ccp what microbiology course for nursing

by Constance Stroman 4 min read

What are the admission requirements for the 2021-2022 nursing program?

Sep 20, 2017 · Course Type; Biology 241 - Microbiology: 4 credits: Prerequisites: BIOL 106, BIOL 107, BIOL 109 or BIOL 123 (any with a grade of "C" or better) Major Course: CIS 103 - Computer Applications & Concepts 3 credits Technology Competency: NURS 231 - Nursing III: 7 credits Major Course: SOC 101 - Intro to Sociology: 3 credits Cultural Analysis & Interpretation

How do I apply to the nursing program at Community College?

Sep 11, 2017 · STS 101 (there is only one course) may be substituted for BIOL 106 and CHEM 110. Applicants must be 18 years of age on or before the first day of the semester in which they begin the Nursing designated courses. Admission Process: Access program information via website and download application Submit application by January 31

What are the dates of the 2021 nursing courses?

Jun 27, 2017 · BIOL 241 - Principles of Microbiology. 3-2-4. Credit Hours: 4. Bacteria and viruses are studied. An emphasis is placed on the identification, metabolism, physiology and genetics of bacteria and viruses in lecture and laboratory experiences. Clinical aspects of selected microbes are discussed. Course fee: $175.

Which biology courses require Engl 101 placement?

Apr 02, 2012 · The nursing process provides a framework to help the learner think critically, assess factors that influence safe and effective care delivery, and integrate theory with care of clients and families. Offered fall semester only. Additional course fee: $345. General Education Fulfillment: Oral Communication/Creative Expression.

What is a CCP nurse?

Certified Compliance Professional (CCP) is a certification process for healthcare compliance professionals that is offered by the Health Ethics Trust. The Trust began the process of establishing a professional healthcare compliance certification shortly after the Trust's inception in 1995.

How many credits is PCC nursing program?

Nursing AAS Degree. Minimum 90 credits. Additionally, students must complete the 45 prerequisite credits prior to entry in program. Students must also meet Associate Degree Comprehensive Requirements and Associate of Applied Science Requirements.

What is needed for nursing?

Required Qualification/s A four-year bachelor degree in nursing. A three-year diploma. A one-year higher certificate in auxiliary nursing. One-year postgraduate advanced diploma in nursing and midwifery on top of your degree or diploma.Feb 6, 2019

Does nursing major require organic chemistry?

It is not necessary to have organic, inorganic and biochem although it is recommended by the CSU for nursing students. Chemistry can be completed with or without lab.Aug 9, 2021

Does PCC have a good nursing program?

Over 95% of Portland Community College nursing graduates passed the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses in each of the three most recent years. See our student achievement data [pdf] for details.

How do I become a nurse in Oregon?

How to Become a Registered Nurse (RN) in OregonEarn a Degree from an Accredited Program. Whether you earn an associate's degree, a bachelor's degree or a nursing diploma, this is your first step. ... Pass the NCLEX-RN Exam. ... Obtain an Oregon Nursing License. ... Obtain Employment. ... Pursue Additional Training.

Which course is best for nursing?

Undoubtedly, if a person wants to make a magnificent career in the sphere of the healthcare industry, then Nursing course is better than General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM). In the matter of career growth, higher studies, and salary the value of Nursing is more than General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) course.

Which subject is best for nursing?

To get onto a nursing degree, you generally need an A level, Advanced Higher or equivalent qualification in at least one science from biology, chemistry, physics, applied science, health and social care, psychology, sociology or physical education, plus two other subjects.

How many years is a nursing course?

four-yearNature of the Field of Study BSN is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses. Professional courses, with emphasis on the nursing concepts with corresponding Related Learning Experiences (RLE), are threaded through from the first year through fourth year.

What type of chemistry is used in nursing?

Nurses use organic chemistry on the job to understand the science behind the many processes that happen in the human body. Nurses use organic chemistry to understand the processes that take place at the cellular level.

Is nursing a pre med course?

Nursing as a premed is not only a good choice but an ideal choice for most aspiring doctors. As both in nursing and medicine, on top of classes nurses have to go through rigorous training and internships just to pass.May 18, 2018

Can I do nursing without chemistry?

Chemistry isn't necessary for nursing. Generally, universities have strict requirements about GCSE English and Maths but not about sciences.

What is the nursing curriculum?

The Nursing curriculum prepares students for beginning staff nurse positions in acute, long-term care and community-based facilities. Staff nurses plan, provide and evaluate nursing care for individual health maintenance or health promotion needs. Upon successful completion of the curriculum, students receive an Associate in Applied Science ...

What is clinical experience in nursing?

