why does flu have to run its course

by Genevieve Aufderhar V 7 min read

Here is the key to understanding why colds and flus, when allowed to run their course while you rest, can be good for you: By and large, the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu infect mainly your weakest cells; cells that are already burdened with excessive waste products and toxins are most likely to allow viruses to infect them.

Full Answer

How do you get the flu?

These particles can be breathed into the mouths or noses of those who are nearby. A person can also get the flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or eyes. 2 Flu symptoms hit pretty rapidly on day one. You may wake up feeling fine, but feel progressively worse as the hours pass.

Does the flu go through stages?

However, in general, the flu typically goes through a set of stages and follows a usual day-by-day progression. Knowing more about these stages can help give you a sense of when you are contagious. It will also help you understand what having the flu feels like.

Can you work out when you have the flu?

By the eighth day after getting the flu, you should be well on your way to recovery. You may be tempted to make up for the lost time by working extra hours, socializing, or running extra errands. But you should still take it easy for another day. If you are used to exercising regularly, you should be fine to work out again.

What happens to your body when you get a cold or flu?

These are cells that you want to get rid of anyway, to be replaced by new, healthy cells. So in the big scheme of things, a cold or flu is a natural event that can allow your body to purge itself of old and damaged cells that, in the absence of viral infection, would normally take much longer to identify, destroy, and eliminate.

Is it better to let the flu run its course?

Young, healthy people probably don't need to be treated for influenza. It will simply run its course in a few days. Over-the-counter medications for symptoms may be helpful. The very young and old and those with other medical problems may benefit from being treated with antiviral medications.

How long does flu run its course?

For most healthy people, the flu is an uncomfortable but short-term illness that resolves itself as the immune system fights it off. Symptoms usually appear from one to four days after exposure to the virus, and they last five to seven days.

Will the flu go away by itself?

If you have influenza, you can expect the illness to go away on its own in about 7 to 10 days. In the meantime, you can take steps to feel better: Get extra rest. Extra rest can help you feel better.

How does your body stop the flu?

Your body makes proteins called antibodies that destroy abnormal or foreign cells. They help fend off common ailments like the flu or a cold. You also have another response known as the "cell-mediated immune system," which also attacks pathogens like bacteria and virus-infected cells.

Why does flu get worse at night?

At night, there is less cortisol in your blood. As a result, your white blood cells readily detect and fight infections in your body at this time, provoking the symptoms of the infection to surface, such as fever, congestion, chills, or sweating. Therefore, you feel sicker during the night.

How many days am I contagious with the flu?

Period of Contagiousness People with flu are most contagious in the first 3-4 days after their illness begins. Some otherwise healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick.

What happens if you leave the flu untreated?

In some people, especially those at high risk, the flu may lead to complications that are more serious. Inflammation in the small lung airways with infection, known as pneumonia, is a serious flu-related complication. Pneumonia can be life threatening in high-risk individuals or if left untreated.

What gets rid of flu fast?

These remedies might help you feel better:Stay hydrated. Water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey helps loosen congestion and prevents dehydration. ... Rest. Your body needs rest to heal.Soothe a sore throat. ... Combat stuffiness. ... Relieve pain. ... Sip warm liquids. ... Try honey. ... Add moisture to the air.More items...

Which flu is worse A or B?

Type A influenza is generally considered worse than type B influenza. This is because the symptoms are often more severe in type A influenza than in type B influenza. Type A influenza is more common than type B influenza. Researchers suggest that most adults have considerable immunity against type B influenza.

Can you build immunity to flu?

Researchers say your first flu infection in childhood can provide protection against similar flu viruses for the rest of your life.

Does flu weaken immune system?

His results demonstrated that the influenza virus triggers a bodily response that causes a rise in serum glucocorticoid levels, leading to systemic immunosuppression. Such effects render the body vulnerable to bacterial infections that would otherwise be innocuous.

What are signs of strong immune system?

If you are seldom sick and bounce back quickly from illness, you likely have a robust immune system. Wounds that are quick to scab up and heal fast are also indications that your immune system is functioning well.

What are the worst days of the flu?

Flu Day 1. Flu symptoms hit pretty rapidly on day one. You may wake up feeling fine, but feel progressively worse as the hours pass. ... Flu Day 3. The third day of the flu is possibly the worst, so get plenty of rest and fluids today. ... Flu Day 5. On day five of the flu, you should be starting to feel better.

