course hero " how might emergent strategies help with a future strategic planning process?"

by Doug Dietrich IV 9 min read

When is an emergent strategy most useful?

Typically, an emergent strategy is most useful during the early phases of a company’s life, after a product launch, or when the competitive landscape is substantially changing.

Is your strategy emergent or deliberate?

Though an emergent strategy can empower your business to rapidly pivot during uncertain times, committing to an emergent mindset may hinder the success of fully pursuing one initiative. At the same time, committing to a particular deliberate strategy may cause your business to fall behind competition during periods of change.

What is a long-term strategic plan?

History and stability provide them with enough data and experience to plot out a long-term strategy (sometimes called a five- or ten-year strategic plan) and confidence in their ability to project that far out into the future. While useful, deliberate strategy comes with challenges.

What is the difference between success and failure when implementing a strategy?

Typically, the difference between success and failure when implementing a deliberate strategy is how well each person or department executes their tasks. Therefore, the strategy must make sense to everyone within the organization—from individual employees to top-level managers.

How might emergent strategies help with a future strategic planning process?

Benefits of emergent strategyPracticality: Adopting emergent strategies can allow companies to put their resources toward processes that can be more effective than a company's deliberate strategies.Learning: An emergent strategy offers companies a chance to learn from the strategy and its results.More items...•

What is emergent strategy and how is it utilized in a strategic communication plan?

Emergent strategy occurs when a series of actions or behaviors come together as a pattern that wasn't part of a company's original plan. Emergent strategy becomes, then, a response or incorporation into a company's strategic plan based on the unexpected consequences of that pattern of actions or behaviors.

What is planned emergence strategy?

A distinction can be made between "planned strategy" (the intended strategy which is determined by a formal strategic planning process) and "emergent strategy" (the strategy that actually happens as a business responds to changes in its external environment).

In what ways is the development of a strategy an emergent process?

When a deliberate strategy is realized, the result matches the intended course of action. An emergent strategy develops when an organization takes a series of actions that with time turn into a consistent pattern of behavior, regardless of specific intentions.

What is emergent process?

Emergent processes are non-routine business processes whose execution is guided by the knowledge that emerges during a process instance.

What is emergent strategies PDF?

Emergent strategy differs from deliberate strategy in that it focuses on strategic learning and moves away from notions of direction and control (the latter being the focus of deliberate strategy).

What are emergent benefits?

Emergent Benefit Plan means a Benefit Plan sponsored by, maintained by, or contributed to by the Emergent Group.

What companies use emergent strategy?

Emergent strategy business examples are fairly common and, therefore, easy enough to research. Flickr, Nintendo and PayPal all pivoted to an emergent strategy.

What is an emergent strategy quizlet?

STUDY. Emergent. Learning while in operation + develops when there is no specific goal + pattern of action developed over time + unplanned response to unexpected challenge.

What is the purpose of emerge in the business?

Business emergence stresses the importance of the entrepreneurial process as a set of actions or behaviors, where entrepreneurial behaviors (“enactment”) lead to creation (“emergence”) of an organization (where the verb “organize” means “to assemble ongoing interdependent actions into sensible sequences that generate ...

Why is creativity important in business?

Creativity: The ability to create and learn from emergent strategies can help companies use creativity to address new problems with innovative solutions. Improved culture: Emergent strategy in business can result in a more positive workplace culture as a result of increased creativity and flexibility in the business's strategies.

How does emergent strategy differ from deliberate strategy?

Emergent strategy differs from deliberate strategy in business because the pattern of an emergent strategy is by definition unintended. Here are examples of unforeseen circumstances that can prompt emergent strategies:

What is emerging strategy?

Emergent strategy is an action model coined by author Henry Mintzberg that describes a business strategy that develops over time as a business balances its goals with changing circumstances. These strategies emerge after a business carries out a set of actions repeatedly to develop a pattern in its habits.

What happens when you cut patterns from fabric?

An employee at a clothing manufacturing plant notices that the company's standard process for cutting patterns from fabric leads to fabric waste. The employee designs a new way to make three garments out of an amount of fabric that only yielded two garments under the company's process. The employee notifies their manager and other garment employees about the efficiency, and the manufacturing plant adopts the emergent strategy of using less fabric to make more garments.

Why is emergent strategy important?

The emergent strategy allows the business to grow its operations and remain financially stable as a result of a higher consumer demand for safe ways to exercise and socialize during uncertain times.

Why is data important for strategic planning?

The use of data to set goals is both a benefit and a challenge of strategic planning, which doesn't account for changes in a business's operations or performance the way an emergent strategy does . Often, businesses can benefit from a mix of planned and emergent strategies to both meet their goals and adapt to a changing environment because ...

What is Walmart's emergent strategy?

Walmart’s unplanned initiative of building new stores in small communities (its emergent strategy) transitioned into a thoughtful and organized action (its deliberate strategy). As with Walmart, deciding which strategy is ideal for your business will depend on various factors, including its maturity and the competitive environment.

What is emergent strategy?

It’s typically viewed as the product of spontaneous innovation, and often a direct result of the daily prioritization and investment decisions made by individual contributors, such as middle managers, engineers, financial staff, and salespeople. Compared to a deliberate strategy, an emergent strategy is often more flexible.

Why is deliberate strategy important?

Deliberate strategy is a better fit once a company has reached a certain level of maturity and stability, at which point it can shift away from survival toward growth.

Why did Sam Walton open his second Walmart?

After the success of his first store, Walmart founder Sam Walton decided to open his second one in a small, nearby town due to logistical reasons.

What is deliberate strategy?

Deliberate strategy is a better fit once a company has reached a certain level of maturity and stability, at which point it can shift away from survival toward growth. Typically, the difference between success and failure when implementing a deliberate strategy is how well each person or department executes their tasks.

When to use emergent or deliberate strategy?

That being said, emergent and deliberate strategies are often pursued by companies facing certain circumstances.

Why is Christensen's system so successful?

Christensen explains that this is because most successful, established businesses consist of multiple people, teams, and departments working together toward a common goal. In such a system, individual contributors must understand how their work helps achieve shared goals and impacts others.
