When searching for an Honors or Honors Experience course, while in the myFSU Portal:
Full Answer
Freshmen at Florida State University may be eligible for admission to University Honors via the lateral admission process. Lateral admits join the University Honors the spring semester following their first fall semester. They are held to the same retention requirements as students admitted by standard admission.
The University Honors Application consists of a series of student dispositions and short answer questions. Applicants must answer every question to be considered for the University Honors.
The Florida State University Registration Guide is an edition of the General Bulletin and is published biannually in the Spring and Fall by Florida State University, Office of the University Registrar, Tallahassee, FL.
Students must indicate their interest in and complete their supplemental University Honors Application by 11:59 pm EST on November 15, 2021 to be considered for University Honors. The University Honors Application consists of a series of student dispositions and short answer questions.
Honors classes are a step above regular classes. They are more in-depth on a subject and usually move at a faster pace. Additionally, they are more demanding in terms of preparation, time, and studying. Teachers typically expect more out of students when they are taking an honors class.
Search for Honors CoursesFirst, click on the Student Central (SC) icon.Next, click on the "My Classes" tile on the FSU Student Homepage.Click on the link "Class Search."Enter the Term and Student Group. ... Click the "Search" button at the bottom of the page to look for Honors and Honors Signature Courses.
Honors Signature Courses offer close interaction with honors instructors, who have been selected for their teaching expertise, innovative and interdisciplinary approach, and commitment to undergraduate student success. These courses have no more than 24 students and typically meet multiple liberal studies requirements.
3.2 GPATo complete program requirements, students must earn 18 honors points and have a final 3.2 GPA upon graduation. At least 13 of the honors points must be earned through honors course work and up to 5 points may be earned from other achievements.
[The academic profile of the middle 50% of applicants admitted to University Honors in 2021 was: 4.40-4.66 weighted GPA; 32-34 ACT composite score; 1440-1520 SAT total score.] Students are accepted into the University Honors Program by application only.
24 studentsUniversity Honors Honors courses typically have no more than 24 students, provide the opportunity for personal contact with faculty, and foster critical thinking about contemporary issues.
Honors students have access to a variety of engagement experiences beyond the classroom and also have the opportunity to to take on leadership roles by ideating, planning, and assisting faculty and staff with coordinating events.
Average GPA: 4.07 The average GPA at FSU is 4.07. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 4.07, FSU requires you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants.
The Honors in the Major Program (HITM) supports eligible students in completing and defending an honors thesis in their major, which serves to strengthen their post-graduate endeavors. Students of all disciplines may apply to HITM and pursue traditional research or creative projects.
Graduating with magna cum laude honors can help a student get a job in certain fields or gain admission to a top graduate school. It is particularly useful for job candidates in finance, management consulting, and engineering. Magna cum laude and similar honors are most helpful in landing a first or second job.
The percentage is between 20 and 30%, because that's the range most schools use to determine if a student deserves the honors.
More than 80% of students with a 3.5 to 4.0 unweighted high school grade point average (GPA) graduate from college with a Bachelor's degree within six years, compared with only 49% of students with a 2.0 to 2.9 GPA and a quarter of students with less than a 2.0 GPA.
Honors student Exclusive ADVANTAGES Students may apply to live in Landis Hall, a premier honors-only residence hall in the middle of campus.
The Florida State University Honors Program provides a holistic developmental environment for intellectually curious students through enriching experiences both within and outside of the classroom.
Average GPA: 4.07 The average GPA at FSU is 4.07. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 4.07, FSU requires you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants.
around 37%Florida State University Acceptance Rate The acceptance rate at FSU for first-year students was around 37% for the 2021-2022 academic year. Compared to other top Florida universities like the University of Florida and the University of Miami, this is a little higher than average.
The University Honors Application consists of a series of student dispositions and short answer questions. Applicants must answer every question to be considered for the University Honors. Applicants to University Honors will be evaluated based on a holistic approach including, but not limited to, grades and strength of curriculum, honors and awards, extracurricular achievements, unique individual talents, quality of responses to the short-answer questions, and ACT/SAT test scores.
