you are at the course home page and want to find your "to do" list. where do you look?

by Fred Konopelski 5 min read

Where are the blocks displayed on the course page?

Depending on the theme, blocks are displayed in the right and/or left columns of the course page. The Boost theme only displays blocks on the right, and when using the Moodle Mobile app blocks do not display at all.

How do I display activity and Resource Descriptions on the course?

Activity and resource descriptions can be displayed on the course page just below the link to the activity or resource by clicking the 'Display description on course page' checkbox in the activity or resource settings.

How do I access to do items from multiple courses?

When multiple courses include To Do items on a single date, courses are listed by Course Name and items are are listed by due time [1]. Graded items display the point value for the graded item [2]. To access a To Do item, click the item name [1].

How to always link course sections to the central content area?

An admin setting Always link course sections can be enabled from Site administration > Appearance > Navigation and will link course sections so that when a course section name is clicked in the navigation block or the central content area, it will go directly to that section.

Where can a To Do list be found on Canvas?

To-do items can also be viewed in the Card View Dashboard and the Recent Activity Dashboard.Open List View. To open Dashboard List View, click the Options icon [1] and select the List View option [2]. ... View List View. The List View Dashboard defaults to the current date [1]. ... View Grades. ... View To Do Items.

What should be on a course home page?

Your course homepage is the first thing your students see when they arrive at your course in Canvas....Many class homepages have the following four elements, or some subset of them:Cover image.Link to your syllabus file.Class and instructor information.Welcome message.

What is the To Do list in Canvas?

Canvas has added a feature which allows instructors to add non-graded items to students' to-do lists. Data shows that students most often use the “To-do” List to manage their courses in Canvas. Assignments and assessments are automatically populated on students' dashboards.

Where can students find a list of assignments for the course on Canvas?

Viewing the Assignment List. On the left menu of your course, click Assignments. On the Assignments page students may see assignments listed in up to four different categories.

What is a course page?

The course page content area is where you add a course title, description and featured image for your course. This is what people will see before they enroll (or purchase) the course.

How do I use the course home page as a student?

How do I use the Course Home Page as a student?Open Course. In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2].View Course Navigation. The Course Home Page is viewed from the Course Navigation Home link [1]. ... View Content Area. ... View Sidebar.

How do I create a list in Canvas?

Applying Lists in CanvasEdit the page.Highlight the text that you would like to turn into a list.Click on the Bulleted List or Numbered List button.Save your changes.

How do I create a To Do list for students on Canvas?

Adding a To-Do to Your CalendarOpen the Canvas Calendar by clicking the 'calendar' icon in the Global Navigation menu.To add a To-Do item, click on a date in the calendar or select the 'add' an icon.Then, choose the' My To Do' tab.

Where are assigned items located on your To Do list?

Items that need your immediate attention, such as past-due assignments or classes for which you need to register, are always at the top of the list and in orange. All assigned items have due dates, which are displayed on your To-Do List.

How do I view course content in Canvas?

In Canvas, content is organized into Modules. Modules can be accessed by clicking on the "Modules" link on the Course Navigation Menu, or by clicking on the individual Module button on the Course Home Page. The Module Index Page will provide a list of all course modules, and the content contained.

How do I access a course on Canvas?

How do I begin my course? To access your courses, on and after the course start date, log in to then use the dropdown menu that appears below your name to access the Dashboard or go directly to Canvas.

How do I view assignments in Google Classroom?

See work arranged by topicGo to and click Sign In. Sign in with your Google Account. ... Click the class.At the top, click Classwork.On the left, click a topic.(Optional) To see any instructions or feedback, click the post. View assignment or View question.

How to add an activity to a course?

To add an activity or resource to the course. Turn on the editing from the button top right. Click 'Add an activity or resource' to open the activity chooser. Double-click to add an activity or resource; click the i for more information and click the star icon to add it to a separate, starred tab.

How to add a block to a course?

To add a block to the course page. Turn on the editing from the gear menu of the button top right depending on your theme. Select a block from the "Add block" link, either at the bottom of the nav drawer on the left or a drop down menu usually on the right. To move a block.

Where are the blocks in Moodle?

Blocks. Depending on the theme, blocks are displayed in the right and/or left columns of the course page. The Boost theme only displays blocks on the right, and when using the Moodle Mobile app blocks do not display at all. To add a block to the course page.

Why is it important to update your course homepage?

Update your courses homepage link to your liking. Page title. This is important because the page title is displayed on search engine pages as the clickable headline. A descriptive and accurate page title can help improve page SEO and usability. Page description.

What is a Teachable homepage?

