within thye u.s. federal government, how do inspector general operate course hero

by Adelbert Streich 9 min read

What will I learn in an inspector general training program?

What You Will Learn: Basic criminal, civil, and administrative investigative techniques, legal concepts and procedures, and fraud schemes typically worked within the IG community.

How does the Inspector General's Office function?

The inspector general's office functions in two ways. To a certain degree they are ombudsmen for their branch of service. However, their primary function is to ensure the combat readiness of subordinate units in their command.

What are the different types of Inspector General (IG) agencies?

Statutory IGs can be grouped into four types: (1) establishment, (2) designated federal entity (DFE), (3) other permanent, and (4) special. Establishment (33 of 74) and DFE (32) IGs are governed by the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, whereas other permanent (7) and special (2) IGs are governed by separate statutes.

Are there statutory Inspectors General in the federal government?

Statutory Inspectors General in the Federal Government: A Primer Updated January 3, 2019 Congressional Research Service https://crsreports.congress.gov R45450 Congressional Research Service SUMMARY Statutory Inspectors General in the Federal

What is the job of an inspector general?

What is the role of an Air Force Inspector General?

How many inspector generals were there in 1978?

What law enforcement agency has the authority to carry firearms?

How many employees does the HHS-OIG have?

What is the Air Force Inspector General Complaints Program?

What is an office investigation?

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What Does An Inspector General Do: Job Description, Duties and ...

Provided oversight of IG office ADP equipment, hardware/software acquisition, installation, maintenance, employee training and security. Trained and certified over 700 personnel on Quality assurance practices and procedures.

About OIG | Office of Inspector General | Government Oversight | U.S ...

Who We Are. Since its 1976 establishment, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) has been at the forefront of the Nation's efforts to fight waste, fraud and abuse and to improving the efficiency of Medicare, Medicaid and more than 100 other Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) programs.

What does the Inspector General do?

To help them carry out their investigative role , Inspectors General have the authority to issue subpoenas for information and documents, administer oaths for taking testimony, and can hire and control their own staff and contract personnel.

What is the mission of the Office of Inspector General?

Established by the Inspector General Act of 1978, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) examines all actions of a government agency or military organization. Conducting audits and investigations, either independently or in response to reports of wrongdoing, the OIG ensures ...

How many inspector general offices are there in the US?

Misuse of agency funds or equipment is often revealed by OIG audits. There are currently 73 offices of US inspectors general, far more than the initial 12 offices created by the Inspector General Act of 1978.

What is the purpose of an OIG audit?

Audits conducted by the OIG are intended to ensure the effectiveness of security procedures or to discover the possibility of misconduct, waste, fraud, theft, or certain types of criminal activity by individuals or groups related to the agency's operation .

What is the role of the OIG?

Conducting audits and investigations, either independently or in response to reports of wrongdoing, the OIG ensures that the agency's operations are in compliance with the law and general established policies of the government.

How long does it take for an OIG report to be sent to Congress?

The agency head is then required to forward the OIG's report, along with any comments, explanations, and corrective plans, to Congress within seven days. The Inspectors General also send semiannual reports of all their activities for the past six months to Congress.

What is an IG?

federal inspector general (IG) is the head of an independent, non-partisan organization established within each executive branch agency assigned to audit the agency’s operation in order to discover and investigate cases of misconduct, waste, fraud and other abuse of government procedures occurring within the agency.

What you will learn about the Inspector General Act of 1978?

What You Will Learn: Essential IG-specific legal guidance and an introduction to the types of investigations typically worked within the IG community, as well as the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, and the primary authorities, duties, responsibilities, and obligations that stem from the Act.

Who should attend IG?

Who Should Attend: IG professionals from all disciplines, including investigators, auditors, evaluators, inspectors, analysts, attorneys, contracting officers, and others who are engaged in the oversight or administration of government contracts and grants.

What is CITP training?

CITP or an equivalent basic criminal investigator training program is a prerequisite. What You Will Learn: This accredited program will introduce new IG agents to the multitude of authorities, duties, responsibilities, and obligations that stem from the IG Act of 1978, as amended.

What is an inspector general?

Put simply, an inspector general is a watchdog who is part of the government and simultaneously independent from the entity they are tasked with investigating.

What do their reports do?

These inspectors conduct investigations and audits, either in the course of their work or in response to requests that they pursue a particular avenue.

How does this play out?

The inspectors general may be less well known than the agencies they’re tasked with covering, but their work has wide-reaching effects. A few examples from recent years:

What is this report?

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general for the Department of Justice, said in a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Schumer that his office anticipates releasing its long-awaited report into the FBI and Justice Department’s actions during the 2016 election by Thursday.

Career Information by OIG Component

With a staff of more than 75 professionals, the Office of Counsel to the Inspector General (OCIG) provides all legal services for OIG. The office is divided into three branches: Administrative and Civil Remedies, Advice, and Industry Guidance. Learn more about openings with OCIG.