Clinical experience in the Nursing program includes contact with children and older adults. This experience could be in hospitals, schools or other community agencies. In order to participate in these experiences, students must obtain a criminal record check and child abuse history clearance prior to entrance into the Nursing program. This Nursing program requirement is mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania per 24 P.S. 1-111 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code and 23 Pennsylvania C.S.A. 6355 of the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law. Any official change or the initiation of any governmental proceeding affecting the information revealed by the required criminal or child abuse background check must be reported immediately to the head of the Nursing program.

What is the law regarding nursing?

The Professional Nursing law permits the Nursing Board to consider the "moral character of any nursing candidate.". The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing makes the final determination concerning an applicant's eligibility for R.N. licensure.

What grade do you need to be in nursing?

Progression: To remain in the Nursing curriculum, students must maintain a grade of C or better in all nursing and required pre- and corequisite courses. During all clinical laboratory experiences, students must maintain client safety.

How many hours do you have to walk to be a nurse?

During College nursing skills laboratory and clinical agency experiences, physical activity is required. Standing and walking are required during the entire workday (6 to 12 hours).

How long does it take to get a decision reconsidered?

This request must be made in writing within 10 days from the date of the letter notifying the applicant of the decision.

What is the minimum GPA required for a science degree?

GPA of 2.75 or higher. *Science courses must be less than 10 years old. For applicants holding a high school diploma, the 10-year requirement is calculated from the date of graduation. For all other applicants, the date is calculated from the semester and year the course was successfully completed.

What is the introduction to nursing?

Introduction to the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with nursing practice. Concepts of physiological integrity; psychosocial integrity; a safe, effective care environment; and health promotion/maintenance are examined.

What is nursing care?

Nursing care for clients/families experiencing common health alterations across the lifespan in a variety of settings continues to be examined in depth. Students synthesize and integrate knowledge, skills and abilities to evaluate and modify a plan of care; to independently plan, implement, and evaluate the delivery of safe and effective care; to facilitate physiological and psychosocial function; to assist client/family coping; to maximize self-care; and to promote optimal functioning. Concepts of management are further developed through collaboration with members of the health care team. Offered spring semester only.

What is the purpose of a nursing student?

Students synthesize and integrate knowledge, skills and abilities associated with nursing practice to develop a plan of care for clients/ families to assure the delivery of safe and effective care, to facilitate physiological and psychosocial integrity, and to promote health.

What is the nursing curriculum?

The Nursing curriculum prepares graduates for staff nurse positions in acute, long-term care and community-based care settings. Staff nurses plan, provide and evaluate nursing care for individual health maintenance or health promotion needs. Those who completed the program had a 95.65% licensure pass rate in 2019 and a 91.76% licensure pass rate in 2018.

What courses are required for nursing?

In addition to nursing courses, students must show evidence of completion of all other program courses. Biology 109, Biology 110, Biology 241 and Diet 111 must be completed or in progress at time of application.

What is the minimum GPA for a college?

The minimum acceptable GPA for consideration is 2.75. Admission is competitive, so the higher your GPA, the better. Aim to get “A” and “B” grades in all courses. You must have no grades of “D” or “F” and no withdrawals on your academic record in the past two years.

What is the minimum GPA required for a college application?

As part of the application, students must (1) meet a minimum GPA requirement of 2.75, (2) have no grades of “D” or “F” and no withdrawals on your academic record in the past two years (admission points will be deducted for withdrawals and grades of “D” or “F,” (3) successfully complete prerequisite courses. ” Meeting the minimum GPA requirement ...

What is the minimum score for nursing?

The Nursing program requires a composite score of 70. Reading, Writing and Math sections make up the composite score, however, science can be a deciding factor when applications go to the program directors. You must complete all portions of the Kaplan exam, including the tutorial questions.

How many months are there in post baccalaureate nursing?

Post Baccalaureate Accelerated. Students are admitted once a year in May. This option offers the four Nursing courses over 14 months : summer, fall, spring and summer. This option is limited to only those students who have a bachelor’s degree or higher in a non-nursing major and have met additional prerequisites.

How many hours of class for seminar?

Seminar (1hr) Skills lab (2 hrs.) Clinical learning experience (12-16 hours either two 6 hour days or two 8 hour days) 2 hours of homework & studying for every 1 hour in class. In addition, you should be prepared for more than 36 hours of work (2 hours of homework and studying per 1 hour in class).

What is microbiology?

An examination of the fundamental principles of microscopic organisms. Microorganisms are examined with regard to cell structure, growth, heredity, diversity, and epidemiology. The basic concepts of pathogenicity, immunology, human disease, and genetic engineering are presented.

How often are quizzes administered?