How can I recover from flu faster?

12 Tips for a Speedy Flu RecoveryStay home. Your body needs time and energy to fight off the flu virus, which means that your daily routine should be put on the backburner. ... Hydrate. ... Sleep as much as possible. ... Ease your breathing. ... Eat healthy foods. ... Add moisture to the air. ... Take OTC medications. ... Try elderberry.More items...

What helps flu fast?

These remedies might help you feel better:Stay hydrated. Water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey helps loosen congestion and prevents dehydration. ... Rest. Your body needs rest to heal.Soothe a sore throat. ... Combat stuffiness. ... Relieve pain. ... Sip warm liquids. ... Try honey. ... Add moisture to the air.More items...

Can you have the flu for 2 weeks?

The flu typically lasts one to two weeks. If symptoms are getting worse after the first week, you should consider consulting a doctor, especially if you have a pre-existing health condition like asthma or diabetes.

What Are The Stages of A Cold?

Cold symptoms can differ from person to person, but they generally appear about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus. In most c...

What Are The Stages of The Flu?

Flu symptoms usually start within one to four days after infection. Unlike a common cold, the effects of an influenza virus infection can come on v...

How Long Is The Flu Contagious?

A 2013 survey conducted by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases revealed that 41 percent of people think the flu is only contagious afte...

What If A Cold Or The Flu Won’T Go away?

When complications develop, a person will likely be sick for longer than a week or two, depending on the severity of the complication, how quickly...

How Long Does Immunity Last?

With some viral illnesses, once you have been infected with it or have been vaccinated against it, you're immune for life.With the flu, however, im...

What to do if you have the flu?

If you have the flu, doctors usually advise eating nourishing food, resting, and, most importantly, drinking plenty of fluids. Fever causes you to lose a lot of fluid, so you need to replace what is lost by drinking more. If you're not eating, then taking your fluid in the form of soup may be a good idea.

What are the symptoms of influenza?

When Flu Is an Emergency. Influenza is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms that include fever, headache, muscle aches, and respiratory symptoms. COVID-19 has similar symptoms and its important not to confuse the two.Your doctor may take a nasal or throat culture or blood test to help tell if you have the flu or a COVID-19 infection.

What to drink for flu?

Drinking ginger tea several times a day may bring relief for flu sufferers. Herbs including elderflower, myrrh, willow bark, rose hips, honeysuckle flowers, and boneset have also been suggested for relief from the many symptoms that accompany the flu. Acupuncture.

Is garlic good for the flu?

If you feel that garlic is important for your health, it’s safe, the fresh variety may be the best choice. There are few well-designed studies on how these herbs and supplements treat and prevent influenza. One trial of ginseng suggested that it may enhance the effect of the flu vaccine, but more research is needed.

Does ginseng help with the flu?

One trial of ginseng suggested that it may enhance the effect of the flu vaccine, but more research is needed. There are some studies to suggest that Echinacea may enhance your immune system, but evidence is mixed on its ability to treat or prevent the flu.

What is the body's defense against the flu?

A fever is the body’s defense against the flu virus. Viruses thrive at a normal body temperature of 98.6 F, and while uncomfortable, running a fever helps your body fight off the flu. Whether or not to treat the fever depends on how high the temperature is and the person’s age. 2

What are the symptoms of the flu?

Flu symptoms can vary from person to person, but most people with influenza will experience some degree of fever, chills, headaches, body aches, congestion, coughing, and fatigue. While the symptoms are similar to a cold or upper respiratory tract infection, the main difference is that flu symptoms hit you quickly.

How long does it take for the flu to go away?

For most people, flu symptoms resolve in one to two weeks. Complications are typically mild, such as sinus or ear infections. The flu can, however, be serious and life-threatening. In fact, there are 12,000 to 61,000 deaths from influenza in the United States each year. 3 

How long does it take for a virus to show up?

Symptoms can begin between one and four days after you’ve been exposed to the virus. Even though you’re most contagious after your illness begins, it is possible to give the flu to someone else before you realize you’re sick. 4

How to reduce fever in adults?

Use these tactics: Consider appropriate fever-reducing medications, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen (over the age of 6 months), or aspirin (in adults only) 2 . Try a lukewarm bath or sponge bath. Avoid bundling up, as this can increase your body temperature.

What is a low grade fever?

