you just can't pass a course when it's that hard

by Mr. London Walter 9 min read

Why wasn’t I able to do well in the exam?

The primary reason why you weren’t able to do well in the exam in you spent just hours by hearting things without understanding the concept. You stayed awake at night to cover the remaining part and all this at the cost of sleep.

Are You studying hard but still getting bad grades?

Studying effectively is the real key to a successful grade. And if you’re studying hard but still getting bad grades, it’s probably the part you’re missing So, now you know the secret isn’t studying hard, it’s studying more effectively. But where should you start? The first step is figuring out what your problem might be and how to address it.

Is it possible to get through the basic requirements?

You can't get through the basic requirements. Some students find themselves unable to pass even the lower-division requirements in math, English composition, and history. Some students can't conquer the developmental (aka remedial) courses in math and English required before these requirements.

Why do I have a hard time understanding what I study?

Cause #2: You’re Not Studying to Understand The problem: When you study, you only memorize the material rather than thinking about what it means. The solution: It’s important to not just memorize the material; you need to understand it. Think about how the material you’re reviewing connects to other topics and ideas.

What to do if you Cannot pass a class?

What to Do if You're in Danger of Failing a ClassTalk to the professor The first stop is asking for help from the professor. ... Know what you need to do to pass Ask your professor to help you understand the grading system for the class.More items...

Why do I study hard but still fail?

Cause #1: You're Struggling With Test Anxiety The problem: If you feel so nervous that your mind goes blank when you sit down for a test, you could be struggling with test anxiety. This makes it hard to remember what you studied and concentrate on answering the questions in front of you.

How do you pass a difficult course?

How To Pass A Difficult College ClassTake the Class with Friends. ... Sit Near the Front. ... Go Over Your Notes Multiple Times. ... Make a Study Group. ... Go Over Old Tests and Quizzes. ... Meet With Your Professor. ... Take Advantage of Your Extra Resources. ... Do the Extra Credit.

How hard is it to pass a college class?

In summary, college classes are definitely harder than high school classes: the topics are more complicated, the learning is more fast-paced, and the expectations for self-teaching are much higher. HOWEVER, college classes are not necessarily harder to do well in.

Is test anxiety a real thing?

Test anxiety is actually a type of performance anxiety — a feeling someone might have in a situation where performance really counts or when the pressure's on to do well.

Why is studying so hard?

One of the most common reasons students find it difficult to study, is because of a lack of concentration. Once you start studying it is important to stay focused and not let your thoughts wander.

How do you pass every grade?

How to get good (or better) grades in 10 tipsAttend all your classes. Now, you might think this was an obvious one. ... Master your professors. ... Get/stay organized. ... Use time wisely. ... Use the textbook. ... Follow good rules of writing. ... Study, study, study. ... Be a good test-taker.

What does P mean in grades?

Pass NoP Pass No grade point credit. Applies only to nondevelopmental studies courses. Pass grades carry academic credit but are not included within GPA calculations.

Is a C passing in college?

While most colleges consider a D a passing grade for pass/fail courses, some require a C. And pass/fail classes may not count toward major or general education requirements.

What happens if you get an F in college?

A failing grade will likely hurt your GPA (unless you took the course pass/fail), which could jeopardize your financial aid. The failure will end up on your college transcripts and could hurt your chances of getting into graduate school or graduating when you originally planned to.

Hey if you're a professor.....please don't say this to your students lol

For context, I'm a very very burnt out senior (I have a job, clubs, mental health issues, etc.) And if I wasn't graduating in May, I know that I would be dropping out or taking a gap year. Since I have zero motivation, my main goal for my classes is to just complete my assignments. Not try to get an A or anything, just get them done.

A professor just called me manipulative and disrespectful

I'm not from the USA, but in my university most exams and midterms are coordinated by the head professor of each subject, so they are the ones that decide the dates, the content, the exam format, etc.

How to deal with my roommate hogging the bathroom in the morning for unreasonably long showers?

I have IBS, and as a result i often have to go to the bathroom almost immediate upon waking up in the morning multiple times. My roommate, however, takes morning showers that can go on for up to an hour and a half. My dorm doesn’t have communal bathrooms, so my only option is the run to the academic buildings while he’s doing it.

Instructor asked for photo of me at the doctors office

So, I told me instructor that I don’t be in his class today did a medical appointment. The truth is, I’m just really stressed and burnt out and I’m dealing with a lot in my personal life and I just needed to take the morning to rest.

