“You must do what you feel is right, of course.” The Gospel of Star Wars tells us repeatedly of the importance of trusting your feelings. (If you don’t recognize my title quote, it’s what Obi-Wan says to Luke in A New Hope, when Luke is deciding whether to come to Alderaan).
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Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi : The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
1. "These aren't the droids you're looking for." This is what Obi-Wan says to some Stormtroopers in A New Hope when he, Luke, R2-D2 and C-3PO are trying to avoid detection by the Empire.
Criticizing Anakin in his attacks, Obi-Wan says that "a Jedi's goal is to defend life, not take it." As they turn back-to-back Anakin retorts, "Mercy doesn't defeat an enemy master... That's why you're going to lose!"
1:242:13Star Wars A New Hope - "Help Me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're My Only ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBut old Ben lives off beyond the Dune Sea a strange old hermit.MoreBut old Ben lives off beyond the Dune Sea a strange old hermit.
The most classic Yoda—and Star Wars—quote of all “May the Force be with you.”
Its become a bit of a joke meme on the internet that Stormtroopers always miss their target. Stormtroopers are so bad at firing their weaponry that the heroes always get away with not even a scratch.
The novel Kenobi, part of the Star Wars Legends series, tells the story of Obi-Wan's first days on Tatooine after the fall of the Republic. In the story, we learn that Obi-Wan took on the name Ben because it's a nickname given to him by an old flame, the Duchess Satine Kryze.
He went by "Ben" because in the book 'Kenobi' he says he chose the name Ben because it was something Satine Kryze called him, and that he liked it because it was something personal.
Years later, following the rise of Darth Vader and Padmé's death, Obi-Wan took baby Luke Skywalker to his aunt and uncle in Tatooine and exiled himself there, once again using the name “Ben” so he wouldn't be found by the Empire.
A legendary Jedi Master, Obi Wan Kenobi was a nobleman and gifted in the ways of the Force. He trained Anakin Skywalker, served as a general in the Republic Army during the Clone Wars, and guided Luke Skywalker as a mentor. Star Wars Databank. May these Obi Wan Kenobi Quotes On Success inspire you to take action so that you may live your dreams.
Bitcoin is the new way, the future, the currency of those who are thinking about the potential of technology, and how it can truly transform the financial industry.
Paul William Walker IV was an American actor. He is best known for his role as Brian O’Conner in the Fast & Furious franchise.
Motivational is the word derived from the word ‘motive’ which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish their goals. May these Motivational Quotes On Success inspire you to take action so that you may live your dreams.
“Doing the right thing” often stands in total contrast, and opposition, to doing things right and elevates the conversation to a level of a paradigm shift in thinking. It’s all about responding to the needs of the moment, with caution, but without psychological hindrances. It is to do with the extraordinary response, which ...
When we hear these words we get the sense right away. “Doing things right” is characterized by adhering to policies and procedures, and even, sometimes, to such an extent that common sense goes out the window…
As The Thinking Coach, I provide high caliber leadership training courses and employee training development seminars worldwide, where professionals get the right kind of training to enable them to practice a combination of strategic thinking, strategic planning, and emotional intelligence, which will empower them to do the right thing when it’s needed.
We live in a culture that attempts to do things right! Often, this level of functioning is not enough to respond to human needs, which necessitates considering the big picture, understanding people, thinking for oneself, or responding from one’s heart. School education teaches us to do things right, ...
What may be needed in a team meeting, as you probably know, is a healthy, all-out ideological conflict that brings out the real passions of the group, instead of quiet agreement, which is not real, where no one wants to cause a conflict and prefers to do what they think is “doing things right”.
Doing things right can be good to a certain extent. It helps maintain the stability that a status-quo and “following procedures” can cause in a team, as well as to breed a certain level of trust in knowing what to expect from different team members. However, a perfunctory level of effectiveness and productivity is the limit ...
Memorizing useless information is not a measure of intelligence, yet the aspect of “doing things right” makes it so. So we have been ingrained with learning to do things right, (learn by rote), which puts us in distance from the natural response of Doing The Right Thing. How many times have you questioned the logic of a decision only to hear ...
Try to do something new because by doing the same things no one can achieve the greatness. Great dreamers are those who can do whatever it takes to achieve their dreams. The great dream of great dreamers has the power to bring the positivity in the world.
You can’t achieve it by just dreaming about it, you’ve to put a lot of work, after all, it’s a dedication towards the goals which decides the success. Don’t be a passenger in your own life, Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life.
We must have the courage to learn from the failure, after all, giving up isn’t a solution. You must do the things which makes you great. Listen to your heart and follow your passion because it’s an only way to make a dream into a reality. No one can stop you to achieve something once you’re committed to yourself.
Sometimes it’s our own thoughts which bring us down. Don’t think that you can’t do, even without trying. Perseverance and positivity both are very powerful words which can give you the courage to follow the difficult path. Remember, We can fail when we begin with the new things, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Once said: “ If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough “. Do what you’re afraid to do. If your dreams do not scare you then it isn’t big enough. Dream big and dare to fail, but never give up.
Great dreamers are not just dreamers, they are doers too. You must have the courage to follow your dream, after all, dream without any execution is just a wish. Be positive when other people convince you that your dreams are too big. Never create a doubt in your own dream.