why of course how selfish lets do all the things you wanna do

by Adolphus Stracke V 4 min read

Well, being selfish allows you to do that. It gives you confidence in your ability to say no. It allows you to focus on the quality of the things that you do say yes to, so that you get the most enjoyment out of them.

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Why do selfish people behave the way they do?

One who is selfish behaves the way they do because of their innate self absorbed personality. This means that they are concerned with the thoughts, actions, and feelings of themselves. They are rarely concerned with the motivations of others.

What is good selfishness?

There are two parts of the definition that make the idea of “good” selfishness a hard pill to swallow. Firstly, the word “excessively” which describes a person who only and always thinks of themselves. Secondly, the phrase “without regard for others” which describes a person who doesn’t care how their actions impact the people around them.

Does being too selfish make the world a worse place?

But being too selfish makes our world a worse place. In the case of selfishness, we can see the kind of inequality, conflict, and bitterness that it leads to and how many people’s hearts go cold as a result of feeling like they live in a world where all that matters is money.

Do all trades and professions produce selfish people?

All trades and professions have pleasant and unpleasant people in them, but there are certain types of work which can lend themselves more strongly to a selfish mindset. We can debate all day about which industries and jobs tend to produce more selfish people, but I will say this:

Why are people so selfish? The top 16 reasons we live in a me-first world

One of the main reasons people are so selfish is that they believe it’s logical.

Building a less selfish world

There are all sorts of organizations and ideas about building a utopian world.

Three ways to be less selfish

One good way to become less selfish is to try your best to see things from someone else’s perspective.

What is a Selfish Person?

A selfish person is someone who is overly concerned with themselves. They have a terminally self absorbed mindset, and they do things to serve themselves, even if the actions will harm others.

1. They Are Concerned Only with Their Own Needs

A selfish person puts themself first. It doesn’t matter what others are going through, the person will care about how it affects them. Maybe you have dealt with people like this, and were frustrated by their behavior.

2. They Have a Sense of Entitlement

Selfish people have an innate thought that they deserve what they desire.

3. They Rarely Feel Remorseful

A selfish person may have done things to hurt other people, but one thing you won’t catch them doing is feeling remorseful about what they’ve done.

5. They Rarely Consider The Feelings Of Others

Selfish people, generally speaking, don’t care about the thoughts and feelings of others. What’s important to them is always how they themselves feel.

6. They Will Do Anything To Get What They Want

Selfish people tend to be more ambitious in life. Because of their traits of entitlement and self absorption, it’s no wonder they want the best for themselves.

7. They Need To Be The Most Important person In The Room

Since they care little for the opinion of others, selfish people think of others as below them. They may feel that they are the most important person in any group.

What is the challenge of being dissatisfied with your life?

The vast majority of people who are deeply dissatisfied with their lives, work and relationships suffer from one core challenge: an inability to speak up authoritatively and clearly for what they want and what they deserve.

What do people believe about happiness?

People who make a positive difference in the world and experience happiness, gratitude and success in their lives believe they deserve happiness. What we believe will come to be. And those who feel undeserving of joy and success make themselves “right” and never achieve it. The experiences we have in our childhoods and families of origin teach us either to feel we are worthy, loved and appreciated, or the opposite. Sadly, many thousands of people were raised to feel unworthy and undeserving.

What did Einstein say about consciousness?

As Einstein said, “We can’t solve a problem on the level of consciousness that created it.”. Shift your consciousness by getting empowering and uplifting help from someone who believes in you and won’t let you take “no” for answer about your own life.

Do you believe you deserve happiness?

You don’t believe you deserve a happier life or livelihood. People who make a positive difference in the world and experience happiness, gratitude and success in their lives believe they deserve happiness. What we believe will come to be.