an elodea leaf is an excellent example to use for studying plant cells why course hero

by Alba Bogisich 9 min read

Is Elodea leaf isotonic or hypotonic?

3.3 An Elodea leaf is an excellent example to use for studying plant cells. Why? They are abundant and easily located. Because this plant has leaves that are only a few cells thick, no special preparation is needed for the cells and their contents are easily viewed under a light microscope.

Is an Elodea cell an organism?

Pass out the Elodea images, rulers, and student pages, then lead students in the explorations on the student pages.; Note that student answers will vary depending on the cell they choose and their measurement technique. For the bonus question, the answer should be similar to this example: If the area of a cell is 0.00125 mm 2, then the approximate number of cells in a leaf …

How can I introduce students to the aquatic plant Elodea?

What concept did we use to focus on the two layers of the Elodea leaf? They are chloroplasts. What are the roundish, green structures that are found inside a plant cell? They are used for photosynthesis, and make food for the plant. What do the …

How do you prepare an Elodea leaf for a microscope?

Oct 28, 2016 · This Elodea leaf was in an isotonic solution and there the distilled water to saline concentration were at an equilibrium and their osmotic potential were equal. In a 5.0% saline solution, the cells appeared to shrink and therefore the chloroplasts all clumped up in the center of the cell. This showed a plant cell in a hypertonic solution because there was a higher …

Why is an Elodea leaf an excellent example of use for studying plant cells?

This Elodea leaf cell exemplifies a typical plant cell. It has a nucleus, and a stiff cell wall which gives the cell its box-like shape. The numerous green chloroplasts allow the cell to make its own food (by photosynthesis). The central vacuole takes up most of the volume of the cell.

When viewing the Elodea leaf under the microscope Why did the chloroplasts appear green in color even without any stain?

Chloroplasts are distinguished from other types of plastids by their green colour, which results from the presence of two pigments, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll. As you study the leaf, increase the intensity of light hitting the leaf.

Why is the Elodea cell important?

Ecological Importance. Elodea provides habitat for many small aquatic animals, which fish and wildlife eat. Geese, ducks, and swans are particularly attracted to this plant. Elodea is an excellent oxygen producer and frequently used by fish to protect fry.

What happens when a plant cell like an Elodea leaf is placed in very salty water?

Answers to questions Explain (in terms of water potential) the observations made when the Elodea was placed in a salt solution. When the Elodea was placed in the salt solution, the vacuoles disappeared and the protoplasm came away from the cell wall making the organelles appear to be clumped in the middle of the cell.

What is an Elodea leaf?

Elodea are herbaceous perennials that feature dark green leaves arranged in whorls of two to seven along the stem. Plants are usually dioecious (individuals bear either male or female flowers only) and produce seeds in ellipsoid or oval capsules.

What shape are the Elodea chloroplasts what is their function?

Chloroplasts are a type of plastid—a round, oval, or disk-shaped body that is involved in the synthesis and storage of foodstuffs.

Why Elodea is used for photosynthesis experiment?

This North American pondweed is widely recommended for demonstrating oxygen formation during photosynthesis. Elodea is cheap and easy to grow, but other pondweeds can also be used.

What do Elodea plants do?

Provides excellent cover for aquatic insects and fish and serves as a source of food for various pond wildlife. One of the few aquatic plants that provides underwater habitat during the winter months. Modest amounts of elodea are generally considered beneficial for the pond ecosystem.Feb 25, 2008

How do Elodea plants photosynthesis?

During photosynthesis, the plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the water and releases oxygen. Since oxygen is much less soluble in water than is carbon dioxide, the water quickly saturates with oxygen and bubbles form. The number of bubbles released per minute measures the rate of photosynthesis.

What happens to Elodea cells?

When the salt solution is added, the salt ions outside the cell membrane cause the water molecules to leave the cell through the cell membrane causing it to shrink into a blob in the centre of the cell wall. The movement of water molecules is called osmosis.

What type of organism is Elodea quizlet?

Elodea Is a multicellular celled organism, paramecium is a single organism.

What happens to Elodea cells in a hypertonic solution?

Thus, a hypertonic solution has less water than the cell and water moves (diffuses) out of the cell by osmosis. As water moves out of the cells there is a loss of turgor pressure and the plasma membranes detach from the cell walls as the cells shrink.