why pros and cons "camera-on" online course policy

by Fausto Hoppe Jr. 5 min read

Requiring cameras to be on probably helps some students pay attention and the cameras allow us to see that our students are still there. But seeing their faces probably doesn’t improve our conversations, and the cameras make other students self-conscious, and thus less likely to participate and pay attention.

Full Answer

Will turning off cameras in online meetings affect classes?

Turning off cameras in online meetings will affect classes. Photo by Catherine Vu As distance learning continues, students face a crucial question: will they choose to leave their cameras on in live meetings? At first, it seems that using the video function of online meeting platforms is the more obvious choice.

What are the consequences of using school cameras in schools?

Parental notification is the most common consequence, followed by losing participation points or facing a lower grade, and being marked partially or fully absent. Elementary teachers and principals are significantly more likely to require that cameras be kept on when compared with their high school peers—88 percent vs. 60 percent.

Should we require students to have cameras in class?

Requiring cameras to be on probably helps some students pay attention and the cameras allow us to see that our students are still there. But seeing their faces probably doesn’t improve our conversations, and the cameras make other students self-conscious, and thus less likely to participate and pay attention.

Should you use your camera during online meetings?

At first, it seems that using the video function of online meeting platforms is the more obvious choice. However, by now students have quickly learned that there are setbacks to having their cameras on and not everyone may feel the same way about camera use. Here are some positives reasons to keeping your camera on during class:

Why should students turn the camera in online classes?

You are much more likely to pay attention and stay on task when the teacher and peers can see you in person, and it's no different online. Turning on your camera allows others to see when you are doing, and it is likely you would want to look productive. It also causes you to get less distracted by objects or phones.

What are the pros and cons of online classes?

So what are the pro's and con's of studying online?Pro: Increased Flexibility. The biggest advantage to studying online is the increase in flexibility. ... Con: Reputation. ... Pro: Ease of Access. ... Con: Lack of Social Interaction. ... Pro: More Affordable. ... Con: Fewer Courses.

Should I turn on my camera for zoom class?

Research suggests that... Instructors encourage students to turn their cameras on if their context allows but not require the practice unless seeing students is central to key course objectives (e.g., to give feedback on technique).

What are the disadvantages and disadvantages of online classes?

Disadvantages of Online LearningOnline Learning May Create a Sense of Isolation. Everyone learns in their own manner. ... Online Learning Requires Self-Discipline. ... Online Learning Requires Additional Training for Instructors. ... Online Classes Are Prone to Technical Issues. ... Online Learning means more screen-time.

Why it's important to study the pros and cons of a website?

With all the benefits, websites isn't advantageous for everyone. Just like everything else, websites too posses certain drawbacks. By exploring the pros and cons, you could determine if websites will be right for you.

What is the pros of online learning?

Online learning facilitates the ability to think critically about what you do every day. The goal in the classroom is to challenge you to think differently, and employers want you to do that, too–to think critically in your role at work. Mastering this skill is what will set you apart as a student, and as an employee.

Should cameras be on during online classes?

According to most teachers, during online classes, camera should be kept on a mode of connection between the teacher and the student.

Can professors force you to turn on your camera on Zoom?

Zoom classes with video cameras on are not considered a violation of this act or a student's privacy. “You put in an uncomfortable position of having their personal spaces on view for everyone, not just the professor. And students who do not wish to share their video should not be penalized for it,” Arteaga said.

Why do students not turn on their camera?

Students may also have legal and protective reasons for not showing themselves or their family members on camera. Out of respect for their family and sometimes even for their safety, students do not turn their cameras on. Being "camera ready" may be highly gendered, as well.

What are the problems in online classes?

Therefore, in the following, we shall explore the biggest challenges facing online education today.Lack of Motivation in Students. ... Infrastructural Problems. ... Digital Literacy and Technical Issues. ... Lack of In-person Interaction. ... Lack of EdTech and Online Learning Options for Special Needs of Students.More items...•

What is the negative effect of online class?

Tangibly, the most negative effect of online classes is a higher rate of class failure and dropouts. A study revealed in July 2011 by the Columbia University Community College Research Center indicated that Washington community college students were more likely to drop online classes than traditional ones.

Why is online learning disadvantages?

E-Learning can cause social Isolation. E-Learning requires strong self-motivation and time management skills. Lack of communicational skill development in online students. Cheating prevention during online assessments is complicated.

Why do students have cameras on?

