Plant domestication is the process whereby wild plants have been evolved into crop plants through artificial selection. This usually involves an early hybridization event followed by selective breeding.
Some of these comprise the domestication syndrome phenotypes 5, 9, 86, 87, which in cereals includes reduction in seed dispersal and increased seed retention (non-shattering), increased seed size, changes in shoot branching and stature, loss of seed dormancy, and synchronous germination.Jul 22, 2019
Domestication of animals help the humans in many ways for eg ; Cows ang goats gave them milk and meat , Cattle also helped them in ploughing the fields also Cattle and sheep are kept for their wool, skins, meat and milk , large animals can also be used to do physical work like carrying things or plowing the field and ...
What Is a Domesticated Plant? The traditional definition of a domesticated plant is one that has been changed from its natural state until it is no longer able to grow and reproduce without human intervention. The purpose of plant domestication is to adapt plants to make them optimal for human use/consumption.Nov 13, 2019
Domesticating plants marked a major turning point for humans: the beginning of an agricultural way of life and more permanent civilizations. Humans no longer had to wander to hunt animals and gather plants for their food supplies. Agriculture—the cultivating of domestic plants—allowed fewer people to provide more food.Jan 21, 2011
Plants are considered domesticated when their life cycle, behavior, or appearance has been significantly altered as a result of being under artificial selection by humans for multiple generations (see the main article on domestication for more information).
Origins of domestication The first successful domestication of plants, as well as goats, cattle, and other animals—which heralded the onset of the Neolithic Period—occurred sometime before 9500 bce.
1 : to bring into use in one's own country : to bring into domestic use : adopt started to domesticate European customs.Jan 25, 2022
Most of the domestic animals familiar to us today were domesticated not long after people began farming and living in permanent settlements, between 8000 and 2500 BC.
Examples of domesticated plants and a region that domesticated them include wheat and barley in the Middle East, the potato in South America, and millet and rice in China. Plants that are grown for consumption are known as crops, while plants used for aesthetic purposes indoors are houseplants.Oct 28, 2021
Olericulture, the science of vegetable growing, concentrates on edibles that are annuals mostly, although some perennials are deemed vegetables too, such as rhubarb. Pomology is the science of producing and marketing seed-bearing fruit that grows on woody perennial plants such as trees, vines, and bushes.Nov 13, 2021
Cereal crops were first domesticated around 11,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East. The first domesticated crops were generally annuals with large seeds or fruits. These included pulses such as peas and grains such as wheat.