course hero a nurse is caring for a client who is dying and unable to make decisions for himself

by Ronaldo Lakin DVM 5 min read

What has the nurse noted about a dying client's behavior?

The nurse has noted that a dying client is increasingly withdrawn and is often teary at various times during the day. The nurse recognizes that the client may be experiencing which of Kübler-Ross's stages of grief?

How should the care of the dying client be guided by?

b) The care of the dying client should be guided by the values and preferences of the nurse. c) The characteristics of a good death vary for each client. d) Care for dying clients should focus on pharmacologic relief of pain.

What should the nurse do when caring for a terminally ill client?

The nurse is caring for a terminally ill client who is experiencing delirium. When caring for this client, the nurse should take which action? 1. Provide a dark room.

What does the hospice nurse say to the dying client?

The hospice nurse visits a client who is dying of ovarian cancer. During the visit, the client says, "If I can just live long enough to celebrate my daughter's 'sweet 16' birthday party, I'll be ready to die."

What is a nurse in hospice?

A nurse is caring for a client who has stage 4 ovarian cancer and has decided to stop treatment and enter hospice care. Advocacy. A charge nurse on a pediatric unit is delegating tasks to an assistive personnel who is pregnant and reports that she is unsure of her immune status.

What is ambulating a client who has an IV with an infusion pump?

A nurse is ambulating a client who has an IV with an infusion pump. Turn the pump off. A nurse is discussing with a newly licensed nurse about how to obtain informed consent from a client who is to undergo an epidural procedure. autonomy.

What is a group of providers participating in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation effort for a client who

A group of providers are participating in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation effort for a client who is in cardiac arrest. Autocratic. A nurse is caring for a client who is in the bathroom. The nurse hears a loud thud and after opening the bathroom door, finds the client on the floor. Determine level of consciousness.

What is home health nurse?

A home health nurse is caring for a client who asks what is included in a living will. It allows the client to express personal wishes regarding health care decisions. A nurse is caring for a child who has sustained extensive head injuries. The provider has diagnosed brain death.

What is a nurse proxy?

A nurse is completing an incident report after administering an incorrect dose of medication to a client, even though the client experienced no ill effects from the error. Identifies situations that contribute to the occurrence of medications errors.

What is a nurse manager?

A nurse is caring for four clients who are scheduled for diagnostic tests. cerebral arteriogram. A nurse manager believes that a nurse is taking breaks that are too frequent and lengthy. I understand you are allowed to take scheduled breaks during each shift, but you are taking more that the number allocated.

What is a nurse on a medical surgical unit?

A nurse on a medical surgical unit is caring for a group of clients. For which of the following situations should the nurse complete a variance report. The discovery that a preoperative client has received and eaten breakfast. A nurse is making a client's bed and finds a capsule of medication in the sheets.

What does a nurse manager call a meeting of the unit's staff members?

A nurse manager calls a meeting of the unit's staff members to discuss cost-containment issues. The nurse manager has asked for staff input regarding strategies that might help reduce costs. Which of the following types of leadership is the nurse manager using?

What does a nurse manager mandate?

Based on recommendation following a regulatory agency visit, the nurse manager mandates a policy change. One of the staff nurses on the unit is resistant to the change, and the nurse manager notes that the nurse does not deliver care according to the new policy.

What is a nurse ambulating?

A nurse is ambulating a client who has an IV with an infusion pump. Upon returning to the client's room and plugging the infusion pump in, the client reports a slight tingling in his hand. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A nurse is caring for a child who has sustained extensive head injuries.

What is paternalism in nursing?

paternalism. A nurse is caring for a client who is a local public official. A local newspaper reporter repeatedly phones the unit seeking info and states, "it is the public's right to know that health status of elected officials.".

What is a home health nurse?

A home health nurse is caring for a client who asks what is included in a living will.

What should a nurse do when a client is abandoned?

The nurse should encourage expression of feelings, concerns, and fears and reminiscing. The nurse needs to be honest and let the client and family know that they will not be abandoned. The nurse should touch and hold the client's or family member's hand, if appropriate. Click again to see term 👆.

What does a nurse need to do?

The nurse needs to allow the family and client the opportunity for informed choices and assist with the decision-making process if asked. The nurse should encourage expression of feelings, concerns, and fears and reminiscing. The nurse needs to be honest and let the client and family know that they will not be abandoned.

What is the role of a nurse in a family?

1. The nurse encourages the client and family to identify and discuss feelings openly. 2. The nurse assists the client and family in carrying out spiritually meaningful practices. 3. The nurse makes decisions for the client and family to relieve them of unnecessary demands.

What is end of life care?

4. 1. When caring for a client who adheres to Judaism, end-of-life care includes recognizing that prolongation of life is important (a client on life support must remain so until death). A dying client should not be left alone (a rabbi's presence is desired), and autopsy and cremation are forbidden.

What is the correct option for a nurse?

The correct option describes the nurse removing autonomy and decision-making from the client and family, who are already experiencing feelings of loss of control in that they cannot change the process of dying. This is an ineffective intervention, which could impair communication further.

What is the most common distress symptom near the end of life?

Anxiety is the most common distress symptom near the end of life. Anxiety is an uneasy feeling whose cause is not easily identified. Pain, depression, and withdrawal may occur but are not the most common distress symptom. The nurse is caring for a terminally ill client who is experiencing delirium.

What are the physical signs of death?

Physical signs of approaching death include decreased appetite/thirst, decreased blood pressure, loss of consciousness, loss of bowel and bladder control, and decreased tactile sensation. The nurse is caring for a client who is terminally ill.