3. how might their financial structure affect their profitability? course hero

by Tessie Goodwin 7 min read

What factors affect the profitability of a firm?

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How does capital structure affect the profitability of a company?

Regarding Malaysian banks profitability and for the period 1999-2007, Sufian and Habibullah (2010) found that banks capital ratio has significantly positive relation with their profitability. Their results supported the argument that when banks are well capitalized, they face lower costs of being bankrupt and then lowers their funding cost and ...

How does debt affect the profitability of a company?

1 - Asset-based valuation (ABV) • ABV estimates a firm’s value by identifying and summing the value of its assets. As a consequence, the value of the equity is calculated by deducting the value of debt: • It attempts to re-structure the balance sheet by 1.Getting current market values for assets and liabilities listed in the balance sheet 2.Identifying omitted assets and assigning a ...

What are the main threats to firm profits?

Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting and Business; Chapter 2 Analyzing Transactions; Chapter 3 The Adjusting Process; Chapter 4 Completing the Accounting Cycle; Chapter 5 Accounting Systems; Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses; Chapter 7 Inventories; Chapter 8 Internal Control and Cash; Chapter 9 Receivables; Chapter 10 Long-Term Assets: Fixed and …

How does capital structure affect profitability?

Somewhere between operational expenses and the net profit figure on a company's income statement lies expenses incurred for the payment of debts. A company with a particularly debt-heavy capital structure makes larger interest payments each year, thereby reducing net profit.

What is the effect of profitability?

Profitability affects the value of the company, causing a positive response from investors who can make an increase in stock prices in the market which ultimately increases the value of the company in the eyes of investors Yanti & Darmayanti (Yanti & Darmayanti: 2019).

Why is financial structure important?

The financial structure of a company gives an idea about the leverage and the cost of capital. For a startup, a financial composition may not matter much then for a mature company. A new company gives more focus to the funds rather than the source funds.Mar 22, 2021

How does industry affect firm financial structure?

Financial leverage is higher and less dispersed in concentrated industries, where strategic debt interactions are also stronger, but a firm's natural hedge is not significant. Our results show that financial structure, technology, and risk are jointly determined within industries.

What might lower the profits of businesses?

An increase in costs will decrease profits; this could include labour costs, raw material costs and cost of rent. For example, a devaluation of the exchange rate would increase the cost of imports, and therefore companies who imported raw materials would face an increase in costs.Dec 22, 2017

What is economic profitability?

Profitability is the degree to which the value of a farm's production exceeds the cost of the resources used to produce it. An absolute measure of profitability is net farm income. If the opportunity costs for the farmer's own labor and capital are subtracted, the remainder is profit and return to management.

What is meant by financial structure?

What Is Financial Structure? Financial structure refers to the mix of debt and equity that a company uses to finance its operations. This composition directly affects the risk and value of the associated business.

What is an example of financial structure?

1 This mix of debts and equities make up the finances used for a business's operations and growth. For example, the capital structure of a company might be 40% long-term debt (bonds), 10% preferred stock, and 50% common stock. The capital structure of a business firm is essentially the right side of its balance sheet.Sep 25, 2020

How does financial structure differ from capital structure?

Capital Structure is a combination of different types of long-term sources of funds. Financial Structure is a combination of different types of long-term as well as short-term sources of funds. The Capital Structure is a part of the Liabilities section of the Balance Sheet.

How does a company's value depend on its revenue strength?

Company’s value depends on its revenue strength represented by its ability to make profits from sales (net profit margin), as well as its ability to invest in its assets to increase sales (assets turnover), and whenever the company is able to reduce its costs, whether sales cost, or general and administrative expenses, they will contribute in its profitability increment.

How does financial leverage affect the financial structure?

Financial risks are linked with funding decisions; this means that it is linked with company selection of a combination of its financial structure. Financial leverage leads to high degree of risk faced by shareholders, so it increases the likelihood of its inability to service the debt. Therefore financial policy tries to harmonization between the impact of borrowing and the return on equity, as well as the degree of risk faced by shareholders.So it can be said that harmonization between debt and equity to conclude the optimal mix of financial structure that leads to reduce funds cost.

Why is the study important in Saudi Arabia?

The study importance is due to its focused on investigating the impact of number of important variables in industrial company value in Saudi Arabia, which may help finance and investment decision makers in the Kingdom to increase the level of accuracy of their decision .

What is the purpose of financial statements?

The primary objective of published financial statements is to provide interested parties with necessary and useful information for decision-taking. The company’s published analysis of financial statements in the current period and prior periods are considered as best method to estimate company’s future performance and assessment of its situation. The development that accompanied financial analysis upon the emergence of strategic analysis is considered one of the best methods to measure all company’s aspects , since analyst can measure all aspects of company's performance .He can after results evaluation extract valuable information about the effectiveness of company's operating, financing and investment policies , as well as strengths and weaknesses points , which require management attention to address problems which appear in evaluation process . Financial analyst strategic activity is not only limited on that , but it extends to include the development required strategies for the company , to obtain competitive advantage , that helps it in increasing its market share , thereby increasing profitability and fixed sustainable growth rate, which leads to increase its value which is the strategic goal of financial Management. Therefore, this study is to shed light on the importance (the impact) of the financial structure, financial leverage and profitability in company's value through studying the impact of these factors on a sample of Saudi Industrial Companies. The study has been divided to include the theoretical side of financial structure, financial leverage and profitability, the study importance, its objectives, methodology which included its problem statement, population. Sample, hypotheses, used statistical analysis, hypotheses testing, and finally results discussion and recommendations.

