Course management in Blackboard Learn includes these responsibilities: Creating and editing courses. Setting default course properties to use as a basis for new courses. Enrolling and removing users from courses. Creating the course catalog. Managing course files. Backing up, archiving, and restoring courses. This section outlines and describes ...
The course view of the calendar displays due dates, the course schedule, office hours, and course-specific meetings and events. When you create content with a due date, it appears automatically in the calendar. ... You can share your Blackboard Learn calendar with external services so course events appear with other events. You can't share ...
Adding your Syllabus. To upload your syllabus, add a course content link to the main course menu named “Course Syllabus/Information.”. Click on the link to enter the page and then click “Build Content” in the upper left hand corner of the page. Choose “Item” from the drop down menu and upload your syllabus. You may want to add a ...
• Provide an overview of your course for students. You should include your syllabus here, as well as the following: a short instructor bio, contact information, communication protocol, required textbooks and technology, course schedule, grading policies, exam schedule, and relevant links to institutional supports and policies.
Attendance reporting is only available in sessions with an end date and time. You can't track attendance in your course room. Create or edit a session and select the Share attendance information with LMS check box to turn attendance reporting on. Optionally, change the late, absent, and time is session thresholds.
Collaborate sessions open in a new window or tab depending on your browser settings. Go to the course tab or window, if you want to view the course content during a session.
Event details include the name, date, and time of a session. Decide if the session is open ended or recurring. Make the name something meaningful for your attendees so they know what the session is for.
You are not able to use the link to join session again or share your link with another user. Session links expire after 5 minutes.
Two examples are: Supervised sessions: When the course room is unlocked anyone can join the session at any time. Instructors don't have to be present for students to join the session. If you don't want students to join a session unsupervised, lock the course room and create scheduled sessions.
The course folder may be used as a sandbox for each course's instructors, teaching assistants, and course builders to create and share documentation amongst themselves. Additional permissions do not have to be applied because these roles already have default Full permission for their courses.
To enable this, administrators can create a course ID or organization ID for a non-existent course , for example 'BotanyLevel1', and then enroll all users who will interact with content for ...
You can share your Blackboard Learn calendar with external services so course events appear with other events. You can't share calendars for individual courses.
To add events to your personal calendar, select Calendar from the left list where your name appears. Select the plus sign and add an event title, date, time, and location. Select the title of an event you added to change its details. You can move and delete events in your calendar. Drag and drop personal events to change times or delete personal ...
Select Calendar in the menu where your name appears first. Select the Calendar Settings icon. Open the menu next to Calendar Settings heading. Select Share Calendar. In the window, copy the calendar link. Share the URL only with trusted sources.
To add your information, click the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner of the course menu and click “Tool Link.” Then, click on “Contacts” in the pop up window and name your link (something like “Instructor Information”). Enter the page by clicking on the link’s name in the course menu and then click “Create Contact” to add your information. There is a guide available that explains how to resize your profile picture and add an avatar.
Announcements allow you to provide general information to your students, give updates. and create reminders. You have the option to display announcements after or until a particular date and to email a copy of the announcement to all course users.
To add a link to the course menu, click on the plus sign in the upper left-hand corner of the course menu and add the type of link you’d like to add to your course menu. The most basic type of page you will use the most often is a “Content Area.”.
To upload your syllabus, add a course content link to the main course menu named “Course Syllabus/Information.” Click on the link to enter the page and then click “Build Content” in the upper left hand corner of the page. Choose “Item” from the drop down menu and upload your syllabus. You may want to add a separate item to this page that displays just the course schedule by adding an item and then cutting and pasting the schedule into the text editor.
Every course must have a few essential elements: an announcement, instructor information, a syllabus/ course schedule, course content organized into weekly units, and a grade center. Each of these elements should be accessible from the main course menu that appears to the left of your course page.
According to the University of Lethbridge’s Teaching Center, a course outline is a document that benefits students and instructors as it is essential when designing any course. Also known as a syllabus, a course outline serves as a planning tool. As the syllabus is written, it also guides the instructor’s development of ...
Finally, a syllabus also works as a reference for colleagues, administrators, and accreditation agencies.
The assessment overview is a grading guide that allows students to see what weightings can apply to the different assessment elements of a course. An example of an assessment overview is below.
Provide specific information about required readings, including title, author (s), edition number and availability (from where they can be purchased or borrowed). It is helpful to the students to indicate how each reading relates to a particular topic in the course. You may also like outline an essay.
If students need to provide evidence of learning by completing a multiple choice exam, then the activities in the schedule should prepare them for this assessment. Lectures, readings, small group and whole group discussions can all be activities that help the student meet their learning objectives.
It is imperative to define these course professional goals, as they will help you determine what you expect from your students, and what your students can expect from the course. In some cases, it helps if you indicate what careers can they be pursuing to provide motivation for them to do better in their academics. 3.
A good course outline allows students to assess the course for fit with their learning needs, clearly understand what is expected of them and how they will benefit from the instruction.
A course description is an important part of the course outline. The course description needs to reflect exactly what will be covered in the course and how learning will be assessed by assignments and/or tests.
If the course is at an advanced level, it may be wise to request a prerequisite (a course that must be completed prior) or a co-requisite (a course that is taken concurrently). This ensures that students have a foundation level knowledge of the topic before completing the more advanced course.
Learning Outcomes. The learning outcomes are the goals of the course i.e. what the course is meant to teach students. Often it is the learning outcomes that help a student determine if the course will meet their needs. It is important to use language that does not make false promises.