Having their cameras on compels students to reflect on the image that they are presenting. Chances are, students will want to present the best version of themselves.

Why do teachers use cameras?

Camera use allows teachers to better gauge the needs of their classes. Much of our communication is done through body gestures and facial expressions. Teachers rely on physical reactions to get a sense of how students feel about their class.

What is camera use impacted by?

Camera use is impacted by varying living situations and distractions.

What happens if you don't pay attention to your teacher?

With your camera on, teachers can see exactly what you are doing in class . If you aren’t paying attention, this could be problematic. However, if you are paying attention, teachers will know and you’ve got nothing to worry about.

What happens when a teacher cannot see their students?

When a teacher cannot see their students’ faces, a valuable source of communication and feedback is lost. On the other hand, students may experience some unpleasant effects when they keep their video on during class:

Does turning off cameras affect classes?

Turning off cameras in online meetings will affect classes. Photo by Catherine Vu

Is online learning challenging?

Regardless of camera preferences, it is clear that online learning poses new challenges for both students and teachers. Everyone has been forced to adapt to the unique demands of virtual schooling. Mutual communication and understanding between students and teachers will remain vital for successful distance learning.

Is it better to watch lectures on double speed or not?

Watching lectures on double speed is efficient, but you’re definitely not actually absorbing as much.

Do you have to pay attention when the camera is on?

It is so much easier to pay attention when you’re being held accountable. Seriously, when the camera is on, you can’t just be sleeping or showering or making lunch. I mean you could, but it would be a little weird.

Is Zoom School exhausting?

So the flip side of being empowered to pay attention is that you have to pay attention. Zoom school can be pretty exhausting, and sometimes it can be nice to take a little phone break during a du ll moment in class . Or during the whole class. It happens!

Why do we keep cameras on?

Are there other reasons for keeping the cameras on? We might think that seeing each other’s faces improves communication. In non-virtual face-to-face interactions, it does. Without noticing it, we process and interpret a flood of subtle facial cues, adding to what we learn from the other person’s words and tone of voice. But on Zoom, the imperfect video feed obscures those crucial small cues. We just don’t see the faces well enough, and so, we get faulty cues which can mislead us. We might communicate better with the cameras off.

Can you use a virtual background on an older computer?

A virtual background will hide all that, but students can only use one if their computer meets certain system requirements. On an older computer with older software, the virtual background won’t work. And of course, poor students are more likely to have an older computer. The camera makes some students acutely self-conscious, ...

Do students get full credit for low stakes assignments?

All of these will be low-stakes assignments; and students will get full credit if it looks like they paid attention.

Do poor students have older computers?

And of course, poor students are more likely to have an older computer. The camera makes some students acutely self-conscious, which makes sense given that it broadcasts a closeup of one’s face to the entire class for the entire class period.

What happens if you turn off your camera in school?

Parental notification is the most common consequence, followed by losing participation points or fac ing a lower grade, and being marked partially or fully absent.

Why do teachers need cameras?

On one side, cameras can foster student engagement and make teachers feel less like they’re speaking into an abyss. On the other, teachers say requiring cameras can make some students feel vulnerable or exposed. A new Education Week Research Center survey found that more than three quarters of teachers, principals, ...

What percentage of teachers require cameras?

60 percent. Sixty-two percent of middle school teachers and principals require cameras. Many teachers have expressed concerns that requiring cameras would disproportionately affect students ...

How many percent of students say cameras must be kept on?

Of the 77 percent who say cameras must be kept on, 42 percent say they might make exceptions based on the age of the student, the preference of the student, and other considerations. An additional 17 percent report stricter rules in which cameras must be kept on unless parents request an exception. And 18 percent say cameras must be kept on, no ...

Is it better to turn on your camera during virtual classes?

Oregon State University’s Center for Teaching and Learning created a list of the pros and cons of requiring students to turn on their cameras during virtual classes. The pros include: creating a sense of connection and accountability, fostering community, simulating in-person instruction, and making it easier for the teachers to identify students by name. The cons include: invading students’ privacy, making students feel self-conscious, and feeling exhausted by staring into faces at close range for a long period of time.

Do students have to have cameras on Wednesdays?

Her school, which is completely remote on Wednesdays, does not require students to have their cameras on. As a result, McSweeney said, usually only one or two kids have them on. Otherwise, she said, her class only turns them on when she begs.

Do teachers have to keep cameras on during class?

