course hero this figure illustrates which of the following descriptions?

by Casandra Mann 6 min read

What is the 0 mark on the tectonic diagram?

It shows earthquake foci (or hypocenters) plotted as a function of depth below the Earth's surface. The '0' marks the surface where two plates meet.What tectonic feature is illustrated with this diagram?

What is the term for a thick mass of sediments scraped from a downgoing plate and plastere?

The 'Accretionary Prism' (aka Accretionary Wedge) is a thick mass of sediments, which is scraped from a downgoing plate and plastered over the overriding plate. This process occurs

Do natural hazards have seasons?

Some natural hazards have seasons. In other words, they tend to occur more frequently at certain times of the year. Match the following hazard with their seasons (for locations within the United States).
