why is a course outline important

by Herminio Ortiz I 5 min read

A course outline gives the basic components of the course required to be taught by all instructors; whereas a syllabus describes how an individual instructor will teach that course in terms of specific assignments, dates, grading standards, and other rules of conduct required by that instructor.

Why should I create a course outline first?

Did you know that a course outline is a legal, binding document? It communicates important information about a class such as course outcomes, class expectations, and grading structures. Both instructor and student are obligated to follow the content of the syllabus.

What is the importance of outline in writing?

A course outline should include mapping your content to specific weeks or modules. This will help inform the creation of a detailed course syllabus. Course Syllabus An online syllabus is similar to one for a face-to-face course, however, research supports that online students need even more detailed instructions.

What is the purpose of a course outline/syllabus?

Jul 23, 2021 · Why Create a Course Outline? Creating a course outline helps you organize your ideas. Putting an outline together first allows you to create a much more effective course. There may be many topics you want to cover. Having an outline allows you to organize these topics in a way that will make sense to your students.

Should I write a script or outline for my course?

May 05, 2017 · Outlining will help you draft a better essay exam. Great essay exams are always clear, organized, and address the issues in a logical order. If you create an outline that shares these same qualities, it will improve your ability to write …

Why do we need a course outline?

A course outline or syllabus also works as a guide for students. By setting course goals and student learning outcomes, you are informing students about the materials they will engage. The schedule also tells students what expectations are had of them and provides a timeline of these expectations.

What is a course outline?

Course Outlines are critical resources that help students understand the course. A Course Outline defines the course aims and learning outcomes, course requirements, textbooks, and assessment dates and criteria. It also contains contact details for the Course Coordinator and tutors.Feb 8, 2019

How do you make a course outline?

Course outlines can be found on individual department websites and IDEV course outlines are found on the GIDS website. If the course outline is not available online, contact the instructor or the department to request more information about the course.

What is another name for course outline?

Course outlines, or syllabi, are an integral part of course design. They generally summarize our course design plans and serve as a “contract” with our students regarding the course described.

What is the difference between course outline and syllabus?

COURSE OUTLINE VS. A course outline gives the basic components of the course required to be taught by all instructors; whereas a syllabus describes how an individual instructor will teach that course in terms of specific assignments, dates, grading standards, and other rules of conduct required by that instructor.

What is a module outline?

The module outline is a document that summarises key information about the module including the module title, credit value, aims, intended learning outcomes, and assessment methods. Completing the module outline is more than an administrative requirement for the approval process.May 31, 2020

Why is it important to have an outline?

Having an outline allows you to organize these topics in a way that will make sense to your students. In addition, it prevents you from forgetting to add critical information that is relevant to the topic. Writing out what you plan to cover will also help you generate ideas.

How long does it take to create an eLearning course?

The idea behind rapid eLearning is where you use every tool and strategy you can to potentially create a course in 2 to 3 weeks instead of taking several months. So within your lessons, outline the exact content you will cover.

What is assessment plan?

Assessment plans fall in line with learning objectives. While your learning objectives identify what the student will learn, the assessment allows you and the student to have a clear picture of how well they have mastered the objectives. Your outline will identify the types and frequency of assessments.

How long should a microlearning lesson be?

Depending on how far down the path of microlearning you are going, lessons might only need to be a couple of minutes up to 10 to 15 minutes in length. There's not too much content in a 2-minute lesson so you really need to get at the heart of the topic and do so quickly if you're going that route.

Can you use a pen and paper for outline?

Like with everything, there are tools you can use to help you outline your course. You can definitely use a pen and paper for this exercise, but it's really nice if your outline is already on a device where you can work with it later. That way you can expand on it when you go from outline to your actual content.

Why is it important to have a good outline?

Everyone in law school seems to appreciate the importance of having a great outline. A great outline condenses a semester’s worth of material into a reasonable length and organizes the information in a way that will help you spot issues and analyze fact patterns. What some students don’t appreciate, however, is the importance of making their own great outline. With all the other demands on your time, it can be tempting to forgo the outlining process and buy a commercial outline or borrow an outline from another student. But you must resist this temptation! To motivate you to devote some time during the remainder of the semester to outlining, here are ten reasons why you should make your own outline:

What happens if you borrow an outline?

If you buy or borrow an outline, you’ll have a finished product ready for final exams, but you probably won’t have reviewed any of the material until it’s crunch time. Alternatively, if you make your own outline , you’ll be forced to spend some time reviewing the material from your course periodically throughout the semester, which will promote comprehension and retention.

How to remember information for final exam?

You generally have to remember a lot of material for final exams, and it will be easier to remember all that information if it’s written in your own words rather than a style that is unfamiliar to you. Additionally, the process of writing out the information yourself, rather than just reading another person’s statements over and over, will help the information stay lodged in your memory.

What is the importance of blackletter law?

Knowing and comprehending the blackletter law is crucial to exam success. Outlining requires you to paraphrase the legal rules and tests your knowledge of how they fit together, which will improve your ability to quickly and accurately explain the blackletter law on an essay exam.

Is an outline a study aid?

Although the outline is often the primary study aid for finals, it’s not always the only study aid. Flow charts, tables, flashcards, and other graphic organizers can be helpful documents when it’s time to prepare for exams. You’ll be starting from scratch if you buy or borrow an outline, but if you’ve already spent some time outlining the material, you’ll be able to make these additional study aids a lot quicker and easier.

The Obvious

Every syllabus starts out the same. It will say the course name, the instructor’s name, where and when the class meets, the professor’s contact information, and of course their office hours. You might think that it is not important to look over this section, but you never know if you’ll need it.

Course objectives

This is the section that students usually gloss over. I’ll admit that I do too, but this is where your professor actually put the time in to tell you what you should expect to get out of this class. This can be a very helpful section if you end up transferring.


I have only seen this section with some of my professors’ syllabuses, but it has been so helpful for those classes. This section outlines what your professor is looking for in class. It is usually a good way of determining how they award those pesky participation points, or what type of writing they expect out of you for term papers.

Course Schedule

I shouldn’t have to explain to you why this is important, but in case you did not know: this section will be your lifesaver. This area will provide all of your readings, all of your quiz and test dates, and let’s you know when assignments are due.


A lot of professors will put the assignment descriptions in the syllabus, so you can look at them ahead of time and decide whether or not you’ll start them early. If your professor does include this in the syllabus, than you are responsible for knowing everything about the assignment and should not have questions the day before it is due.

Grading Scheme

This is where your professor will break down how each assignment will affect your grade. Hey don’t worry! Those reading quizzes are included in with the participation grade! Use this information and be strategic.