To be competitive, students offered lateral admission generally enroll in at least fifteen (15) graded credit hours and earn a 3.800 FSU GPA during their first fall term.
Complete the Honors Application. Students must indicate their interest in and complete their supplemental Honors Application by 11:59 pm EST on November 15, 2021 to be considered for University Honors. The Honors Application consists of a series of student dispositions and short answer questions. Applicants must answer every question ...
Freshmen at Florida State University may be eligible for admission to University Honors via the lateral admission process. Lateral admits join the University Honors the spring semester following their first fall semester. They are held to the same retention requirements as students admitted by standard admission.
Our mission is to enhance the undergraduate programs in HSF and enrich the lives of students through financial and professional support. Friends of HSF is comprised of alumni and friends of the FSU Honors Program, Office of National Fellowships (ONF), and the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement (CRE).
Discover all the information you need regarding our undergraduate and graduate programs.
Our office helps students to pursue opportunities for enrichment by providing information and support throughout the fellowship application process.
The CRE is leading a growing movement to involve FSU students in the highest levels of academic engagement, helping students take advantage of the very best a major research university like FSU has to offer.
The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards (OGFA) helps FSU graduate students identify and apply for competitive and prestigious external funding opportunities. To learn more, click the link below:
The Florida State University Honors Program provides a holistic developmental environment for intellectually curious students through enriching experiences both within and outside of the classroom. We offer a multitude of academic, leadership, and community engagement opportunities to develop students who are scholars and lifelong learners.
Our mission is to enhance the undergraduate programs in HSF and enrich the lives of students through financial and professional support. Friends of HSF is comprised of alumni and friends of the FSU Honors Program, Office of National Fellowships (ONF), and the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement (CRE).
Log on to Student Central. You can get to the Class Search interface by following any of the following navigational paths:
1. On the Search for Classes - Enter Search Criteria page, locate the Student Group field.
From your FSU Student Homepage, click the "My Classes" tile. Click the "Enrollment: Add Classes" button in the menu on the left and then click "Search.". Helpful information on using the Class Search, as well as step-by-step instructions, are located in the "How-To Videos" tile on your FSU Student Homepage.
Undergraduate students should request a graduation check from the Office of the University Registrar two terms prior to their anticipated graduation date, or at the time they have earned ninety hours of credit. A second check should be completed in the office of their Academic Dean one term prior to their anticipated graduation. Registration stops will be placed on students who have earned ninety semester hours, including current term registration, but have not completed the graduation check. Graduate students should check with their department regarding degree requirements. Application for graduation must be made by the published deadline; students can apply online through the myFSU portal. Students who graduate in Fall 2021 must apply for and be readmitted to register for Spring 2022 or any subsequent term. Likewise, students who graduate in Spring 2022 must apply for and be readmitted to register for Summer 2022 or any subsequent term.
The FSUCard provides access to the libraries, residence halls, buses, campus recreation locations, the testing center, and other campus events. It can also be used for vending, on-campus laundry, printing, purchases at the FSU Bookstore and Computer Store, the UPS Store, and much more.
To access Degree Progress, go to the "My Classes" tile on your FSU Student Homepage in Student Central and select the link for "Undergraduate Degree Progress". Within Degree Progress you may plan out courses for upcoming semesters from your remaining degree requirements. When registration opens for a semester that you have planned, click the "Register" button and your planned courses will be imported into Schedule Assistant. Once in Schedule Assistant, you may search for class sections and register. Contact your advisor if you have any questions about your requirements in Degree Progress.
During the first four days of classes, individual courses may be added, dropped, or sections of a course changed through the myFSU portal from the My Courses portlet or in the "My Classes" tile on your FSU Student Homepage in Student Central. Students are financially liable for all courses appearing on their schedule after the fourth day of classes. Courses may be dropped after the drop/add period and through the seventh week of classes with the exception of mandated college preparatory courses, freshman English composition courses, certain liberal studies courses, and courses involved in allegations of academic dishonesty; however, tuition charges remain. Approval by the student's academic dean is required to reduce the academic load below twelve semester hours or increase an academic load above eighteen semester hours (to a maximum of twenty-one semester hours). Courses dropped during this period do not appear on the student's transcript. The academic dean's approval is required to add courses after the first four days of classes.
