course hero anthropology inequality is most pronounced in which type of society:

by Kelton Robel 5 min read

What is the sociology of social inequality?

The Sociology of Social Inequality. Social inequality results from a society organized by hierarchies of class, race, and gender that broker access to resources and rights in ways that make their distribution unequal.

What is social inequality and stratification?

Social inequality goes hand in hand with social stratification . Social inequality is characterized by the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society.

Why does inequality exist according to Weber?

According to the functional theory of society, inequality exists because some social roles are more important than others. According to Weber, the basis for the formation of social classes is occupation.

What is an example of social inequality?

Discrimination of an individual, community, and institutional levels is a major part of the process of reproducing social inequalities of race, class, gender, and sexuality. For example, women are systematically paid less than men for doing the same work. 2  There are two main views of social inequality within sociology.

What is social inequality in anthropology?

Answer and Explanation: In anthropology, social inequality refers to power and access imbalances that disadvantage one group or a group of individuals based on their membership in a particular group in society. That group could be defined as an ethnic group, sex, gender, religious group, or even age.

What is inequality in anthropology perspective?

The fact that in a given society some evaluations predominate and prevail over others indicates that there are inequalities of power among individuals and groups. Inequalities of power are a general if not universal feature of human societies, and they have many different sources.

What is culture which of the anthropological subfields are interested in culture?

One of these subfields is cultural anthropology, which is the study of the commonalities and differences of both past and present cultures. As its name implies, it is interested in culture, the set of learned behaviors and ideas that are characteristic of a particular society or population.

What are the inequalities in society?

There are five systems or types of social inequality: wealth inequality, treatment and responsibility inequality, political inequality, life inequality, and membership inequality. Political inequality is the difference brought about by the ability to access governmental resources which therefore have no civic equality.

What are social inequalities?

Social inequality refers to differential access to and use of resources across various domains (e.g., health, education, occupations) that result in disparities across gender, race/ethnicity, class, and other important social markers.

How do cultural anthropologists study society and culture?

Some Anthropologists study living cultures. This is called ethnographic fieldwork. In this kind of research, Anthropologists study a culture by going to the place where the culture is located, and living with the people of that culture. The Anthropologist collects information about the people's way of life.

What is anthropology in sociology?

Anthropology is the study of humans and their behaviour at a more individualistic level. In turn, sociology studies the ways in which groups of humans interact with each other and how their behaviour is influenced by social structures, categories (religion, gender) and institutions.

How is culture defined in anthropology?

Most anthropologists would define culture as the shared set of (implicit and explicit) values, ideas, concepts, and rules of behaviour that allow a social group to function and perpetuate itself.

How is social inequality studied?

Sociologically, social inequality can be studied as a social problem that encompasses three dimensions: structural conditions, ideological supports, and social reforms. Structural conditions include things that can be objectively measured and that contribute to social inequality. Sociologists study how things like educational ...

What is social inequality?

Social inequality is characterized by the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society. It contains structured and recurrent patterns of unequal distributions of goods, wealth, opportunities, rewards, and punishments. Racism, for example, is understood to be a phenomenon whereby ...

What is the difference between social inequality and conflict theory?

Conflict theorists, on the other hand, view inequality as resulting from groups with power dominating less powerful groups.

What is inequality of opportunities?

Inequality of opportunities. Inequality of conditions refers to the unequal distribution of income, wealth, and material goods. Housing, for example, is inequality of conditions with the homeless and those living in housing projects sitting at the bottom of the hierarchy while those living in multi-million dollar mansions sit at the top.

What do sociologists study?

Sociologists study how things like educational attainment, wealth, poverty, occupations, and power lead to social inequality between individuals and groups of people. Ideological supports include ideas and assumptions that support the social inequality present in a society. Sociologists examine how things such as formal laws, public policies, ...

What are the two main theories of social inequality?

2 Main Theories. There are two main views of social inequality within sociology. One view aligns with the functionalist theory, and the other aligns with conflict theory . Functionalist theorists believe that inequality is inevitable and desirable and plays an important function in society. Important positions in society require more training ...

How do people of color experience racism?

In the context of the United States, people of color typically experience racism, which benefits white people by conferring on them white privilege, which allows them greater access to rights and resources than other Americans. There are two main ways to measure social inequality: Inequality of conditions. Inequality of opportunities.

What does it mean to have a high level of inequality?

A high level of economic inequality means a higher level of poverty. Poverty is associated with increased crime and poor public health, which places burdens on the economy. In the face of increasing food prices and lower incomes, support for pro-growth government policies declines. [26] .

What is economic inequality?

By: Nicholas Birdsong. “Economic inequality” generally refers to the disparity of wealth or income between different groups or within a society. Often characterized by the aphorism “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer,” the phrase often refers more specifically to the gap in income or assets between the poorest and richest segments ...

What are the consequences of the rich-poor divide?

The purported consequences of the rich-poor divide are exceedingly diverse. Some economists conclude inequality is beneficial overall for stimulating growth, improves the quality of life for all members of a society, or is merely a necessary part of social progress.

How does wealth concentration affect inequality?

The concentration of wealth thus results in increasing division between the poor or middle-classes and the wealthy investment class. Inequality Increases Fairness. Some argue a society with pronounced economic inequality is fairer than a society with a generally equal wealth distribution.

What happens when the gap between income levels is small?

On the other hand, when the gap between income levels is small, those in lower income groups have less of an incentive to move up in income.

What are the consequences of a substantial poor population?

The result of a substantial poor population, a defining feature of economic inequality, is a less effective lower-income work force, higher disease and mortality rates, higher health care costs, and progressively deepening poverty for afflicted groups.

How does the rich-poor gap affect economic growth?

A widening rich-poor gap tends to increase the rate of rent-seeking and predatory market behaviors that hinder economic growth. [29] According to one theory, growth is suppressed in economically unequal societies, after a phase of increased growth, by the decreasing availability of investments for human capital.

Which factor has the greatest influence on the likelihood of an individual experiencing upward mobility?

When someone experiences upward mobility as a result of changes in the opportunity structure, this is an example of. structural mobility.

What are the three forms of social capital?

According to Bourdieu, there are three forms of social capital which are key to understanding the dynamics of class inequality are: economic, cultural, and social. Marxist theory states that class membership is determined by one's relationship to the means of production. True. According to Marx, the proletariat is the class that owns the means ...

What is social stratification?

Although many Americans interpret social inequality as a product of individual differences, sociology examines how structural factors influence the unequal distribution of social resources. Social stratification is found only in modern societies, such as in the United States.

What is the meaning of gender in politics?

Gender. In the United States the extent and forms of an individual's political participation are influenced by that person's position in the class system. True. Groups whose members are able to exercise authority, influence, and control of resources within society's important institutions are termed.

What is the context of capitalist system?

Within the context of a capitalist system, fairness and equity in the way societal resources are distributed is maximized by government. Regulation. Racism is essentially the belief that racial divisions between ethnic groups are not social constructs and that innate behavioral differences exist among groups. True.