what does course credit option mean on sapling learning

by Giovani Cole III 8 min read

How do you check assignment score on sapling?

Select student and view overall score The student's name and assignment score will be displayed at the top. Click the student's name to select another student from a drop-down or search for a student. You can also click the arrows to the left or right of the student's name to go to the next/previous student.

How much is Sapling Learning?

$30 1General Chemistry uses Sapling learning for homework. The cost is $30 1. Go to http://saplinglearning.com and click on "US Higher Ed" at the top right.

What is sapling plus?

SaplingPlus combines Macmillan's StatTools, powerful multimedia resources, and text-specific exercises with the powerful targeted feedback of Sapling Learning, where every problem is a teaching and learning opportunity.

What comes after a sapling?

The lifecycle of a tree is no different. It has various stages of life: conception (seed), birth (sprout), infancy (seedling), juvenile (sapling), adult (mature), elderly (decline), and finally death (snag or rotting log).

Edit an individual item

To edit something on your course home page, first navigate to the item you wish to edit. Click the three dots to the far right of the item. This opens the edit menu. You can use this method to edit individual items or topic blocks.

Bulk edit multiple items

You can edit multiple items at once using the checkboxes to the left of items in your course. Depending on how many and which types of items you select, you may not see as many editing options as you would using the three dots menu.

Switch your role to student

Click the Switch role to... drop-down in the upper right-hand corner and select Student. For more information on viewing your course page as a student, please see the help article Student view for instructors.


If you have credit with Sapling, complete this form to use your credit in Achieve.

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