Why is borrowing less expensive than stocks?

Financing by borrowing is less expensive than stocks financing because of tax savings that generated by, and due to borrowers exposure to risks relatively less than those shareholders face.

What is share price increment?

Company’s share price increment in the financial market is considered as a strategic objective for financial management, and lead to an increase in shareholder wealth, since as long as an increase in companies shares market value in the market as long as company’s value is increased . This dependent variable will be measured in this study by the market value of company’s share in the market.

What is financial risk?

Financial risks are related with financing decisions. this means selection the mix that forms its financial structure, so if the company is able to invest the borrowed funds with a return that exceeds the borrowing cost, then it can increase the return on equity, this is called trading with equity, this independent variable has been measured in this study by dividing liabilities of third party on total assets.

Why do creditors analyze financial statements?

Potential creditors of a firm might analyze financial statements to gauge the firm's ability to make timely payments of interest and principal. True. Because debt obligations are paid with cash, the firm's cash flows ultimately determine solvency. True.

What is limited partnership?

Limited to no more than 100 shareholders. A limited partnership is comprised of: both general and limited partners. All business organizations have its advantages and disadvantages. Which of the following business organization has the highest risk for all owners being if an owner dies without any planning: Partnership.

What is a current ratio of 2.0?

A current ratio of 2.0 is desirable and it means that a firm has twice as many current liabilities as current assets. Find the net profit margin if earnings before interest and taxes is $20,000, net income is $10,000, sales are $50,000, and total assets are $100,000.

How does debt capital affect profitability?

Debt allows companies to leverage existing funds, thereby enabling more rapid expansion than would otherwise be possible. The effective use of debt financing results in an increase in revenue that exceeds the expense of interest payments. In addition, interest payments are tax-deductible, reducing a company's overall tax burden.

What is capital structure?

Capitalization structure (more commonly called capital structure) simply refers to the money a company uses to fund operations and where that money comes from. Capital can be raised either through the acquisition of debt or through equity. Equity financing comes from the sale of stock to shareholders. Debt can come from many sources, such as bank ...

Why is debt to equity ratio so high?

A company with a particularly high debt to equity ratio may be seen as unnecessarily risky by both lenders and potential shareholders, making it difficult to raise additional funds. Limited access to capital funding, in turn, limits the business's growth potential, keeping profit margins stagnant.

What is debt capital?

For debt capital, this is the interest rate charged by the lender.The cost of equity is represented by the rate of return on investment that shareholders expect, which generally consists of capital gains (price appreciation) and/or dividends. While debt tends to cost less than equity, both types of capital financing impact a company's profit ...

Where does equity financing come from?

Equity financing comes from the sale of stock to shareholders. Debt can come from many sources, such as bank loans, personal loans and credit card debt, but it must always be repaid at a later date, usually with interest.

Is the pie of profits divided?

Business ownership is shared, so the proverbial pie of profits must be divided into a greater number of pieces. A company funded fully by debt may have hefty interest payments each month, but when all is said and done, the profits belong entirely to the business owners. Without shareholder dividends to pay, the profits can be reinvested in the business through the purchase of new equipment or by opening a new location, generating even greater profits down the road.

Is debt financing tax deductible?

In addition, interest payments are tax-deductible, reducing a company's overall tax burden. The impact of equity financing on a company's profit margins is equally important, though not quite so straightforward.

What are the factors that affect profitability?

The essence of profitability is a firms Revenue – Costs with revenue depending upon price and quantity of the good sold. 1. The degree of competition a firm faces. If a firm has monopoly power then it has little competition. Therefore demand will be more inelastic.

What happens when a firm has monopoly power?

If a firm has monopoly power then it has little competition. Therefore demand will be more inelastic. This enables the firm to increase profits by increasing the price. For example, very profitable firms, such as Google and Microsoft have developed a degree of monopoly power, with limited competition.

Why is management important?

Management. Successful management is important for the long-term growth and profitability of firms. For example, poor management can lead to a decline in worker morale, which harms customer service and worker turnover. Also, firms may suffer from taking wrong expansion plans.

What is market contestability?

Market contestability is how easy it is for new firms to enter the market. If entry is easy then firms will always face the threat of competition; even if it is just “hit and run competition” – this will reduce profits. 3. The strength of demand.

What would happen if the exchange rate increased?

An increase in costs will decrease profits; this could include labour costs, raw material costs and cost of rent. For example, a devaluation of the exchange rate would increase the cost of imports, and therefore companies who imported raw materials would face an increase in costs.

Why is price discrimination important?

Price discrimination. If the firm can price discriminate it will be more efficient. This involves charging different prices for the same good so that the firm can charge higher prices to those with inelastic demand. This is important for airline firms.