crash course us history the black legend answers what were the attributes

by Reed Gulgowski 7 min read

What was the black legend quizlet?

Terms in this set (10) The English were looking for gold. What is "The Black Legend"? The Black Legend is the tale that the Spanish unleashed unspeakable cruelty on the Indians.

What is the black legend in US history?

A black legend is a historiographical phenomenon in which a sustained trend in historical writing of biased reporting and introduction of fabricated, exaggerated and/or decontextualized facts is directed against particular persons, nations or institutions with the intention of creating a distorted and uniquely inhuman ...

What is the black legend and what is the trouble with its use?

Black Legend, Spanish Leyenda Negra, term indicating an unfavourable image of Spain and Spaniards, accusing them of cruelty and intolerance, formerly prevalent in the works of many non-Spanish, and especially Protestant, historians.

What was the best known confederacy among the Native Americans crash course?

the Iroquois ConfederacyGreat Plains Indians were often buffalo hunters. These tribal bands often united into loose confederacies or leagues, the best known of which was probably the Iroquois Confederacy, also called The Great League of Peace.

What was one impact of the Black Legend?

Although he rejected the idea that slavery itself was a crime or sin, he did begin to see African slavery as a source of evil. Unfortunately, las Casas's apology was not published for more than 300 years. The Black Legend provided powerful ideological sanction for English involvement in the New World.

Why was the Black Legend written?

Political. Philip Wayne Powell, writing in 1971, considered the Black Legend to be the root of contemporary diplomatic problems between Latin American and the United States, making the case for this in his book The Tree of Hate: Propaganda and Prejudices Affecting Relations with the Hispanic World.

How did Spain react to the Black Legend?

Many Spanish Americans rejected their Hispanic heritage as a result. The Black Legend was apparently the product of an understandable revulsion against the monstrous crimes committed in the Americas by the Spanish conquistadors. But even a minimal respect for historical truth shows that this is simply false.

What atrocities did the Spanish commit?

“The Spaniards with their horses, their spears and lances, began to commit murders and other strange cruelties. They entered into towns and villages, sparing neither children nor old men and women. They ripped their bellies and cut them to pieces as if they had been slaughtering lambs in a field.

What is the White legend?

A set of pro-Hispanic ideas attempting to counterbalance the anti-Hispanic Black Legend (Spanish Leyenda Negra).

How can the relationship between the European settlers and Native Americans best be described?

Which statement best describes the relationships between Native Americans and European settlers? Native Americans and Europeans at times traded peacefully with European colonists but also frequently used diplomacy and force to resist encroachment on their territory, political sovereignty, and way of life.

What are three reasons Europeans were motivated to claim land in North America?

Name three reasons Europeans were motivated to claim land in North America.the wealth of natural resources.the rumors of gold.the expansion of their respective empires.

What effect did the French and Indian war have on the Native American tribes who fought in it?

The British took retribution against Native American nations that fought on the side of the French by cutting off their supplies and then forcibly compelling the tribes to obey the rules of the new mother country.