Internship Opportunities

Are you looking for a meaningful internship that will give you a competitive edge, marketable experience, and knowledge of the Federal Government while making a difference in people's lives? Check out the challenging opportunities available at the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Job Benefits

The Office of Personnel Management provides valuable employment, pay and performance, and leadership and individual development information for current Federal employees and those looking to work for the Federal Government.

What is the EPA National Enforcement Training Institute?

The EPA National Enforcement Training Institute (NETI) is required by statute to train Federal, state, local and tribal lawyers, inspectors, civil and criminal investigators, and technical experts in the enforcement of the Nation's environmental laws.

What is the National Highway Institute?

National Highway Institute (NHI) NHI is the training arm of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). NHI provides training, resource materials and educational opportunities to the surface transportation community. National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences.

What is the Water Quality Standards Academy?

Water Quality Standards Academy. The "Water Quality Standards Academy" is best known for the "Basic Course". The Basic Course is an introductory course designed for those with fewer than six months experience with water quality standards and criteria programs. The Academy also offers "Intermediate" courses.

What is NAFTC training?

NAFTC offers training in the form of classes and workshops on a wide array of topics such as biodiesel, ethanol, hybrids, hydrogen, fuel cells, natural gas (C NG cylinder inspection, LNG, and light- and heavy-duty vehicles), battery-powered electric vehicles, and propane.

What is the NIEHS?

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is one of 27 Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH),which is a component of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The Division of Extramural Research and Training supports a worker education and training Program.

What is the job of an inspector general?

Within the United States Armed Forces, the position of inspector general is normally part of the personal staff serving a general or flag officer in a command position. The inspector general's office functions in two ways. To a certain degree they are ombudsmen for their branch of service.

What is the role of an Air Force Inspector General?

One of the first responsibilities of the Air Force inspector general is to operate a credible complaints program that investigates personnel complaints: Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) allegations; congressional inquiries; and issues involving the Air Force mission.

How many inspector generals were there in 1978?

The Inspector General Act of 1978 created 12 departmental inspectors general. Thirty years later, in October 2008, the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 added IGs in various other areas. As of July 2014#N#[update]#N#, there were 72 statutory IGs.

What law enforcement agency has the authority to carry firearms?

Since the post-9/11 enactment of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, resulting in the amendment of the IG Act of 1978, Section 6e, most presidentially appointed IG special agents have had full law enforcement authority to carry firearms, make arrests, and execute search warrants.

How many employees does the HHS-OIG have?

With approximately 1,600 employees, the HHS-OIG performs audits, investigations, and evaluations to recommend policy for decision-makers and the public. Ronald Reagan terminated 16 inspectors general when he entered into office in 1981. His administration explained that Reagan intended to hire his own selections.

What is the Air Force Inspector General Complaints Program?

The Air Force Inspector General Complaints Program was established to address the concerns of Air Force active duty, reserve, and Guard members, civilian employees, family members, and retirees, as well as the interest of the Air Force.

What is an office investigation?

Office investigations may be internal, targeting government employees, or external, targeting grant recipients, contractors, or recipients of the various loans and subsidies offered through the thousands of federal domestic and foreign assistance programs. The Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 ...

The Mission of The Office of Inspector General

Established by the Inspector General Act of 1978, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) examines all actions of a government agency or military organization. Conducting audits and investigations, either independently or in response to reports of wrongdoing, the OIG ensures that the agency's operations are in compl…
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How Inspectors General Are Appointed and Removed

  • For the Cabinet-level agencies, Inspectors General are appointed, without regard to their political affiliation, by the President of the United States and must be approved by the Senate. Inspectors General of the Cabinet-level agencies can be removed only by the President. In other agencies, known as "designated federal entities," like Amtrak, the U.S. Postal Service, and the Federal Rese…
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Who Oversees Inspectors General?

  • While by law, Inspectors General are under the general supervision of the agency head or deputy, neither the agency head nor the deputy can prevent or prohibit an Inspector General from conducting an audit or investigation. The conduct of the Inspectors General is overseen by the Integrity Committee of the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE).
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How Do Inspectors General Report Their Findings?

  • When an agency's Office of Inspector General (OIG) identifies cases of egregious and flagrant problems or abuses within the agency, the OIG immediately notifies the agency head of the findings. The agency head is then required to forward the OIG's report, along with any comments, explanations, and corrective plans, to Congress within seven days. The Inspectors General also …
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Brief History and Presidential Friction

  • The first Office of Inspector General was established by Congress in 1976 as a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) specifically to eliminate waste and fraud in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. On October 12, 1978, the Inspector General (IG) Act established Offices of Inspector General in 12 additional federal agencies. In 1988, the IG Act wa…
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