which of the following is an example of robbery: course hero

by Prof. Vaughn Becker 5 min read

What is the most common type of robbery at a bank?

View Test Prep - Quiz 4 from SOCI 215 at American Public University. 1.0 Points Question 1 of 25 Which of the following is an example of robbery: A.A) larceny-theft B.B) corporate crime C.C)

What are the three elements of robbery?

View Test Prep - SOCI 215 Quiz 4 from SOCI 215 at American Public University. Quiz 4 Question 1 of 25 1.0 Points Which of the following is an example of …

What is robbery and how can you prevent it?

Jan 30, 2021 · See Page 1. 13. Which of the following is an example of corporate crime? a. Embezzlement b. Larceny c. Assault. d. Burglary 14. Spousal abuse is an example of a ________.

What is a takeover robbery?

Which of the following is an example of what convicted individuals cannot do? a. Truck driving b. Operating a bowling alley c. Military d. All of the above 22. In terms of education, drug offenses make individuals ineligible for... a. graduation b. financial …

What is the most common type of robbery?

Fortunately, the most common robbery, the note robbery, uses the least amount of physical intimidation. The traditional robber works alone and approaches a lone teller. He is usually unarmed but may carry a knife or gun, either openly or concealed. He may claim he’s carrying a bomb. He asks for money or displays a note. The note is usually prepared just before the attempt and is typically written in block printing on something like the back of a deposit slip. The note might read, “Give me $20,000. Don’t say anything and no one will be hurt!!” While the note robbery is the most common type of robbery at financial institutions, takeover robberies, morning glory robberies, and closing-time robberies can also occur.

How to identify a robber?

One area where you have a lot of control during a robbery is in making an identification. It is helpful to be observant, but it is important to observe the robber with caution. When it is safe to look, try noting a distinguishing characteristicthat may help in capturing and convicting the robber. A distinguishing characteristic is something that is unique or distinctive to that individual such as a mole, tattoo, or a limp. Try to gauge his age using facial, vocal, and physical cues.

What is robbery in credit unions?

Robbery is “the taking of anything of value by actual or threatened force or violence.” Regardless of an actual or attempted robbery, the experience puts the victim in fear. You will never know if and when a robbery will occur. But understanding the characteristics of a robbery, and learning some general guidelines to follow, will help you cope in a robbery situation. Key Concepts of Different Types of Robbery Robbery is unpredictable. However, knowing certain trends and robbery types helps prepare your credit union. Statistics show the average offender is male, but a small percentage is female. More branch office robberies occur at mid morning and mid afternoon. According to the department of Justice, the number of robberies where a note was used is equal to the times the robber only used a verbal demand.

How vulnerable are credit unions to robbers?

There are several physical characteristics that can make one credit union more vulnerable to robbery than others include: 1. Credit unions in stand-alone buildings; 2.Those in well-populated areas with numerous financial institutions; 3. Those in high crime areas; and 4. Credit unions near good escape routes, such as an interstate highway. While it’s important to identify vulnerabilities, it is also important to recognize security. Robbers tend to avoid credit unions inside sponsor buildings, office buildings, enclosed malls, and other structures that often have their own security. This is true especially if the credit union is located on an upper floor. A study of Chicago financial institution robberies found that robbers devote most of their planning to devising an escape route.

What is the morning glory robbery?

The morning glory robbery occurs as an employee, upon arrival, opens the credit union for the business day . The robber takes the employee-hostage inside and demands money. The number of morning glory robberies is small, but significant. To protect employees and members, two employees should share the responsibility for opening the credit union whenever possible.

What happens during a closing time robbery?

In the closing-time robbery, a robber hides somewhere inside the credit union at the end of the business day, or pretends to be a last minute member. After the doors are closed for the day, the robber demands money from the closing staff. It is important to be extra careful during the opening and closing procedures.

How to preserve a robbery scene?

Block off the robbery area and touch as few items as possible. This helps preserve the scene and potential evidence.

Which work provided empirical support for the idea that free will explains criminal behavior?

Adolphe Quetelet's work provided empiri cal support for the idea that free will explains criminal behavior.

What is the challenge of understanding crime?

A primary challenge to understanding crime through a demonological perspective was that crime and criminality were to be found in the natural rather than supernatural world.

What is the view that criminality is biologically inherited?

Hedonism is the view that criminality is biologically inherited.

What is the view that criminal behavior is ultimately driven by supernatural forces?

The view that criminal behavior is ultimately driven by supernatural forces is known as: Demonology. Prior to the formulation and acceptance of this theory, the administration of criminal justice in Europe was cruel, uncertain, and unpredictable. Classical theory.

Who wrote extensively on the topic of crime causation?

Karl Marx wrote extensively on the topic of crime causation.

Who proposed a policy analysis approach that was less concerned with finding "causes" and more concerned with "what

Diappointed with criminology's overconcern with the search for basic causes of crime, James Q. Wilson proposed a policy analysis approach that was less concerned with finding "causes" and more concerned with "what works."

What was the first scientific criminologist?

As the first scientific criminologist, Adolphe Quintelet' s work is most noteworthy because: His observation that crime was linked to other variables called into question the notion of free will. The basic principles of the modern Western judicial and legal system are found in the: Classical school of criminology.

Why was Joey not found guilty of any crime?

d. Joey would likely be found not guilty of any crime because there was insufficient evidence from which the jury could infer that he harbored a criminal intent.

What is arson in common law?

12. Arson at common law consisted of the burning of one's own dwelling in order to defraud an insurance company.

What is obtaining property by false pretenses?

At common law, obtaining property by false pretenses was a misdemeanor that involved obtaining wares or merchandise of another with the intent to cheat or defraud that person.

Is trespassing a crime?

9. A mere trespass to land or personal property was not a crime at common law unless it was committed forcibly or maliciously.

Can a defendant be convicted of larceny?

A defendant could be convicted of larceny under the common law for wrongful appropriation of personal even if there was no intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property.