All student enrollment and degree verifications will be by official request only. Students who need enrollment verification should submit a request online at https://my.fsu.edu. Go to the FSU Student Homepage in Student Central and select the "My Academics" tile. Under the "Academic Records" menu on the left side of the page, select "Request Enrollment Verification." If the student requests the institution to mail their verification letter, their letter will be processed the following business day. When submitting requests to be mailed, students must make sure they complete all mailing address information. Written requests may be submitted to:
For Fall and Spring semesters, undergraduate students in good standing may register for as many as eighteen semester hours in one semester and as few as twelve semester hours in one semester. A full-time course load is twelve semester hours or more in the Fall and Spring.
Students interested in participating in the Honors in the Major program in economics should begin making inquiries of appropriate faculty members at least two semesters and preferably three semesters prior to the intended semester of graduation. A student who has identified a faculty member and a topic in advance and is ready to begin research in the first semester can usually complete the requirements for Honors in the Major in two semesters. A student who needs time to develop a topic may wish to allow three semesters to complete the requirements. All students must adhere to the timelines specified by the Honors Program for Honors in the Major.
To graduate with Honors in Economics, a student conducts independent research under the guidance of a faculty member, completes an honors thesis based on the research, and defends the thesis before a faculty committee. Completion and defense of the thesis usually occurs in the term in which the student expects to graduate. Honors students earn three hours credit at the 4000-level each term for two or three terms. The student must earn at least six hours of Honors in the Major credit and maintain a 3.2 cumulative GPA. Effective in the Fall 2014 catalog year, Economics majors may count no more than six (6) thesis hours (ECO 4934) toward major elective requirements.
The Department of Economics offers the opportunity for economics majors to earn Honors in the Major. The Honors in the Major program is designed to encourage talented juniors and seniors to undertake independent and original research as part of their undergraduate experience. Honors in the Major is excellent preparation for graduate and professional study.
A student interested in working with a particular faculty member should meet with that faculty member to discuss possible research areas and topics. A student interested in a particular area of economics or in a particular topic should identify a faculty member with interest and expertise in that area or topic and meet with the faculty member.
A student who has identified a faculty member and a topic in advance and is ready to begin research in the first semester can usually complete the requirements for Honors in the Major in two semesters. A student who needs time to develop a topic may wish to allow three semesters to complete the requirements.
The course you register for, for Honors Thesis credit, is REL 4932. Honors in the Major students will complete six hours of Honors thesis credit to graduate With Honors. Honors students earn three hours credit at the 4000-level each term for two or three terms. The student must earn at least six hours of Honors in the Major credit ...
Students interested in participating in the Honors in the Major program in religion should begin making inquiries of appropriate faculty members at least two semesters and preferably three semesters prior to the intended semester of graduation.
complete an honors thesis based on the research; and successfully defend the thesis before a faculty committee, usually in the term in which the student expects to graduate.
The honors thesis is regularly an essay of some length (25 pages minimum with no maximum set) on a topic that might be generated by work taken in regular courses but which is expected to go beyond the boundaries of any specific course.
Students must apply and be accepted into Honors in the Major by the FSU Honors Program before registering for Honors in the Major credit in religion. It is not necessary for the student to have already been part of the Honors program, which is separate from the Honors in the Major.
Absolutely! You don’t have to be an honors student to graduate from GCC with honors! Completing the GCC with honors is open to all students, including honors and non-honors students as an effort to give non-honors students an opportunity for an enriched honors learning experience.
No, they are not the same. If you have any questions about how to get admitted to Honors in the Major or how to become a member of the University Honors Program, please visit honors.fsu.edu or contact the Honors in the Major Program at [email protected].