your just not in mainstream culture. you live in a place where disrespect is par for the course

by Miss Amber Kemmer 7 min read

What does it mean when a subculture becomes mainstream?

So when these subcultures become mainstream it means that there is more demand for it and that they are becoming more adapted by the main culture to the point that the main culture is now joining in on what may give a particular subculture motivation and pleasure.

Is disrespectful behavior the norm?

We live in a time when being disrespectful seems like the norm, but nothing could be further from the truth. As human beings, we’re all entitled to a common level of dignity and respect. Gaining this respect, however, takes integrity and it takes knowing how to honor both yourself and others.

Are We becoming more disrespectful?

We live in an increasingly aggressive culture, and with that aggression has come a rise in disrespect. Students are becoming more disrespectful of their teachers, and politicians are becoming more disrespectful of one another and their constituents.

What is more reprehensible than habits of mind in the intellectual?

“Nothing in my view is more reprehensible than those habits of mind in the intellectual that induce avoidance, that characteristic turning away from a difficult and principled position, which you know to be the right one, but which you decide not to take.

What are some examples of cultural competence?

For example, educators who respect diversity and are culturally competent:have an understanding of, and honour, the histories, cultures, languages, traditions, child rearing practices.value children's different capacities and abilities.respect differences in families' home lives.More items...•

What does it mean to be culturally humble?

At its base, cultural humility means opening up a conversation in a way that genuinely attempts to understand a person's identities related to race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, social needs, and others.

What two or three strategies can you use to develop cultural competence?

How do I become culturally competent?Learn about yourself. Get started by exploring your own historical roots, beliefs and values, says Robert C. ... Learn about different cultures. ... Interact with diverse groups. ... Attend diversity-focused conferences. ... Lobby your department.

What is being culturally competent?

Comment: Cultural competence — loosely defined as the ability to understand, appreciate and interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own — has been a key aspect of psychological thinking and practice for some 50 years.

What is cultural arrogance?

There was a cultural arrogance, an imperial assumption that by superiority or sheer power our way of life must prevail.

What are the 4 principles of cultural humility?

The Principles of Cultural HumilityCommit ourselves to an ongoing process of compassionate self-awareness and inquiry, supported by a community of trusted and cognitively-diverse colleagues. ... Be open and teachable. ... Always bear in mind the social structures that have helped shape reality as our clients experience it.

Why is cultural competence important in education?

People who are culturally competent share a variety of attributes. Each of these helps the person to produce better outcomes for themselves and others. For educators, cultural competence helps students achieve at higher levels and helps students be prepared for college and careers in the 21st century.

Why is it important to be culturally competent?

Cultural competence is important because without it, our opportunity to build those relationships is impossible. Instead, we'll co-exist with people we don't understand, thereby creating a higher risk for misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and bias—things that can all be avoided.

Why is it important to learn about different cultures?

Understanding cultures will help us overcome and prevent racial and ethnic divisions. Racial and ethnic divisions result in misunderstandings, loss of opportunities, and sometimes violence.

What is cultural respect?

Cultural respect can be defined as the recognition, protection and continued advancement of the inherent rights, cultures and traditions of a particular culture.

What is cultural incompetence?

What is Cultural Incompetence? On the other hand, Cultural Incompetence is the opposite of the above. Cultural incompetence fails to acknowledge diversity in culture. Cultural incompetence in business can result in accusations of racism, loss of corporate clients, or possible lawsuit of breach of contract.

How do you become culturally sensitive?

Use these tips from the American Psychological Association to be more culturally aware:Think beyond race and ethnicity. A person's culture is shaped by more than the color of their skin or the way that they dress. ... Learn by asking. ... Make local connections. ... Pay attention to non-verbal behaviors. ... Exchange stories.

How to deal with disrespect the right way

When someone disrespects you or someone you care about, there’s a right way and a wrong way to deal with it.

Disrespect explained

Disrespect can take a number of forms and can occur in intimate and superficial relationships alike. Our partners can be disrespectful. Our parents and our children can be disrespectful. Literally anyone in our lives can disrespect us at any time, but it’s up to us to figure out how to navigate that.

A rise in disrespect

No matter where you look, it seems as though there is more and more disrespectful behavior all around us. Kids are more disrespectful to their elders and we are more disrespectful to one another. Why? What’s going on that’s making us all so hateful?

The types of disrespect

There are a number of surprising ways in which someone can disrespect us. From snide comments, to all-out assaults on our person and character. These are the most undermining types of disrespect you need to be on the look-out for.

How to manage a disrespectful person

Managing disrespectful people is a delicate process that takes time and understanding to master. Those who seek to anger us or hurt us can really get under our skin and make it hard to stay cool, but that’s critical to walking away with wellbeing and dignity in hand.

Why do newer groups join a main culture?

In theory, the decision to become a part of a bigger community that is very different than a person is used to have an abundance of challenges, which is why when newer groups join a main culture, they may find each other and form subcultures to support each other and give each other a boast.

What is subculture in the world?

Subcultures and Becoming Mainstream. A subculture is a group of people who have some commonality that could distinguish them within the bigger culture. They might share common interests like political affiliations, religion, books, or they may overall distinguish themselves by certain beliefs, attitudes, norms, or styles of life.

Why is subculture important?

This is important because the more a subculture becomes mainstream in the main culture, there will be more commitment, more hard work, and more dedication because they understand that they are valued. Of course there are always exceptions.

Why is America multicultural?

And so America is multicultural, not just because there are African Americans, Asians, Caucasians, and many other immigrant communities, but also because there are so many subcultures of many kinds.

Is American culture homogeneous?

So in general a subculture to the dominant culture of America today can be distinguished, but the American culture itself cannot really be described as a homogenous culture in particular anymore. In fact it is a heterogonous mixture of cultures, values, life styles, and beliefs. This can be actually a great benefit.
