why, for sicence of course

by Fabian Blick III 9 min read

Courses in science teach you how to look for answers. If you want to understand how things work, then a degree in science is for you. Whether you want to cure diseases, explore new frontiers in space, create new medicines, or solve the problem of climate change, a science degree will help you to do it. Science covers a broad range of subjects.

Full Answer

Why do I have to take science courses?

Science courses aren't an arbitrary bullshit requirement imposed to protect faculty jobs, they're a necessary step in helping you become a better citizen and a better human being. Follow me on Twitter . Check out my website .

Why do people study a course?

One of the reasons many studies a course is to ensure there is continuity in that field of study.

Why did you choose this course or major?

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS COURSE OR MAJOR: BEST ANSWERS? 1. Your concern about the future of the field One of the reasons many studies a course is to ensure there is continuity... 2. Your concern for its impact on you or mankind: One of your driving forces to studying a course could be your concern... ...

What is the importance of Science in our life?

Human progress throughout history has largely rested on advances in science. From our knowledge of gravity to cutting-edge medicines, students of Science have shaped our modern world. All of these advances can trace their origin back to individuals learning about science as students.

Why do you choose to study science?

Firstly, science helps our understanding of the world around us. Everything we know about the universe, from how trees reproduce to what an atom is made up of, is the result of scientific research and experiment. Human progress throughout history has largely rested on advances in science.

What are 3 reasons why science is important?

Science is important for a variety of reasons including:Increases our fundamental knowledge.Creates new technology.Dreams up new applications.A pathway to share ideas.Gives us a better world view.

Why is science My favorite subject?

I can study these concepts in Science. Science is my favourite subject in school. It is my favourite subject because we study many interesting concepts in this subject such as plants, animals, universe, earth, forces of earth etc. I am studying in third standard now and I am learning this subject from first grade.

What is science course all about?

Science is a multi-disciplined academic field for students with the following subject combinations in class 12th – PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), and PCMB (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology).

What are benefits of science?

Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions — both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications: New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications.

What are the 10 benefits of science?

Answer Life is become easy and comfortable through science and technology. Travelling has become easy and fast in minutes. Communication is become easy, fast and cheaper. Standard of living have increased with the increase in technology. Man have become advanced by using various new technology.More items...•

What do you love most about science?

8 reasons why we love science even moreA deeper understanding of processes we take for granted. ... Simple experiments, big 'a-ha!' ... Fun and pink flamingos. ... A sense of humor while fielding silly questions. ... Finding ways to do everything better. ... Explaining the things that get on our last nerves. ... Making huge discoveries.More items...•

What is science short essay?

Science – Short Essay 1. Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and the laws of nature with thorough experiment and practical observation.

What do I think about science subject for me?

Answer: Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. The earliest roots of science can be traced to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3000 to 1200 BCE.

Which science course is the best?

Below mentioned are the best courses after 12th science which a student can choose from depending on their aptitude and interests.Medicine/ MBBS. ... Engineering. ... BBA. ... LLB (Bachelor of Law) ... Bachelor in Statistics. ... Bachelor in Computer Application. ... Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management. ... B.Sc in IT and Software.More items...•

What is the most important science?

1. Mathematics: the Most Popular Discipline among Students. Many people feel it correct to think that math is "the mother of all sciences." When paying attention to the importance of particular subjects, nobody would argue the fact that math is one of the primary educational and scientific disciplines.

Why is science important?

Science is important for a variety of reasons including: 1 Increases our fundamental knowledge 2 Creates new technology 3 Dreams up new applications 4 A pathway to share ideas 5 Gives us a better world view

What is science in science?

Science is a language that crosses borders, traverses languages, and brings together cultures. Science allows us to share our ideas in a public forum. And by sharing those ideas we can either confirm them to be true, are dissect them to learn more.

How long does it take to put fundamental knowledge into action?

Often the fundamental knowledge we gain from science doesn’t have immediate applications. It takes decades , if not centuries to put that fundamental knowledge into action. But once we have the knowledge, and we create the applications, it is hard to imagine life without it.

What is peer review in science?

All of the science that has impacted your life has gone through a process called peer review. That means people in the same field, and at the same level of study, as another scientist read their papers, look at their experiments, investigate their results, and give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

Why is fundamental knowledge important?

Fundamental knowledge is important because it shows us how protons and neutrons are made. It shows us if our theories of gravity are right. It helps us understand how waves of light (or radiation) interact with our bodies.

Is science a sport?

Science is a team sport. Every discovery is aided by thousands of experiments, and hundreds of scientists working to recreate, confirm, or deny, the discovery. Each of those scientists contributes to the ideas and the ability to discover the validity of those ideas. Each of those scientists is a part of a collaborative process of sharing ideas.

Why do non-scientists have it easier?

If anything, the non-scientists often have it easier, because science departments generally offer special courses tailored for the interests of non-majors. Pretty much any college or university will have some variant of "Physics for Poets," but it's exceedingly rare to find anyone offering "Poetry for Physicists.".

What are the critical policy decisions that need to be made in the coming decades?

In coming decades, critical policy decisions will need to be made-- about energy sources, mitigation strategies, etc.-- and getting those questions right demands some scientific information. Public health is another huge issue, requiring informed decisions about how to fight pandemic disease, an aging population, etc.

Does science require a lot of background knowledge?

0:00. 0:00 / 8:58. Live. •. Yes, science requires a good deal of specialized background knowledge; so does anything worth doing. The core process is fundamental and universal, though, and if you focus on that, you'll find that science is not so different from ordinary hobbies.

Is science smart?

That process demands reasoning that is fundamentally scientific. Branding aside, the scientific mode of thinking is not alien and difficult-- scientists are smart, but not that smart. When you actively avoid engaging with science, you're cutting yourself off from a deep and fundamental part of the human experience.

Do you need to go through two courses before talking about black holes?

You don't need to go through two courses' worth of blocks sliding on inclined planes before getting to talk about black holes and wormholes. You may think you don't like science based on bad experiences in high school, but it may just be that you don't like high school science.

Why do students choose a particular course as their field of study?

Opportunities available in such field of study: One of the reasons students chose a particular course as their field of study or major is because of the opportunities available in such field of study. Some students already got the opportunity available to them even before they applied to study the course while some applied for the course because ...

Why do students choose to study a particular course?

Students could choose to study a particular course due to the discovery of their personal strength. Every student has their area of strength and to major in your area of strength is a good decision made to ensure you get going while things seem tough.

What is your driving force to studying a course?

Your concern for its impact on you or mankind: One of your driving forces to studying a course could be your concern about its importance or impact on you or mankind. E.g. a student could want to study medicine and surgery or other related courses because of its impact on their health and their society.

What is your concern about the future of the field?

1. Your concern about the future of the field. 2. Your concern for its impact on you or mankind: 3. Based on the discovery of Personal Strength: 4. Your interest/passion/dream: 5.

Is studying based on your interest good?

Studying/Majoring in a course based on your interest is also a good choice or students . Students who study a course based on their interest have also being discovered to be among the best top students in their class.