A low-grade fever (98.7 to 100.4 degrees F) is typically not a concern for adults or most children. It may be best to let a mild fever run its course. However, if you are very uncomfortable or the fever reaches 102 degrees F, bringing the fever down slightly is advised. Use these tactics:

Is coughing a productive thing?

Coughing may be productive (producing mucus) or non-productive. With the flu, people most often have a dry cough .

How do you get the flu?

A person can also get the flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or eyes. 2 .

What are the symptoms of the flu?

Headache, sudden high fever, body aches, chills, and tiredness are among the most common initial symptoms of the flu. 2 . Once you realize you may be sick with the flu, call your doctor, especially if you have asthma or an other condition that puts you at higher risk for related complications.

What is flu day?

Flu Day 0. The day before any influenza symptoms appear, you are already contagious. You feel fine and go about your daily life without realizing you are about to get sick. 1  You likely came in contact with someone who was contagious with the flu in the past 48 hours.

How long can you be contagious with the flu?

People with the flu may be contagious anywhere between the day before to seven days after their symptoms appear.

What happens on day 4 of a fever?

On day four, you may start to feel a little better during the day. At this point, your fever is likely to have broken, and you shouldn't have as many body aches. Congestion may be starting to loosen up. This will make your cough more productive and possibly worse than the day before. 5

How does the flu affect people in 2020?

Not everyone who gets the flu will have the same symptoms, and how sick you feel—and for how long that's the case—can vary from person to person. That said, the flu typically cycles through a set of stages and follows a usual day-by-day progression.

What is the worst day of the flu?

The third day of the flu is possibly the worst, so get plenty of rest and fluids today. This is the day when many symptoms are the most intense. 5

What if a Cold or the Flu Won’t Go Away?

When complications develop, a person will likely be sick for longer than a week or two, depending on the severity of the complication, how quickly a person receives treatment for it, and how well the patient responds to treatment.

How to tell the difference between a cold and a flu?

A cold and the flu are both respiratory infections, but they’re caused by different viruses. A cold can be caused by more than 200 distinct viruses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), while there are only a handful of viruses that cause the flu.

What Are the Stages of a Cold?

Cold symptoms can differ from person to person, but they generally appear about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus. In most cases, cold symptoms will peak within two to three days. (1)

How long does it take for the flu to show symptoms?

Flu symptoms usually start within one to four days after infection. Unlike a common cold, the effects of an influenza virus infection can come on very suddenly. (2) The first signs of the flu are often a fever or chills, accompanied by headache, sore throat, dry cough, runny nose, muscle aches, and fatigue. (2)

What are the symptoms of a cold?

The most common cold symptoms include fatigue, sore or scratchy throat, nasal congestion or stuffiness, and a runny nose, followed by sneezing and coughing. Fever is not typical with a cold, but a low-grade fever isn’t out of the question, according to the Merck Manual. ( 3)

How long does a cough last?

(1) Symptoms usually disappear in 4 to 10 days, although a cough often lasts into the second week. (3) A cold may last longer or be more severe in people who have chronic health issues. (1)

How to avoid passing germs on to other people?

Staying home until your contagious period has likely passed will help you avoid passing germs on to other people.

What causes colds and flus?

Colds and flus are caused by viruses. So to understand what colds and flus do at a cellular level, you have to understand what viruses do at a cellular level. Do you remember learning about cellular division in grade seven science class?

Why are colds and flus good for you?

Here is the key to understanding why colds and flus, when allowed to run their course while you rest, can be good for you: By and large, the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu infect mainly your weakest cells; cells that are already burdened with excessive waste products and toxins are most likely to allow viruses to infect them. ...

Why is it colder in the winter?

Colder weather means the sun is further away, which means it would take longer for your body to make vit D from the sun, hence lowered levels in the body. Also, if it's cold people are going to be spending time indoors.

How are viruses different from cells?

Viruses are different from your cells in that they cannot duplicate themselves through mitosis and cytokinesis. Viruses are nothing but microscopic particles of genetic material, each coated by a thin layer of protein. Due to their design, viruses are not able to reproduce on their own.

How long does a cold last?

You often don't have a fever, but when you do, it's only slightly higher than normal. Colds usually last three to four days, but can hang around for 10 days to two weeks. Flu, on the other hand, comes on suddenly and hits hard.

Why does my cough get worse?