Beginning in Module/Week 1, quizzes will be administered every other module/week. Quizzes will cover the material between exams and will predominantly contain multiple-choice questions. The student must be certain that he/she can accurately answer appropriate in-class and textbook questions before attempting these quizzes. The student will have 45 minutes to finish each quiz.

How is attendance measured in college?

Department of Education policies, attendance is measured by physical class attendance or any submission of a required assignment within the enrollment dates of the course (such as examinations, written papers or projects, any discussion board posts, etc.) or initiating any communication with one’s professor regarding an academic subject. More information regarding the attendance policy can be found in the Academic Course Catalogs. Regular attendance in online courses is expected throughout the length of the term. Students who do not attend within the first week of a sub-term by submitting a required academic assignment (such as the Course Requirements Checklist, an examination, written paper or project, discussion board post, or other academic activity) will be dropped from the course. Students who wish to re-engage in the course are encouraged to contact Academic Advising to discuss their enrollment options. Students who begin an online course, but at some point in the semester cease attending, and do not provide official notification to withdraw, will be assigned a grade of “FN” ( Failure for Non-Attendance ). Students wishing to withdraw from courses after the official start date should familiarize themselves with the withdrawal policy.

Is Liberty University a Christian school?

These principles irrevocably align Liberty University’s operational procedures with the long tradition of university culture, which remains distinctively Christian, designed to preserve and advance truth. Our desire is to create a safe, comfortable environment within our community of learning, and we extend our academic and spiritual resources to all of our students with the goal of fostering academic maturity, spiritual growth and character development.

What is CCP in nursing?

Community College of Philadelphia (CCP) Department of Nursing offers ACEN accredited Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AAS) degree programs as well as the Advanced Placement Option for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) and Medics/Corpsmen.

What is the CCP program?

The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accredited the CCP Nursing program. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education accredited the Community College of Philadelphia (CCP). The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing approved the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AAS) program.

What is advanced placement in nursing?

The Advanced Placement Option is designed for Licensed Practical Nurses ( LPN ), Medics/Corpsmen, and candidates that hold at least one year of previous successful nursing school experience in the U.S. through Credit by Prior Learning Assessment for Nursing 101. All admission requirements must be completed to be considered for the program. This includes successful completion of Health B9026, the noncredit transition course, before advanced placement is granted. Students who meet these criteria are admitted on a space-available basis.

What is CCP in Pennsylvania?

Community College of Philadelphia (CCP) was founded in 1964 and is the largest public institution of higher education in the Philadelphia region. Community College of Philadelphia is also the sixth largest public institution in Pennsylvania.

Is Community College of Philadelphia a center of excellence?

Community College of Philadelphia's Nursing program is one of 15 in the country to be chosen as a Center of Excellence by the National League for Nursing. The nursing program is recognized for "Enhancing the Professional Development of Students". This is the College's fourth consecutive designation as a Center of Excellence.

What is the purpose of the second course in the General Biology series?

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the diversity of plant and animal life, and animal behavior. This is the second of two courses in the General Biology series. These courses are designed for the non-biology major.

What is the prerequisite for BIOL 109?

BIOL 109 is designed for students who have had high school biology and chemistry within 10 years or who have passed BIOL 106. BIOL 109 with a "C" or better is a prerequisite for BIOL 110. Additional course fee: (BIOL 109 and BIOL 110): $175. General Education Fulfillment: Scientific Reasoning.

What is pathophysiology I?

Pathophysiology I offers an overview of abnormal physiological processes leading to human disease. Particular emphasis is placed on the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic findings, and clinical manifestations of specified illnesses. Also included are general overviews of risk factors, disease incidences and therapeutic managements as they apply to each pathophysiological condition discussed.

What is the introduction to life science?

Introduction to Life Sciences is a first-year experience course designed to assist students interested in any career related to biological/life sciences in the development of the behaviors and strategies required for college-level academic inquiry and college success. The course introduces the scientific method, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and data interpretation as well as effective communication and academic integrity. Students must demonstrate classroom behaviors associated with success (attendance, punctuality, participation) and develop college preparedness skills (such as time management, reading and note taking for comprehension, study methods, and test taking strategies). Students in the Biological Sciences AA program will be required to enroll in BIOL 100 within the first 18 credits.

How much does it cost to study bacteria?

Clinical aspects of selected microbes are discussed. Course fee: $175.

How much does the enzyme mechanics course cost?

The course is designed for students interested in pursuing further study in a science, medical or pharmacology field. Course fee: $175. Prerequisite:

What is the purpose of the biology class?

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the general concepts of biology, including the chemical and cellular organization of living things, metabolism, cell division, traditional and molecular genetics, evolution and ecology.