How to study for a test?

The solution: Take advantage of studying opportunities like in class discussions, peer study groups, and reviewing your notes after class. Studying a little bit each day makes it easier to study (and remember) the material, giving you a head start when it comes to test time.

How to relax when taking a test?

The solution: If you’ve studied and you know the material, try to relax on test day. Think positive thoughts (“I studied for this, I know the material”) and practise taking deep breaths while you’re taking the test.

What is the first step in a problem solving program?

The first step is figuring out what your problem might be and how to address it.

How to remember notes from class?

The solution: Create a routine that involves reviewing your notes regularly. Each night, take a few minutes to go over your notes from class. This ongoing review will help make sure you remember the material long-term.

Is studying hard enough to get a good grade?

Studying effectively is the real key to a successful grade. And if you’re studying hard but still getting bad grades, it’s probably the part you’re missing

Does studying hard mean you're going to ace your test?

It might sound strange, but studying hard doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to ace your test—it’s just one part of preparing for an exam.

How many classes do professors take a semester?

You're spending every waking moment of the day doing the reading or the homework. Professors are well aware of the time constraints placed on students taking five courses a semester, often working part time, and perhaps participating in extracurricular activities.

Can you get through the basic requirements?

6. You can't get through the basic requirements. Some students find themselves unable to pass even the lower-division requirements in math, English composition, and history. Some students can't conquer the developmental (aka remedial) courses in math and English required before these requirements.

Is C a bad grade?

Don't kid yourself: C is a bad grade, and D is even worse. Most students in college are getting A's and B's (at many schools the average grade-point average is between B and B+). So if your quizzes and tests are coming back with C's and D's, be aware that you are learning virtually nothing in the courses you're taking.

Can you get through the day without medication?

8. You can't get through the day without some medication. We're not talking about meds you might need for a medical problem or chronic condition but about prescription meds, drugs, or alcohol that you use for recreation or for altering (or balancing) your moods. Most students indulge in some partying at college, but once you get into heavy substance abuse, it's impossible to have the discipline and mental focus needed for success at college.

Can you follow what a professor says in a lecture?

You can't follow what the professor says in lecture—ever. Most students have times when they can't understand a point the professor makes. Professors are used to this and are generally quite happy to answer questions, either during or after the lecture.

Do colleges offer free services?

Colleges offer an array of services—most of them free—for all of the trouble signs described above. Use them.

Is it normal to be stressed out at college?

10. You feel overwhelmed, all of the time. It's normal to feel pretty stressed out when you start college and, of course, at midterm and finals times. But if you find yourself struggling every week of the semester—waking up each day hating where you are—something is wrong. Really wrong.

What does it mean to study hard?

Well, first of all, you need to have the right idea of what studying hard really means. Studying hard means that you study effectively. It’s not just about quantity, it’s about quality. Don’t focus too much on how much, also focus on how. Make sure you create and make use of mnemonic devices when studying.

How to study without interruptions?

Have at hand all the materials needed to study without interruptions to find or retrieve something. Make it a quiet zone. Join or create a study group. This can be a good study technique if, when in the group, one actually studies. Do not use the group as the means or place to learn the material the first time.

What is the bottom line of "Don't give up"?

Bottom line is just don't give up. And yes continue to do whatever you need to do to succeed. Maybe for you that's finding a friend or a tutor that can help you. You seem sincere so I wish you the best.

How to get rid of fatigue while studying?

If you sit for hours on end trying to take in a lot of information, you will undoubtedly become fatigued and you won't be able to remember everything. Study in bite-sized chunks, get plenty rest. Research different memory techniques, for example make flash cards. Get rid of distractions when you are studying.

How to make your study more active?

To make your study more highly active ,you should learn to how to adjust your study time. You can choose two or three subjects to learn a day. Keeping learning long time maybe isn’t a good thing for you. Instead, you may feel bored during the time and become inefficient.

What to do if you can't eat breakfast?

I eat yogurt and a cereal bar in the car while my mom drives me to school every morning. Make it a priority. If you absolutely cannot eat breakfast, bring something filling to eat at school.

What should you do when studying?

What you should do is build a studying strategy focused on simplifying, prioritizing, timing, note-taking, and stepping away in a mindful way. A studying strategy can include the following elements.
