why kidnapping the princess of course

by Dr. Kadin Gerlach V 3 min read

Why did the Dragon kidnap the Princess?

He kidnapps the princess in order to attract skilled warriors and assign the task to them. Orson Scott Card 's spin on this is that dragons kidnap princesses so as to get knights to chase after them—they're embodiments of truth, so their nature forces them to judge the honesty of wannabe heroes.

Who tried to kidnap Princess Anne?

At around 8 p.m. on March 20, 1974, a man named Ian Ball attempted to kidnap Princess Anne, according to SCMP. The attempt came just four months after Queen Elizabeth II 's only daughter married Captain Mark Phillips, according to Smithsonian Magazine.

What happened to Princess Anne when Ian Ball tried to kidnap her?

When Ian Ball attempted to kidnap Princess Anne, she was riding in a Rolls-Royce limousine with four other people, according to Smithsonian Magazine. In addition to her husband, she was travelling with her lady-in-waiting Rowena Jane Brassey, royal chauffeur Alex Callender, and Metropolitan Police inspector James Beaton, according to SCMP.

Is Cybele the hero or villain in kidnapping the Princess?

Watch Cybele, both our hero and villain for the story as she struggles to fulfill her wishes while trying to keep her feelings for the Princess in check. More Details... To ask other readers questions about Kidnapping The Princess , please sign up .

Traditional Ransom

Gold and jewel-loving dragons might just hope to be able to get a few pounds of gold out of a monarch who wants his daughter back.

Knight-Dragon Con

A dragon kidnaps the princess. A "valiant knight" rides in and "slays" the dragon.

Princesses are pretty pets!

Papa dragon's little girl dragon wants a pet. He doesn't think it's a good idea, but when she looks into his eyes, he can't say no. She wants a pet human.

Deadly Decadent Court Conspiracy

The Princess is slated to be married to the son of the Duchess of Chartreuse.
