what is meant by the notion of a critical period for language acquisition? course hero

by Mr. Gage Reichel DVM 5 min read

When applied to language learning, the Critical Period Hypothesis states that there is a critical time during which individuals are more capable of acquiring new languages with native-like proficiency. This period begins in early childhood and concludes shortly before the onset of puberty ​2​.

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What is the critical period for language acquisition?

Beyond the horrors of growing up feral, worst of all, these kids may miss a critical period to learn language and never communicate like the rest of us. Eric Lenneberg, a linguist and neurologist ...

What is the critical period hypothesis in language learning?

Feb 17, 2021 · Save Previous PageNext Page Question 11 (1 point) What is meant by the notion of a critical period for language acquisition? Question 11 options: 1) It is the period of transition between one-word and two-word utterances. 2) It is the period that isolated children spend by themselves before someone teaches them language.

What is language acquisition?

The term language acquisition refers to the development of language in children. By age 6, children have usually mastered most of the basic vocabulary and grammar of their first language. Second language acquisition (also known as second language learning or sequential language acquisition) refers to the process by which a person learns a ...

Is there a critical period for learning a second language?

Question 6 2 out of 2 points What is meant by the notion of a critical period for language acquisition? Answers: Selected Answer: B. It is the time in one's childhood in which one is particularly sensitive to language cues and most easily acquires language. A. It is the period of transition between one-wordand two-word utterances. B.

What is meant by the notion of a critical period for language acquisition?

What is meant by the notion of a critical period for language acquisition? It is the time in one's childhood in which one is particularly sensitive to language cues and most easily acquires language.

What is the critical period according to Chomsky?

The critical period hypothesis states that the first few years of life is the crucial time in which an individual can acquire a first language if presented with adequate stimuli, and that first-language acquisition relies on neuroplasticity.

What is the critical period for language acquisition quizlet?

24-36 months.

What is Chomsky's theory of language acquisition?

Chomsky concluded that children must have an inborn faculty for language acquisition. According to this theory, the process is biologically determined - the human species has evolved a brain whose neural circuits contain linguistic information at birth.

Who was the researcher on Genie's team?

James Kent , another researcher on Genie's team, thought her condition would improve if she could form meaningful relationships with people. He began feeding her breakfast in the morning and tucking her in at night with a story and a kiss. But "doctors aren't supposed to love their patients," he said.

Who is Eric Lenneberg?

Eric Lenneberg, a linguist and neurologist, first popularized the critical period (CP) hypothesis in the late 1960s. His research suggests that a specific window exists for learning language, either spoken or tactile. Outside of it, grasping the basics of communication becomes extremely difficult.

How long did Genie live in a potty chair?

Genie lived 10 years of her life chained to this potty chair. After intensive therapy, she finally told researchers that she even slept there. But her parents never bothered to potty train her. When a social worker found her in 1970 at age 13, she still wore diapers.

Who is Genie's mother?

Genie's mother, a nearly blind elderly woman, claimed to be a victim herself. She blamed Genie's father for much of the abuse. When Genie was a baby, her father decided she was "retarded" and kept her in isolation. Shortly after the authorities discovered Genie, her father shot himself.

What is language acquisition?

Richard Nordquist. Updated July 25, 2019. The term language acquisition refers to the development of language in children. By age 6, children have usually mastered most of the basic vocabulary and grammar of their first language. Second language acquisition (also known as second language learning or sequential language acquisition) ...

How do children acquire language?

"For children, acquiring a language is an effortless achievement that occurs: 1 Without explicit teaching, 2 On the basis of positive evidence (i.e., what they hear), 3 Under varying circumstances, and in a limited amount of time, 4 In identical ways across different languages.

When do children start babble?

... Children achieve linguistic milestones in parallel fashion, regardless of the specific language they are exposed to. For example, at about 6-8 months, all children start to babble ... that is, to produce repetitive syllables like bababa.

What are the stages of moral development?

Kohlberg (1960's)-moral development. -stage 1: "it is against the law" or "it is bad to steal". -stage 2: "Heinz might think it is right to take the drug, the druggist would not" or "maybe he should not steal because he might go to prison". -stage 3: "his intentions were good, to save the life of someone he loved".

What are the disadvantages of bilingualism?

-early 1900's thought it produced cognitive deficits. -current research- disadvantages are minor. -phonology: the sounds of a person's speech and pronunciation IS related to age of acquisition (Bra zilian girl and her brother) -the accent may never go away.

What does "morphemes" mean?

morphemes. -units of meaning such as prefixes and suffixes ("s" and "ed") -smalles units of language that have meaning. -prefixes, suffixes, and word roots. -free morphemes-stand alone (fire, run, sad) -bound morphemes convey meaning but can't stand alone, are attached to free morphemes.

What is good enough parenting?

-parenting: the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. -parenting influences on child development: provide safety and protection; meet physical needs.