biol 1120 what is the course level

by Nicola Schroeder 8 min read

introductory level

What is biology 1120?

Biology 1120 is a basic, introductory level course that is designed for non-science majors. In fact, it is most frequently taken to fulfill part of the general education or "core" requirement for natural sciences at the University of Toledo. It is designed to be a survey course—that is, to provide an opportunity for students to obtain an overview of many areas of biology. Students who successfully complete this course will explore and develop an understanding of: (1) the properties and characteristics of living organisms, (2) modern ideas about the structure and function of cells, (3) principles of inheritance and their relevance in modern medicine, (4) evolution and ideas about the origin of life on earth, (5) the diversity of animal and plant life on the earth, (6) animal and plant structure and function and (7) issues in environmental biology. In order to accomplish these broad learning outcomes with a minimum of difficulty, certain requirements must be met. First, assignments must be completed and the subject material in those assignments mastered at an acceptable level. As you work your way through this material, keep in mind that you are not expected to assimilate and master every fact. But, it is important that you develop a realistic notion of some of the really fascinating and interesting things that applications of scientific methodology have revealed about the nature of living organisms and what makes them tick. Second, you must complete and earn acceptable scores on the quizzes that are scheduled throughout the semester. Specific information about these instruments is included in the following section.

Is Biology 1120 a distance learning course?

Biology 1120 section 985 is a distance learning course. It begins on August 21, 2006 and ends on December 15, 2006. You may complete the course during that period of time from any location in the world providing you have the textbook, a copy of the student CD ROM that accompanies the textbook and an adequate computer with reliable access to the internet. All of the course requirements can be completed online using two resources. The first is a recently published state-of-the-art textbook for non-science majors authored by Sylvia Mader entitled Essentials of Biology. It is published by McGraw Hill. In addition, I am asking that you purchase the interactive study CD ROM that accompanies the textbook. It contains a comprehensive collection of electronic resources that will enhance both your enjoyment of the assigned readings as well as your learning. These materials are in stock at the University of Toledo's Bookstore in the Student Union on the Bancroft campus, and may be purchased in person, online at or by phone (419.530.2516). I have been assured that orders are shipped within 1-2 days from the time they are received.

What grade do you need to get into BIOL 1110?

Students must earn a grade of at least "C-" in BIOL 1110/1111 and BIOL 1120/1121, before enrolling in any upper division course. Any required or elective course applied toward the major or minor may be repeated once to earn a minimum grade of "C-".

How many times can you repeat a course in chem 1110?

A student may not repeat a course three times in order to receive a minimum grade of "C-". * Students must earn a grade of at least "C-" in CHEM 1110/1111 before starting BIOL 1110/1111 or any other major's level biology courses.