A new Education Week Research Center survey found that more than three quarters of teachers, principals, and district leaders whose schools or districts provide live remote instruction say that if students have working cameras on their devices, they must keep them on during class.

Why is it important to have a video on your camera?

By having your camera on, you show you’re self-assured, transparent, and ready to move ahead.

Why do you turn on your camera?

Turning on your camera will help people get to know you and remember you better. Video sets the meeting’s tone. When you turn on your video, it sets the tone for others to do the same and creates the conditions for more effective virtual communication.

Why is it important to know when your video is off?

When your video is off, it’s more tempting to multitask or let your mind wander. Knowing others can see you will help you listen, pay attention, and contribute. This will make you more effective and put you in a better place to grow your career. Video makes you memorable.

Why is video important?

Video builds trust and rapport. People don’t trust what they don’t understand, and when you’re on video, you’re providing plenty of information about yourself. People can see your nonverbal behaviors and get a sense of your mood, your manner, and your mindset. These factors all help to communicate a sense of openness.

What does it mean when you have your video on?

When you have your video on, you show not only that you’re camera-ready but ready for your day and your work. It is sad, but true, that we tend to judge others more harshly than ourselves. This is especially the case when we don’t know others well.

Is virtual communication good?

There are pros and cons to almost all virtual communication. For instance, it’s easier to connect and work from anywhere, but it’s tougher to build relationships. It’s pretty terrific to wear your sweatpants and fuzzy slippers to work, but it can be a challenge to network effectively and make strides toward your next career opportunity.

Is it easier to work from anywhere?

For instance, it’s easier to connect and work from anywhere, but it’s tougher to build relationships. It’s pretty terrific to wear your sweatpants and fuzzy slippers to work, but it can be a challenge to network effectively and make strides toward your next career opportunity.

What are some examples of features to consider when deciding on a camera?

Examples of features to consider include: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi: These connectivity options allow for easy file transfer (e.g. from your camera to your phone) and give the ability to control your camera remotely via a Bluetooth remote. Mic input/output: Great video quality requires excellent audio.

What are the features of a camera?

Nowadays, cameras come with so many unique features that make creating content a seamless process. Of course, not all functions are necessary to achieve your specific home video goals or create high quality content; however, it’s best to keep a running list of those that are a “must-have” when choosing your camera. Examples of features to consider include: 1 Bluetooth and Wi-Fi: These connectivity options allow for easy file transfer (e.g. from your camera to your phone) and give the ability to control your camera remotely via a Bluetooth remote. 2 Mic input/output: Great video quality requires excellent audio. Having the option to add a mic may be essential when creating quality video content for your course in which you appear and talk on camera. 3 Rotating LCD screen: If you’re shooting content that requires you to be on camera, consider purchasing a camera equipped with a rotating screen to help you see what you’re recording in real-time. If anything is off, you’ll see upfront rather than being surprised after the fact. 4 Touchscreen: This allows you to explore your camera with your fingertips versus buttons (which sometimes can be tiny). 5 Eye + face tracking: This refers to the camera’s ability to track the subject while moving (without going out of focus) and can be helpful for creators during instructional home videos. 6 Auto modes: This allows your camera to determine the most optimal settings until you’re comfortable changing settings manually.

What is course outline?

Your course outline is made, your lessons are planned, and you may even have started putting together a marketing strategy to get students excited to enroll in your course. Then the thought hits you: You need high quality video and photos to give your online course the extra flare that it needs.

Why is horizontal footage better?

However, unless you’re shooting social media content such as Instagram Reels or TikTok videos, horizontal footage tends to be more aesthetically pleasing to watch. It also saves time and headaches when editing video for a platform where horizontal orientation is the standard (e.g. YouTube).

What is touch screen on a camera?

Touchscreen: This allows you to explore your camera with your fingertips versus buttons (which sometimes can be tiny). Eye + face tracking: This refers to the camera’s ability to track the subject while moving (without going out of focus) and can be helpful for creators during instructional home videos.

What is the benchmark used to determine a camera's quality?

Determine the lens options for your top camera picks. Once upon a time, “megapixels” were the benchmark that creators used to determine a camera’s quality. Today, megapixels do little to nothing to assess your camera’s quality unless you’re looking to print out large images that you capture on camera.

What is mirrorless camera?

Mirrorless: With this type of camera, what you see is what you get. As you may have gathered, Mirrorless cameras don’t use mirrors to capture an image. Mirrorless cameras do a better job of displaying what you’d actually see, making it easier to play around with settings while shooting.