The bad cough could've been caused by fluid in your lung which exacerbated due to improper treatment. It really has nothing to do with the medications you've taken. You were just taking the wrong approach at treating your condition.

Do antibiotics help with colds?

People who take antibiotics while suffering with a cold or flu often feel slightly better because antibiotics have a mild anti-inflammatory effect. But this benefit is far outweighed by the negative impact that antibiotics have on friendly bacteria that live throughout your digestive tract.

What to do if you have the flu?

If you get the flu, you should get rest and drink plenty of fluids. Take pain relievers to lower your fever and relieve the aches, such as:

What are the risks of the flu?

Some people are at increased risk for complications from influenza. These people include: 1 the very young 2 people 65 or older 3 people with chronic illnesses, such as asthma, heart disease, HIV, or diabetes 4 pregnant women 5 people with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher

How long does the flu last?

Symptoms usually appear from one to four days after exposure to the virus, and they last five to seven days. For people who've had a flu shot, the symptoms may last a shorter amount of time, or be less severe. For other people, the symptoms may last longer. Even when symptoms resolve, you may continue to feel fatigued.

How to predict how long the flu will last?

To better predict how long the flu will last, take steps to reduce your risk of contracting the virus and experiencing severe symptoms. Consider the following steps, as suggested in the Harvard Special Report A Guide to Women's Health: Fifty and Forward. Get an annual flu vaccine. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating ...

Do smokers get the flu?

Smokers are more likely to get the flu than nonsmokers. These steps won't guarantee that you'll escape the flu this year, but they may help prevent it. And they may help reduce the amount of time the flu lasts if you do become infected with the virus. – By Heidi Godman. Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter.

How long does it take for a person to get the flu?

It may take one to four days after exposure to the influenza virus for symptoms to develop. If you have the flu, you’ll be contagious. Trusted Source. one day before developing symptoms and up to five to seven days after becoming ill. Younger children or people with a weakened immune system may be contagious for longer.

What to do if you have a fever and you are sick?

Treatment and home remedies. If you’re sick, be sure to drink plenty of liquids and get plenty of rest. You can also take over-the-counter pain and fever relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol), to help relieve your symptoms.

How long does it take for an antiviral to work?

They don’t kill the influenza virus, however. Antiviral medications must be taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms in order to be effective.

How long does it take for a cold to go away?

Cold symptoms will typically resolve in about 7 to 10 days and tend to not come on as fast as the flu. Flu symptoms may last for a couple of weeks. Learn more about the differences between a cold and the flu.

How long does a cough last?

However, a cough and feelings of weakness or fatigue can last for two weeks or longer .

Can a weakened immune system keep you contagious?

Younger children or people with a weakened immune system may be contagious for longer.

Do some strains of the flu last longer than other strains?

Although different influenza strains don’t generally affect the duration of illness, some strains (and subtypes of influenza A, like H3N2) can cause more severe illness than others.

Why does my immune system make copies of my virus?

Sometimes, if the immune system is too busy with other problems, triggered by stress, other infections, etc, it misses the emergence, and, the virus starts to make copies again.

Why does it take so long for a cold to build up?

It takes so long because the rate of building up specialized defenses is a function of the starting concentration of specialized cells (with a library consisting of billions of blue prints , you cannot afford having duplicate copies) and the rate at which they reproduce. There are limits to how quickly the body can mobilize its defenses. This is my 2nd day with a cold, it will probably take about a week before I am well.

Why don't viruses need protease?

Because viruses of other classes (DNA viruses and RNA viruses with negative or double stranded RNA) don’t need a protease to process the viral proteins , they are not amenable to this therapeutic strategy. Uncoating inhibitors. M2 is a rare but essential envelope protein of influenza virus.

Why don't viruses count as being alive?

Viruses don’t “count” as being alive because they can’t replicate without a host cell. But animals can’t grow or reproduce without food derived from other organisms, and we “count” as being alive.

Why can't viruses make proteins?

Viruses have genetic material (DNA or RNA), that is the bit that evolves. Viruses just can’t manufacture proteins because they don’t have the

Does the virus attack the body?

The virus continues to attack, and the body learns to fight it more efficiently

Can the immune system tag both active and dormant versions of a virus?

The immune system might be able to tag both active, and dormant versions of a virus, and/or sections of its genetic materials… or, it might only be able to tag parts of that .
