as a result of this course, what did you not like to do? why? adi school

by Dr. Evie Waters IV 8 min read

Are assignments confusing on online courses?

Aug 13, 2015 · ‘The people who do well in life are those who can take a knock and learn from it’ - Richard, 32. I needed something like ABB in maths, physics and chemistry to get onto my preferred course in ...

Why are students having difficulties in school nowadays?

I really appreciate both negative and positive feedback. I really enjoyed the online course. I thought it was well planned and layed out, easy for me to follow. The work load (h.w. & test)was just enough, so i could finish everything with enough time, learn about the topics and not feel over loaded and rushed.

What are some things you dislike about online courses?

What do you like/dislike about the WebLab course?

Why do I need an ADI?

There are several key reasons why someone may choose to take the ADI course. For example the ADI course may be taken in response to one of the below situations: 1 License Suspension or Revocation – Florida drivers whose licenses have been revoked by the Florida DHSMV are required to complete an ADI course before their licenses are reinstated. 2 Florida Hardship License – Florida drivers whose licenses have been suspended or are going to be suspended can receive a Florida Hardship License if they provide proof of their enrollment in the ADI course. 3 Habitual Traffic Offender (“HTO”) – Drivers who have been designated a Habitual Traffic Offender, or “HTO,” due to too many driving-related offenses are also required to complete the ADI course. 4 Court or Judge Ordered 12-hour – Individuals who have been ordered by a Florida judge or court to take a 12-hour driver improvement course will also need to take the ADI course to meet this requirement.

How long is the ADI course in Florida?

Florida law mandates that the ADI course takes a minimum of 12 hours to complete. There are 10-minute breaks built into this time that occur after each course hour. Thus the total instructional time is only 10.5 hours with a minimum of 1.5 hours of break. As discussed above there is also a mandatory 24-hour break after completion ...

Can you get a hardship license in Florida?

Florida Hardship License – Florida drivers whose licenses have been suspended or are going to be suspended can receive a Florida Hardship License if they provide proof of their enrollment in the ADI course. Habitual Traffic Offender (“HTO”) – Drivers who have been designated a Habitual Traffic Offender, or “HTO,” due to too many driving-related ...

Do I Need This Course?

If your license has been suspended or revoked for points, or because you are a habitual traffic offender meaning you've received 12 points in the past year on your driving record, or by court order, then this course is for you.

License Reinstatement

During registration, we give you two options to have your enrollment verification delivered - email and U.S. First Class Mail. This form is necessary to get your hardship license. When you receive your form, submit it to your DMV and you will get your driving privileges back!

About Our Course

The Florida advanced driver improvement (ADI) Course includes 6 sections, a conclusion and a final exam. Simply respond to the questions in your own words and study the course material as you progress to help you prepare for the final exam. Once you pass the final exam, we automatically process your certificate of completion.