by Karelle Reilly
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
6 min read
Phases and Variations
ATTRS Course #
Target Audience
Captains Career Course
9 Weeks
All corps; Active Component
Combined Logistics Captains Career Cours ...
6-8-C22 (CLC3)
5 Weeks
Medical Operations and Logistics Officer ...
Medical Corps Course
6-8-C22 (MC)
2 Weeks
Medical Corps Officers overdue but unabl ...
Reserve Component Course
6-8-C22 (RC)
2 Weeks
Reserve and National Guard Officers
Apr 15 2022
The Maneuver Captain's Career Course (MCCC or MC3) is a military training and education course primarily for U.S. Army infantry and armor officers. Organized under the Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE) at Fort Benning, Georgia, the course is 22 weeks long.
Jun 30, 2020 · Keeping this in consideration, how long is the Captains Career Course? 22 weeks . One may also ask, how do you sign up for Captain Career Course? Captains Career Course. Welcome. (1) Apply for your AMEDD CCC Blackboard account. (2) Go to the Blackboard site at and complete your pre-registration process.
How long is the process to join the Army?
1 week ago The Resident Logistics Captain s Career Course (LOG-C3) is divided into two phases and the course lasts a total of 20 weeks. The LOG-C3 course is taken at the Fort Lee, Virginia campus. If you are an active duty resident, you should enroll in the LOG-C3 course.
How long does basic training last for the Army?
Captains Career Course. Welcome. Welcome to the Army Medical Center of Excellence, Captains Career Course at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas! CCC Operations Phone Number: 210.221.7458 ... 1x APFU Long Sleeve Shirt. Notes: 1. ACU Pattern equipment is authorized for wear with OCP uniforms. However, all the equipment on the Student ...
How long is the average military career?
Maneuver Captains Career Course.The Maneuver Captain's Career Course (MCCC or MC3) is a military training and education course primarily for U.S. Army infantry and armor officers. Organized under the Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE) at Fort Benning, Georgia, the course is 22 weeks long.
How long is Captains Career Common Core?
The Reserve Component Captains Career Course (RC-CCC) Distributed Learning (DL) phase is transitioning from the CGSC Black Board system to the Army Learning Management System (ALMS). Once registered, students will have 1 year (365 days) to complete the course.
How long is Captains Career Amedd?
Students in the AMEDD CCC undergo nine weeks of training that includes classroom and hands-on training about the Military Decision Making Process, Army Health Systems Support and Force Health Protection doctrine, unit training management, leadership skills and staff officer functions.May 21, 2019
How long is Maneuver Captains Career course?
The resident course is 22 weeks long and takes place in a small group setting. The POI is flexible and adapts to the needs of the Commander in the field.Dec 12, 2018
How long is Army logistics captain course?
Resident AD Logistics Captains Career Course (LOG-C3)
The resident portion of LOG-C3 is 20 weeks and divided into two phases.Sep 13, 2021
What is a captain's salary in the army?
A Captain is a commissioned officer in the United States Army at DoD paygrade O-3. A Captain receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $4,637 per month, with raises up to $7,544 per month once they have served for over 14 years.
What do you do at Captains Career course?
A 22-week course of instruction, MCCC focuses on the necessary skills captains need to successfully lead within the operational Army, including asking students to build doctrinally and tactically sound plans for all types of operations and units.
How fast do army officers get promoted?
Currently, an Army officer is promoted to first lieutenant automatically 18 months after commissioning, and to captain automatically after 48 months, no matter where they've progressed in their training.Oct 26, 2020
How long is Army MCCC?
MCCC is a 22-week course for Infantry and Armor officers, the first half of which is spent on company operations and troop leading procedures, the second on battalion staff operations and the military decision-making process. The course required a permanent change of station (PCS) move to Fort Benning.
As of June 2015, the MCCC is a 22 week course necessitating PCS orders. You will receive your follow-on set of orders only after you've executed orders to MCCC. Further questions regarding orders should be directed to your monitor. If you are single, you will PCS here and receive BAH at the Ft.Nov 9, 2021
How long is engineer CCC?
ECCC and ECCC-RC Students
Through a cooperative agreement with Truman Education Center and the Engineer School at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri S&T offers four master's degree programs* through the Engineer Captains Career Course (ECCC). These courses are non-thesis and require 30 hours to complete.
How long is quartermaster Captains Course?
CPT: 4-11 Yrs. The Logistics Captains Career Course (LOG-C3) is a 20-week course conducted at ALU. LOGC3 develops and educates adaptive sustainment leaders prepared to serve as company grade officers in order to enable Unified Land Operations.
What is Army Ile course?
Intermediate Level Education/ Advanced Operations Warfighting Course. ILE is the Army's formal education program for senior captains and majors. ILE consists of a common core of operational instruction offered to all officers, and additional education opportunities tied to the requirements of the officer's branch or FA ...
What is CLC3 in the army?
Each of the Army's branch schoolhouses were charged with conducting the pilot under the Army Learning Concepts 2015, a new technology-based learning model. One Combined Logistics CCC, or CLC3, class at the Army Logistics University was assigned the pilot's course of study. It concludes May 31.
How long is the CLC3 pilot?
Capt. Jennifer Ernest, a CLC3 small group leader instructor, said the pilot extends the course by one week and concludes with a staff exercise.
What is the School of Advanced Leadership and Tactics?
The School of Advanced Leadership and Tactics, a branch of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., is charged with writing doctrine for the course. It will analyze the data from student feedback and tweak the course to standard, said Ernest.
Is the Army redesigning the officer education system?
(May 23, 2012) -- The Army is currently in the process of redesigning part of a component of the Officer Education System to better meet the requirements of an expeditionary force .
Who is Jason Jones?
Capt. Jason Jones, a student whose follow-up assignment is with the 2nd Armored Calvary Regiment in Germany , said he is encouraged about the course material but much has to be done to find the right balance. "The pilot program, if I could sum it up, it's pretty intense," he said.
How long is the Amedd Captains course?
Phase II consists of a temporary duty (TDY) resident phase at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Depending on which version of the course students are attending, Phase II can be up to nine weeks long.
How long is Ameddc&S?
The course consisted of a distance learning phase followed by ten weeks of resident training (forty-five days all corps and one week for corps-specific training).
What is an OAC in Amedd?
In 1994 the AMEDD Director of Personnel raised the issue of a combined, all-corps AMEDD Officer Advance Course (OAC) to promote consistency in education for AMEDD officers competing for command positions.
How long is the AMEDDC&S training?
In 2001, the Commanding General of the AMEDDC&S at the time further reduced the length of the course to nine weeks of resident training (forty-three days all corps and two days for corps-specific training).