what is the promise of the landmark advanced course?

by Kelsie Prosacco 8 min read

The Landmark Advanced Course promises to leave you with the tools and technology for creating a future of your own design. In this course, you will: Develop a facility for recognizing things as they really are—distinct from your hopes, preferences, and fears

The Landmark Advanced Course promises to leave you with the tools and technology for creating a future of your own design. In this course, you will: Develop a facility for recognizing things as they really are—distinct from your hopes, preferences, and fears.

Full Answer

What is the landmark advanced course?

The Advanced Course starts where The Landmark Forum left off. The Landmark Advanced Course promises to leave you with the tools and technology for creating a future of your own design. In this course, you will: Develop a facility for recognizing things as they really are—distinct from your hopes, preferences, and fears

What time is the final session of the Landmark Forum?

The final session generally runs from 7:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. (in certain locations, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m.). The Forum delivered online includes a special evening session on the Wednesday prior to Day One of The Landmark Forum.

Why take the Advanced Course online?

With all of the innate power of the in-person Advanced Course, and in the convenience of your own home, you will walk out of the Advanced Course Online in a new world—a world where you have created a “you” and a “life” that you actually authored.

What are the hours of the Advanced Course online?

The Advanced Course Online is conducted on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday typically from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 9:00 p.m., with a Tuesday Evening Session from 7:00 p.m. to approximately 10:00 p.m.

What is the purpose of the Landmark Forum?

The Landmark Forum is designed to bring about positive, permanent shifts in the quality of your life—in just three days.

What are the advanced course?

Advanced course means a course that presents material and concepts beyond the introductory or the elementary; a course that carries on from an introductory or elementary course given in the same school.

Is the Landmark Forum worth it?

I would recommend attending the Landmark Forum if you like personal development, or if you're struggling with an issue or circumstance from your past and you want a new lens to look at life through. If you're aware going in that there is pressure to invite others in your life to join Landmark, you'll be fine.

Is Landmark a pyramid scheme?

Nobody who recommends the Landmark Forum is paid to recommend it, it's not a cult nor is it a religion. There is no scam and it's not a pyramid scheme. You don't have to change anything about yourself. You don't even have to stand up at and talk.

Is Art of Living course worth it?

Yes its totally worth it to even get a few minutes of peace in this busy and noisy world we live in. The Art of living not only give peace of mind but also relieve and sense of freshness and energy to move forward in life.

What is advanced project management?

Advanced Project Management (APM) is 1) using advanced technology, and tools and systems in the project management (e.g., The Stanford Advanced Project Management Certificate Program provides professionals with advanced tools and techniques to strategically execute projects, programs, and portfolios); 2) the project ...

How much do Landmark coaches make?

According to our data, the highest paying job at Landmark Education is a Head Coach at $120,000 annually while the lowest paying job at Landmark Education is an Assistant at $18,000 annually.

What companies use Landmark forums?

Landmark seminars and courses are very well known and have been used for decades by thousands of successful companies and institutions such as lululemon, Reebok, Apple, Mercedes-Benz USA, police departments and NASA, to name just a few.

Does Landmark Education still exist?

Landmark Worldwide (known as Landmark Education before 2013), or simply Landmark, is a company, headquartered in San Francisco, that offers personal-development programs....Landmark Worldwide.FormationJanuary 16, 1991Websitelandmarkworldwide.comRemarksCalifornia corporation9 more rows

Can I get a refund from Landmark?

To cancel you simply must notify your local Landmark office in writing or by calling the dedicated toll-free number (0120-033580). If you cancel after the 9th day from the day you registered, we will refund the amount you paid minus the deposit.

How much is the Landmark Forum?

Tuitions for The Landmark ForumFull TuitionDepositUNITED STATES (US Dollars)$675$200AUSTRALIA (Australian Dollars; including GST)$795$110BRAZIL (Brazilian Reals)2,000500CANADA (Canadian Dollars; including taxes)$735$15031 more rows

Who is the founder of the Landmark Forum?

Werner Erhard, founder of 'Landmark Education's 'The Forum',' and 'est' seminars, which have about 2.4 million graduates, was influenced by Hinduism through Swami Muktananda, one of Erhard's principal gurus.


Landmark programs are held in a workshop setting, such as a hotel conference room or one of our meeting facilities in major metropolitan areas. Programs take place in hundreds of metropolitan areas worldwide.


The Landmark Advanced Course takes place during three consecutive days – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to approximately 11:45 p.m. There is also an evening session the following Tuesday from 7:00 to 10:15 p.m. (in certain locations, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m.) to complete the course.


The Advanced Course is led by Landmark Forum leaders, who are considered to be the best in the entire seminar and program industry. Dynamic and effective, they are committed to producing results for you. Landmark Forum leaders come from a great variety of backgrounds and walks of life.

To Register

For schedule information or to register, contact your local Landmark office.

What time is the landmark forum?

The final session generally runs from 7:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. (in certain locations, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m.). The Forum delivered online includes a special evening session on the Wednesday prior to Day One of The Landmark Forum.

What time is the Advanced Course online?

The Advanced Course Online is conducted on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday typically from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 9:00 p.m., with a Tuesday Evening Session from 7:00 p.m. to approximately 10:00 p.m.

What is the hallmark forum?

The Landmark Forum is grounded in a model of transformative learning —a way of learning that gives people an awareness of the basic structures in which they know, think, and act. From that awareness comes a fundamental shift that leaves people more fully in accord with their own possibilities and those of others. Participants find themselves able to think and act beyond existing views and limits—in their personal and professional lives, relationships, and wider communities of interest.

What is advanced communication?

In this advanced communication course, through unique and in-depth conversations, you identify and replace old patterns with new practices of listening and speaking—practices that leave you reliably, masterfully, and naturally generating new possibilities in every aspect of your life.

What is the inevitable outcome?

The inevitable outcome is a natural effectiveness in living and a dramatic elevation in the quality of your life.

What happens if you call the center where you did the landmark forum?

If you call the center where you did the Landmark Forum and let them know you did not have a great experience and you got no value from the course, you could get your money back. They will have a conversation with you to explore what has happened in your life since doing the Landmark Forum.

What is a seminar group in SELP?

In Seminars, you will have a seminar group, a small group of about six who get to know each other and who can help fill in what might be missing. In the SELP, you get a personal coach, it is no longer possible to fall through the cracks, as happens sometimes in the Forum and even in the Advanced Course (where you do, for the few days of the course, have a participant group).

Can you get a refund from the landmark forum?

I suspect, you may find one or more of those questions to be a "yes" and consider that the way the Landmark Forum works is often automatic without you having to think about it to apply it. If you are clear that you have received none of these benefits, you should call the center and request a refund.
