coursera: how to unlock my already purchased course

by Ms. Shanny Bruen 10 min read

How do I unenroll from a course on Coursera?

Devesh21454, Mohammad Sameer Hasan, and 2 others like this. “ Make sure your Financial Aid or Scholarship is still active. Financial Aid is valid for 180 days after your application was …

Can I try Coursera for free?

Feb 15, 2022 · Log into your Coursera account. Open the list of courses you're enrolled in by clicking on your Learning Program Dashboard. Next to the course you want to unenroll from, …

Why do I have to enroll in multiple courses on Coursera?

Feb 15, 2022 · Log into your Coursera account. Go to My Courses. Next to the course you want to unenroll from, click the three dots to open the menu. Choose Unenroll from Course. On the …

Can I make a one-time payment on Coursera?

Learning passes in India. We’re currently not able to offer subscriptions to Specializations and Professional Certificates for learners in India. Learners in India can purchase a learning pass to …

How do you unlock assignments on Coursera?

You cannot unlock, but you can practice (BUT NOT SUBMIT) a lot of them. Recently I went through some assignments of “ ” by Dr Andrew NG. They have a portal to authenticate you into Jupyter Notebook using your coursera id ( Open NoteBook Button).

How do I unlock Coursera quiz?

Make sure if you are login into account and scroll down to the end of help articles you will see small envelope 'contact us' icon click on that and raise your ticket to solve the issue.Oct 21, 2020

Can I access Coursera courses after subscription?

You can re-enroll in the course's audit option if you would like to continue to reference the video lectures and other course materials. You will always have access to Certificates that you've earned, even after your subscription ends.Oct 31, 2016

Can you reset a course on Coursera?

There's no option for starting from scratch. Even if you un-enroll, it won't erase your progress. You could re-watch the videos and re-take the quizzes.Mar 7, 2020

Why is my coursera course locked?

Locked assignments

You may need to: Reset your deadlines. Finish an earlier assignment before you can start on that assignment. Check your My Purchases page to ensure your payment is still active.
Sep 17, 2021

Can you retake quizzes on coursera?

welcome in coursera community . yes you can retake the quiz even if you missed the deadlines this will not affect you to get a certificate as explained in this help article : Missed deadlines .Apr 12, 2021

Can I access Coursera videos after completion?

Hello @spring yes you can access the course again and watch the video lectures after completing it.Jul 30, 2019

Are Coursera certificates worth it?

Are Coursera Certificates worth it? On the whole, yes. If you're seeking promotion, looking for a career change, or the skills you are learning are highly sought after, then a Coursera Certificate is definitely worth the investment. Coursera partners and course providers are world class.

Can I cancel Coursera subscription after completion?

You can cancel your subscription any time. There are no partial refunds for subscriptions, so you'll need to cancel before your next payment date. You'll get a Specialization Certificate when you complete every course in the Specialization you subscribed to.Nov 10, 2021

How do I reactivate an inactive Coursera course?

If yes, simply find the course from catalogue or from your dashboard find "inactive" courses, click on the course, you will see you are already enrolled. There is button "go to course" click on that. The Coursera will prompt you to "reset deadlines", click on it. And you are already in running session of the course.Jun 24, 2019

What happens if overdue in coursera?

If you miss a deadline, your grade won't be affected, and you don't need to change your deadlines. You'll still be able to earn a Course Certificate once you complete all your work.Dec 18, 2021

Do courses expire on Coursera?

For One-time Course and Specialization Purchases

If you do not earn your course certificate within 180 days, your registration will expire and you will need to pay to re-enroll for the course.
Jan 1, 2022

Specialization subscriptions

Some Specializations offer subscriptions. Subscriptions let you pay a fee every month for the Specialization until you complete it, instead of paying a one-time fee that gives you one year to complete the Specialization.

Subscribe to a single course

If a course or Specialization on Coursera requires a subscription, you can’t make a one-time payment for that course or Specialization. To get paid access, you’ll need to subscribe. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Incomplete subscriptions

Subscribing to a Specialization gives you access to all courses in that Specialization that are on Coursera.

Coursera catalog subscriptions

We no longer offer the option to subscribe to the entire Coursera catalog. You can't reactivate canceled catalog subscriptions.