chapter 7: when other firms don’t respond in course hero documents

by Winfield Schmeler 10 min read

What happens if a company fails to commence an action?

B) If the company failed to commence an action through its authorized agents (e.g., its directors), no action could be taken, because a corporation is merely a legal concept and must act through its authorized agents.

What is wrong with Course Hero?

It’s a really bad case of copyright infringement and by the looks of it, most of the stuff on Course Hero is just stolen from university professors. You can’t just take stuff that a professor creates and upload it and then charge people access for it.

Can Andrea bring an action on behalf of the company?

C) Andrea would be able to bring an action on behalf of the company if one of the directors breached his or her fiduciary duty to the corporation and the other directors refused to do anything about it. D) As a major shareholder, Andrea would be elected as a director every year even without such a provision in the shareholders' agreement.

Is Course Hero a scam or legit?

It's a scamming website. When I was in course hero firstly I loved it I get paid. But later they Find reasons to reject me. I have a high course hero rating. All the students are happy and they were thankful for my answers. Most of them are giving me a "Helpful rate" with good reviews. They keep telling me that "I will ask you for my assignments".

Course Hero - Remove or delete the uploaded file

Full Legal Name: Alfred Paghubasan Country: Philippines Email Address: [protected] Reported content 1. URL: Title: MODULE 5- PAGHUABASAN,A.docx - Name:Alfred T. Paghubasan Type of content: Homework 2. URL...

Course Hero - Delete uploaded documents

Hi, I uploaded documents this year, 2022 and 2021, without much of a thought and most documents I have uploaded haven't been proof read in which I just clicked and clicked without checking each document. I want to delete all my uploaded documents to further stop misinformation and to avoid copyright infringement cases. Please help me.

Course Hero - copyrights of the file I uploaded

On February 15, I filed a complaint and a take-down request to the files that were uploaded in Course Hero without the permission of the owner. DMCA Agent disabled the contents I requested. However, the contents of the file are still tracked to Course Hero. Turnitin report indicates that 6% of the Contents is still from Coursera.

Course Hero - A document containing sensitive information

Link: Title: CV_Assignment_ [protected] 1 (2).docx I uploaded this CV of mine with my study materials accidentally. This contains a lot of my personal information.

Course Hero - Remove uploaded documents

I have uploaded notes from my university which have been asked to remove immediately by the lecturer. All the notes I got from my university actually i need to ask for consent from the owner since it is made for only university students.

Course Hero - please delete all the uploaded files of MateTreeRaccoon6

I have accidentally uploaded the files of my assessment in course hero. My teacher asked me to remove it before it gets to the top level management of the university. I did not know that there is no delete button on the site. I thought once I upload it to unlock certain document I can remove it or change its setting.

Course Hero - Course Hero - need to delete all uploaded documents asap

Good day! i accidentally uploaded documents from my university a year ago which has been asked to remove it immediately by the lecturer. i really need to remove all uploaded documents in my account as soon as possible before there are action from the top level management of the university.

Unlocking Content

How do I view a study document, Textbook Solution and Explanation, or Q&A in its entirety?

About My Courses

How do I add a course to my dashboard? Why would I want to add a course?

Fast answer

fast answer, I advise to always check the answers because sometimes not all answers are correct

Course hero will charge you for giving you nothing

I have tried three different topic with different assignments, but the only thing you can find are "just the questions with no answers" or "unrelated nonsense answers". And my 60$ three month membership went down the drain. They are fake and only fraud! Do not buy the membership!

Materials Stealing Scam

Would rate zero if I could. uploaded a bunch of documents, got accepted, but still not able to unlock 1 document although it is way over the requirements. Then I asked for those documents to be taken down because I no longer wants to use their website, they refused and still kept my work.


Should have looked at how bad the review was before paying for it. Took a month subscription because i thought the textbook solutions would be useful, turns out the answers sucks. I unlocked 2 documents with the exact same answers (super vague, not even answering the right question). The answers were all over the place.


This company told me to close my Paypal dispute account. Then they closed my account on their site, now they don't want to refund me money. This company is a legit scam, they charge for no services ever render (awful content).

Theft is what they call taking money without consent

Theft! That's what the legal term is. My wife cancelled her account Sept 2019. She received email confirmation from them in Sept 2019. Then they proceeded to take out annual subscriptions from our credit card in Dec 2019 and Dec 2020 which we didn't notice.

This is a terrible company

This is a terrible company. I cancelled my premier service 2 years ago which they confirmed but they have continued to charge me via for 2 years and now are refusing to refund the money. Fraudulent thieving company
