when do you lose access to your mastering chemistry course

by Kamille Heathcote 3 min read

How do I know when my mastering course ends?

Jul 31, 2021 · Mastering course end date Updated 31 Jul 2021. You and your classmates can continue to sign in to the Mastering course content until 11:59 PM (Eastern Time, US) of the course end date. After the course ends, you can no longer view any information in the course. Your instructor sets the course end date and can change this at any time.

How do I view the course after it ends?

Access and personalize your digital reading experience — anytime, anywhere, even offline — within Mastering Chemistry. Chemistry Primer. Build your math and chemistry skills with this tutorial series. Learning Catalytics™. Tell your professor what you did — or didn’t — understand without saying a word.

What happens to my scores when I'm disenrolled from a course?

Dec 16, 2021 · Ask the instructor of your first Mastering course to disenroll you from that course. (Otherwise, Mastering may enter a series of failing assignment scores for you.) Once you're disenrolled from a course, you will no longer be able to sign in to it. If you worked on any assignments in the first course Ask the instructor to make a record your scores from the …

How do I join a second mastering course?

Mar 14, 2022 · MyLab & Mastering for Learning Management Systems: Change from Temporary to Full Access. See this detailed walkthrough to change your temporary access to full access in MyLab and Mastering for Learning Management Systems. 231745 …

How long is a Mastering Chemistry access code good for?

Access generally lasts for a duration of between 6 months and 2 years. Click the "Show Sample Access Code Voucher" button to see all the details of any access code that you are considering.

How long does mastering Pearson last?

Student access duration for Mastering products. After you register, you can continue to log in to a Mastering product (MasteringAstronomy, MasteringPhysics, etc.) from one to two years, depending on your textbook.

Does Pearson expire?

The Course Expiration date for courses is 15 months (460 days) from the Course Creation date.

Why is my Pearson course inactive?

page. You may not have enrolled in the correct course, or the instructor may have made you inactive—If your registration was successful but you are not enrolled in a course, you may need a course ID to join it. Ask your instructor or institutional administrator how to join the correct course.

How long does a Pearson account last?

When you purchase a Pearson+ subscription, it will last 4 months. Before your initial 4-month term ends, you can extend your subscription by turning auto-renew on in My account. If you turn auto-renew on, we'll automatically renew your subscription and charge you every month until you turn off auto-renew.

How do I know when my Pearson account expires?

Click on the Settings tab. Under the Course Management tab, the product expiration date will be displayed for each course. Note: You must first create a course to see the product's expiration date.

How long does the Pearson my lab last?

How long does a MyLab IT subscription last? Student subscriptions last the length of their course while instructor subscriptions are valid for four years. Instructor subscriptions for all MyLab IT versions last for four years.Jul 24, 2019

Do Pearson ebooks expire?

When an account expires, the student or teacher will no longer have access to Pearson eText or their notes with in the eText. In order to maintain access to notes, a user will need to renew their account with a new access code before their existing account expires.

Is Pearson revel free?

After joining a course using the course invitation link, you can choose the option of a 14-day Temporary Access to begin using Revel without payment. After registering with temporary access, you can upgrade to full access using the prompt that appears in the website every 24 hours.

How do I reactivate a course on Pearson?

Select Manage Course, then Roles and Enrollment Status.In the Name column, find the student you want to make active. You can scroll or do either of the following: ... For Status, select Inactive and then select Active.Select. close to go back to the list. ... Select Save to apply changes to all highlighted rows in the list.

What does inactive student status mean?

Inactive enrollments are students previously enrolled in a course but who can no longer access course content. This status can be used for students who do not pay tuition or drop the course at a future date.

How do I access my Pearson eText without course id?

To open an eText in self-study mode:Click Settings in the upper right of the page.From the My Courses tab, click Self Study eText.The eText opens up in self-study mode with no course information visible on the top.

Refund Requests

Need a refund for an online purchase you made from Pearson? See this page for steps to obtain a refund.

Get or Use a Course, Class, or Section ID

Are you being asked for a Course ID but not sure where to find that? Learn how to locate your Course ID on this page.

Registration: Access Code Not Valid for the Website or Course

Did you receive error code 84 or 7 when registering a Pearson Higher Education product? Or a message that "your code does not work for this product"? This page explains how to resolve these errors.

Registration and Access Code Help

Customer need need help with registration or access codes for Pearson Higher Education digital products.

Mastering: Dynamic Study Modules Access Error

"You do not have access to this site. Your subscription expires when your course ends." message in Mastering.

MyLab & Mastering for Learning Management Systems: Change from Temporary to Full Access

See this detailed walkthrough to change your temporary access to full access in MyLab and Mastering for Learning Management Systems.

Mastering, Modified Mastering: Error when Entering Answers

Students are encountering an issue when attempting to enter answers in Mastering Chemistry and Mastering Physics.

What is mastering chemistry?

MasteringChemistry™ (www.masteringchemistry.com) is the most advanced educationally effective chemistry tutorial, homework, and assessment system available. Based on years of research on how students work chemistry problems, MasteringChemistry can coach you with feedback specific to your needs and provide simpler subproblems and hints when you get stuck.

What is a student ID?

The Student ID may be your college ID, the last 4 digits of your Social Security number (U.S.), or some other convention that your instructor uses to identify you in his or her online gradebook.
