromosome where the kinetochore is assembled. At this complex the spindle apparatus interacts with the duplicated chromatin threads (the chromatids) and executes the separation of the chromatids which thereafter become the chromosomes of the daughter cells.#N#Ch romatin#N#Deoxyribonucleoprotein complex consisting of DNA and histones in about a 1:1 ratio, plus nonhistone proteins, which altogether form the chromosomes of any eukaryotic organism. During the interphase of the cell cycle, chromatin is loosely packed, for cell division, chromosomes must be densely packed (condensed) in order to allow their proper separation into daughter cells.#N#Histones#N#A family of proteins with a high content of basic amino acids, that is, lysine and arginine. Histones interact with DNA. The histone group of proteins consists of five classes termed H1, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Histones form together with DNA the nucleosome particles as repeat units of chromatin suborganization.#N#Nucleosomes#N#Nucleosomes are the repeat units that form the first level of DNA compaction in chromatin. As initially defined, a nucleosome is composed by a core particle, that consists of a histone octamer (two times the histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) around which 147 base pairs of DNA are wrapped plus a stretch of linker DNA that connects core particles with each other, and one molecule of histone H1 which interacts with linker DNA at its exit/entry site at the core particle. In newer articles, authors may use the term “nucleosome” for just the core particle.#N#Phases of the cell cycle#N#The cell division cycle is divided into four phases. The S phase is the period during which DNA is replicated. At the same time, the respective amount of histones has to be synthesized in order to achieve the complete reduplication of chromatin. The second key process of cell division is mitosis (the M phase) during which the cell nucleus is divided into two genetically identical daughter cell nuclei. Mitosis is completed by cytokinesis, which is the division of the cytoplasm and final generation of daughter cells. The phases in between S phases and mitosis are the gap-1 phase (G1 phase) which is characterized by cell growth before initiation of the S phase and the G2 phase, which after DNA replication sets the stage for mitosis.

What is the role of histone modification in DNA replication?

This applies to the assembly and licensing of the origins of replication as well as to factors involved in DNA replication, deposition of histones , establishment of eu- and heterochromatin both after the S phase and particularly after cell division when cell-type-specific patterns of gene expression must be reinstalled on the chromatin level. The binding of heterochromatin-specific HP1 protein depends on the trimethylation of a specific lysine residue, whereas phosphorylation of an adjacent serine leads to release of HP1 and thus nicely demonstrates the mutual dependence of histone modification and its “reading” by a specific protein. Incorporation of the centromere-specific H3 variant CENP-A is a prerequisite for the assembly of kinetochores and depends on a specific phosphorylation state of this variant. In analogy to these two examples, several cell cycle phase-specific types of modification and binding of phase-specific proteins have been described. Future work will concentrate on deciphering the network of modifications and structural transitions that are the basis for the dynamics of chromatin during the cell cycle, and are guided by the dynamics of protein–protein and protein–nucleic acid interactions, including the roles of noncoding RNAs. Detailed studies of chromatin proteomics at different stages of the cell cycle and comprehensive bioinformatics analysis may be the next step in understanding the transitions of chromatin structure along the cell cycle. This will be the basis for studies on stage-specific interactions between side chains of modified main type or variant histones with effectors of signaling in cell division as well as regulators of gene expression. New microscopic tools and biophysical as well as biochemical methods will focus on structural aspects of the three-dimensional subnuclear organization and its functional implications.

What is the basal chromatin structure?

The basal chromatin structure is the chain of nucleosomes [3]. The core nucleosome is formed by 147 nucleotide pairs of DNA which are wrapped in 1.75 turns around the surface of a histone octamer consisting of the histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. The basis for the formation of this core histone octamer is the particular three domain structure of these proteins. Each of these has a central globular domain consisting of three alpha helices which are structured in a way that promotes the interaction of H3 with H4 and of H2A with H2B. Based on this principle, two H3-H4 dimers form a central tetramer, to which two HA-H2B dimers are attached in completing the octamer [8]. Of particular interest are the N-terminal portions of the core histones. They extrude toward the outside of the octamer and interact with DNA and further chromatin components. These N-terminal tails are enriched in basic amino acids and are the prime targets of posttranslational modifications, which consequently influence the local functional chromatin state. In the electron microscope, the basal string of nucleosomes appears as a 10-nm fiber. Linker histones contribute to the assembly of nucleosomes into a next level of compaction, the 30-nm fiber [5].

Is mitosis chromatin silent?

Mitotic chromatin is almost completely silent in terms of gene expression. This may in part be a consequence of the varied patterns of protein modifications and interactions due to the transition from interphase chromatin to the condensed mitotic chromosomes, but it is mainly due to the eviction of the components of the transcriptional control machinery, that is, transcription factors and their coactivators. However, the characteristics of a given cell type must be maintained and specific transcription patterns must be reestablished after mitosis. This is achieved by maintaining cell-type-specific local patterns of histone modifications and DNA-binding proteins in addition to DNA methylation patterns, which may help to retrieve the components that are characteristic for transcriptional activation or heterochromatin formation, respectively. This memorizing of cellular programs based on patterns of histone modifications and nonhistone DNA binding proteins has been defined as mitotic bookmarking [105]. Eviction of the respective factors during mitosis may be a direct effect of their modification on their chromatin binding or the modification indirectly may cause the binding or eviction of factors that are relevant for the local mitotic or postmitotic state of chromatin [106]. As described earlier, the HP1 is bound to di- or trimethylated lysine 9 in H3 and is displaced in mitosis by the Aurora-B-dependent phosphorylation of the adjacent serine 10 (H3-S10ph). Dephosphorylation of this site during anaphase reestablishes the heterochromatic interphase state. Similarly, acetylation of lysine 16 in H4 blocks condensation of chromatin, its deacetylation allows the interaction of the acidic patch in H2A/H2B dimers with H4 as one step of condensation [91], and it is reasonable to conclude that reacetylation of the respective lysine residues may be a means to locally decondense chromatin upon transition from mitosis to G1.

