blackboard learn how to make course available

by Zetta Mann 7 min read

Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course. In the Course Management menu under Customization, click Properties. Under Set Availability, check the radio button next to "Yes" for Make Course Available. Click the Submit button.

Why is my course not showing up on Blackboard?

Courses may not appear in the My Courses module in Blackboard for a few reasons: The instructor has not yet published the course for student view (most common reason). The student has not yet successfully registered and paid for the course. There may be an issue with the student's enrollment.

How do I make a course available to one student in Blackboard?

To make the course available:Under Course Management click Customization.Then click Properties.Scroll down until you see Availability. Click the radio button next to Yes to make the course available. Then click Submit.Feb 12, 2018

How do I make Blackboard course unavailable to students?

Make a course unavailableGo to the course you want to make unavailable.In the Control Panel (at the bottom of course menu on the left-hand side) Click Customisation. Click Properties.Under section 3, Set Availability, select No.Click Submit.

How do I make students unavailable on Blackboard?

Click the contextual arrow next to the Username of the student whom you want to make 2. unavailable in the course. Select Change User's Availability in the Course.

How to change course availability on Blackboard?

In either view, open the course card's menu to change the course availability by clicking the three horizontal dots. Click the three horizontal dots (course menu) to change course availability. Click "Open course".

What does "unavailable" mean in Blackboard?

"Unavailable" means that an instructor has access to the course, but students will not be able to enter the course. Instructors have to make the course "available" to allow students access to the Blackboard Learn course. There are three options to make your Blackboard Learn course available:

Instructions for USC Instructors Using Qwickly (current semester courses)

From the Blackboard Home screen, navigate to the Tools module on the left side of the screen and click the “Qwickly (Faculty/TA’s)” link,

Instructions for USC Instructors NOT Using Qwickly (current semester courses)

Locate the course you want to make available/unavailable on your My Courses list and click the link of the course ID.

Instructions for USC Instructors NOT Using Qwickly (while in current semester course)

From inside the course you wish to make available to students, in the upper right corner of the course, locate “lock” icon.

Instructions for USC Teaching Assistants

Under My Courses on the Home tab, click the name of the “NOT AVAILABLE” course that you want your students to be able to access.

About Course Availability

ITS automatically creates a Blackboard course for every course that is listed in the Schedule of Classes. All Blackboard courses are automatically hidden from students.

Option 1

From within your course, you can click the lock icon in the top right menu.

Option 3

If your course is set to Private, you can make it available to students by clicking the three dots (…) and choosing Open Course. You do the same thing to make it Private. If a course is Private, students see it in their course list but they are unable to enter it. This prevents student emails.
