what is the nasm 180 days course extension?

by Spencer Orn 3 min read

Can you get an extension on NASM?

Please contact Member Services at 1-800-460-6276 option 3 to confirm expiration and/or extension options. Please note: Extension fees may apply.

How much does it cost to extend a NASM course?

The recertification fee for the NASM-CPT credential is $99. The late recertification fees are: $30 for applications received up to 90-days post-expiration and $50 for applications received after their grace period and before one year after credential expiration. The Recertify for Life program is one-time fee of $329.

Does my NASM course expire?

The NASM-CPT certification must be recertified every two (2) years in order to support our commitment to protect health and safety.

What happens if my NASM expires?

Your NASM-CPT certification must be renewed every two years. You will be required to earn 2.0 Continuing Education Units, which includes 0.1 CEUs from the mandatory CPR/AED Certification.

At what rate does NASM award Continuing Education Units?

NASM Certified Wellness Coach Earn 1.9 Continuing Education Units every two years.

Does NASM report to credit bureaus?

Nonpayment will jeopardize your access to Company products and services, your certification status and your ability to recertify. We reserve the right to report nonpayment or late payments to credit reporting bureaus.

How fast can you finish NASM?

The standard NASM certification program is a 10-week online course. Candidates can also participate in a hands-on, live workshop component in addition to the online course. Start to finish, participants can expect to invest in approximately 10-12 weeks to complete the online modules and prepare for the exam.

Do NASM CEUs carry over?

A No. CEUs cannot be carried over during your certification period. During each two year period you will only be required to complete 2.0 CEUs.Mar 2, 2015

Is Issa or NASM better?

While NASM has among the fewest test questions in the industry, ISSA offers unlimited time. So if you're a test-taker who needs a bit of extra time to think, or has a tendency to cave under the pressure of being timed, ISSA may be the better choice for you.

Is NASM nutrition accredited?

The NASM Nutrition Certification is a non-accredited certification. To maintain the certification, you must retake the online certification exam every 2 years.