How does chromatin change?

Chromatin undergoes various forms of change in its structure. Histone proteins, the foundation blocks of chromatin, are modified by various post-translational modification to alter DNA packing. Acetylation results in the loosening of chromatin and lends itself to replication and transcription. When certain residues are methylated they hold DNA ...

Why is chromatin loose?

The overall structure depends on the stage of the cell cycle, during interphase the chromatin is structurally loose to allow access to RNA and DNA polymerases that transcribe and replicate the DNA.

What is the repeat element of chromatin?

The basic repeat element of chromatin is the nucleosome, interconnected by sections of linker DNA, a far shorter arrangement than pure DNA in solution. In addition to the core histones, there is the linker histone, H1, which contacts the exit/entry of the DNA strand on the nucleosome. The nucleosome core particle, together with histone H1, ...

Why is chromatin important in DNA division?

The physical strength of chromatin is vital for this stage of the division to prevent shear damage to the DNA as the daughter chromosomes are separated. To maximize strength the composition of the chromatin changes as it approaches the centromere, primarily through alternative histone H1 analogs.

What is the function of chromatin?

The primary functions of chromatin are: to package DNA into a smaller volume to fit in the cell, to strengthen the DNA to allow mitosis and meiosis and prevent DNA damage, and to control gene expression and DNA replication.

What are the components of chromatin?

The primary protein components of chromatin are histones that compact the DNA. Chromatin is only found in eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells have a very different organization of their DNA which is referred to as a genophore (a chromosome without chromatin). The structure of chromatin depends on several factors.

What is the local structure of chromatin?

The local structure of chromatin during interphase depends on the genes present on the DNA: DNA coding genes that are actively transcribed (“turned on”) are more loosely packaged and are found associated with RNA polymerases (referred to as euchromatin) while DNA coding inactive genes ...

What happens during the first phase of the cell cycle?

The nucleus reforms and the cell divides. During prophase, the “first phase,” the nuclear envelope starts to dissociate into small vesicles, and the membranous organelles (such as the Golgi complex or Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum), fragment and disperse toward the periphery of the cell.

What is the process of separating chromosomes into two identical cells?

The Mitotic Phase. The mitotic phase is a multistep process during which the duplicated chromosomes are aligned, separated, and move into two new, identical daughter cells. The first portion of the mitotic phase is called karyokinesis, or nuclear division.

How to describe interphase?

By the end of this section, you will be able to: 1 Describe the three stages of interphase 2 Discuss the behavior of chromosomes during karyokinesis 3 Explain how the cytoplasmic content is divided during cytokinesis 4 Define the quiescent G 0 phase

What are the two major phases of the cell cycle?

The cell cycle has two major phases: interphase and the mitotic phase (Figure 1). During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated. During the mitotic phase, the replicated DNA and cytoplasmic contents are separated, and the cell divides. Figure 1.

What are the stages of interphase?

The three stages of interphase are called G 1, S, and G 2.

What happens during interphase?

During interphase, the cell grows and the nuclear DNA is duplicated. Interphase is followed by the mitotic phase. During the mitotic phase, the duplicated chromosomes are segregated and distributed into daughter nuclei. The cytoplasm is usually divided as well, resulting in two daughter cells.

Why is the cytoskeleton dismantled?

Some cell organelles are duplicated, and the cytoskeleton is dismantled to provide resources for the mitotic phase. There may be additional cell growth during G 2. The final preparations for the mitotic phase must be completed before the cell is able to enter the first stage of mitosis.

What happens to chromatin fibers during interphase?

During interphase of the cell cycle, chromatin fibers are usually highly extended within the nucleus. As a cell prepares for meiosis, its chromatin condenses, forming a characteristic number of short, thick chromosomes that can be distinguished with a light microscope.

How does chromatin affect gene expression?

Chromatin modifications affect the availability of genes for transcription. In addition to its role in packing DNA inside the nucleus, chromatin organization regulates gene expression. Genes of densely condensed heterochromatin are usually not expressed, presumably because transcription proteins cannot reach the DNA.

How does histone acetylation promote transcription?

Thus histone acetylation enzymes may promote the initiation of transcription not only by modifying chromatin structure, but also by binding to and recruiting components of the transcription machinery. DNA methylation is the attachment by specific enzymes of methyl groups (—CH3) to DNA bases after DNA synthesis.

What is the conservation of histone genes during evolution?

The conservation of histone genes during evolution reflects their pivotal role in organizing DNA within cells. Unfolded chromatin has the appearance of beads on a string. In this configuration, a chromatin fiber is 10 nm in diameter (the 10-nm fiber).

Why are there differences between cell types?

The differences between cell types are due to differential gene expression, the expression of different genes by cells with the same genome. The genomes of eukaryotes may contain tens of thousands of genes. For quite a few species, only a small amount of the DNA—1.5% in humans—codes for protein.

Where are interphase chromosomes located?

The chromatin of each chromosome occupies a specific restricted area within the interphase nucleus.

Why do geneticists look for inherited cancers?

Geneticists are devoting much effort to finding inherited cancer alleles so that predisposition to certain cancers can be detected early in life. About 15% of colorectal cancers involve inherited mutations, especially to DNA repair genes or to the tumor-suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli, or APC.