On Teachable, your homepage functions as your main website, so you don’t need to purchase other web-hosting platform subscriptions. Your homepage serves two main purposes: The first is to share who you are, and the second is to serve as a storefront for the courses you’ll be offering.

What is Teachable subscription?

Teachable is your home base to create, market, and sell online courses. With a Teachable subscription, you can host and deliver your course content, process payments and student enrollments, and get help with your taxes and finances. Teachable gives you the tools to provide your students an engaging, intuitive learning experience without ...

How to edit your homepage?

In the page editing experience, you’ll notice a gear icon on the top right of the editing column; clicking that will take you to your page’s settings. From there, you can edit: Your navigation bar.

Does Teachable have a subdomain?

If you don’t want to create your own custom subdomain, Teachable offers a standard subdomain ( to all members for free. If you want to connect a custom root domain (like directly to your school, here are more advanced steps to guide you through the process.

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How to see past due grades?

To view a list of graded past-due items across all your courses, click the Alert Menu button [1]. The Alert menu helps you see what opportunities are available to you to improve your course grades.

How to open a list view in a dashboard?

Open List View. To open Dashboard List View, click the Options icon [1] and select the List View option [2]. Note: Depending on your institution's settings, your dashboard may default to List View.

How to mark non-graded items as completed?

Non-graded items must be manually marked as completed. To manually mark an item as complete, click the checkbox for the item [1]. When you manually mark an item, the item's status will update when you refresh the page. Completed To Do items remain in the To Do list for you to view at any time.

Does the list view account for course favorites?

The List View Dashboard does not account for course favorites and displays all items based on date, course ID, due date, and due time. To-do items can also be viewed in the Card View Dashboard and the Recent Activity Dashboard.

What do you need to know when creating a landing page?

When creating your landing page, you need to think about your product and how it is positioned on the page at all times. This will be at the centre of your landing page, which is what your website essentially promotes.

What is an offer in a course?

An offer is a product that is related to what you are selling – your course, and works as a supplementary feature. This could be a checklist, a handout, an ebook, a PDF with important information relating to the course or the subject you are teaching, even your online course!

How does a landing page work?

Behind the scenes, a landing page works like this: Step 1: A site visitor sees an ad, clicks on it and finds himself on a landing page that prompts him to complete a form. Step 2: The person completes the form and provides their contact details (name + email address).

What is a landing page?

A ‘landing page’ is the first page you ‘land’ when you click on a link that directs you to a website. This is a page that is designed ‘with no distractions’ so that it converts site visitors into leads. A landing page is designed in a way to receive and convert traffic from an online marketing campaign.

How does a landing page help in sales?

As you can see, a landing page can do a lot to improve your sales funnel! It can increase your conversions, improve your branding and the experience of your users/customers. First impressions count, make your memorable with the right landing page that works for your audience!

How successful is a landing page?

A landing page is successful when it is created for the right reasons and for the right audience that encourages them to complete an action. To do this right, ask yourself what is your audience and what their needs are and make it easy for them to meet those.

Why is it important to put information first?

Put important information first: internet users have the tendency to focus on what they see first on a page and skim through the rest of the content. This means that you will score more conversion rates when your offer is at the top of the page or at places where the information is easily visible.

View Sidebar Course Items

The sidebar shows various action items in all your courses. Each item is associated with a specific course. All items from all your active courses display in the sidebar—not just favorited courses in the Dashboard.

View Instructor Sections

The sidebar helps you manage grading in all of your courses. However, assignments that are not graded or do not require an online submission only display until the due date.

Manage Sidebar Items

Each section item indicates how many items need to be graded [1]. By default, Grade Assignment links open to SpeedGrader in a new browser tab [2]. You can disable Grade Assignment links from opening in a new tab in your User Feature Settings.



Activities and Resources

  • To add an activity or resource to the course 1. Turn on the editing from the button top right. 1. Click 'Add an activity or resource' to open the activity chooser. Double-click to add an activity or resource; click the i for more information and click the star icon to add it to a separate, starred tab. If desired, the activity chooser may be disabled from Course preferences from the Preferenc…
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Editing Elements on Your Course Homepage

  • With the editing turned on, activities, resources and blocks will have icons performing different functions such as edit/move/copy/delete/hide. Note:' Your theme may have icons different from these below: 1. - the pencil icon allows you to edit inline the title of the resource / activity 1. - this icon groups actions together for easier editing on smaller screens. Click to reveal the options. 1…
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Tips and Tricks

  • Moving items in a course with many activities
    If you click and drag an activity or resource on a course page which has many items, this might cause you difficulties with "scroll of death" issues. Instead of dragging the activity to move it, click on it. It will display a list of all the items on your page and you just need to click to select where …
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Course Homepage Capabilities