why we should do dsn course by sri sri

by Lesly Koss 5 min read

What is a DSN?

DSN is a rigorous and transformational program that empowers individuals to break through personal inhibitions and barriers and access inner strength. Break the boundaries of the mind to discover your full potential.

What is experiential learning?

The experiential learning, discussions and processes helps individuals believe in importance of their action in this society and discover an unshakeable faith in oneself to bring a change in society.

Advanced Meditation Program

Experience deep rest and peace with an experience of complete immersion in meditation, silence, and celebration.

Prajñā Yoga Intuition Process

A unique program for children and teens that enhances intuition, improves confidence, boosts creativity and intelligence.

Corporate Programs

Boost efficiency and productivity across all levels of your organization with customized programs that address the needs of every company.

What did the boys pledge to stop sniffing?

Some of the boys also pledged to stop sniffing glue (a dangerous toxic substance that is widely used by them to suppress their hunger.)

What is the meaning of "for me, this course has been a mind-blowing experience. It has given

“For me, this course has been a mind-blowing experience. It has given us the keys to understanding the universe. I have also got some valuable knowledge/tools I am looking forward to using in my profession.”

Who is William Richardson?

“Wards who entered the camp with their hard, angry composures and delinquent attitudes were transformed by the end of one week into happy, smiling youngsters....In the 33 years of my probation experience, I have never seen such responses.”William Richardson, Former director of Los Angeles County,V.A.P Anger Management Program,

What does the art of living do?

“Practice of the Art of Living techniques dissolves the side-effects of the medicines I take. It eliminates anxiety and nausea and gives me more energy,” shares a positive person ,

Is the death penalty litigation high pressure?

“The criminal defense and death penalty litigation work we do in our office is very high pressure and filled with stress.Because the stress level of the job affects our health and effectiveness at work, our office has sponsored several different stress management programs.
