why do i have to take this course meme

by Prof. Clifford Buckridge MD 7 min read

Who said Well of course I know him he's me?

Updated 9 months ago by shevyrolet. "Well, Of Course I Know Him. He's Me." is a memorable quote from the film Star Wars: Episode IV -- A New Hope said by the character Obi-Wan Kenobi, which has become a popular punchline for image macros.

What does “he's Me” Mean?

He's Me." is a memorable quote from the film Star Wars: Episode IV -- A New Hope said by the character Obi-Wan Kenobi, which has become a popular punchline for image macros. Online, the line is used to punctuate a joke in which one person admits to something humorous, absurd or offensive.

Are we going to see more bloopers in online classes?

As everyone adjusts to the ‘new normal’, we can expect more bloopers (and epiphanies) when it comes to online classes. For now though, entertain yourself with these funny school memes. Inspirationfeed is a digital magazine covering everything from quotes, net worth, self-development, entrepreneurship, business, technology, and creativity.

Are You struggling to get to online classes?

Waking up to get to an online class is always a struggle: 5. Having to deal with this is a bigger struggle: Lecturer: "please turn on your camera so we can check attendance" Me who woke up 2 minutes before the zoom meeting: #onlineclasses 6. The struggle is so damn real: 7. Well, students are not the only ones who struggle: 8.

Very Young Small Early Peas

Just need to add a few more words that mean the same thing. Now where did I put that dusty old thesaurus?

Going, Going, Going, Gone

Look around in any 8 AM lecture class and you'll encounter students in all four stages of this process.

So Many Questions

"Can you repeat the part of the stuff where you said all about the things?"

This Is Fine

The "This Is Fine" dog knows exactly how it feels to put on the blinders and pretend your bank account isn't in the red. Or that money doesn't exist.

Peak Student Status

When you show up to the lecture only to crash out on the floor with your blankie, you've achieved a new level of college.

Kuzco's Writing Technique

Anyone who's ever written an essay at the last minute can relate to the struggle of searching for ten different ways to say the exact same thing.

If College Held Parent-Teacher Conferences

Cue every class-cutter thanking their lucky stars that parent- teacher conferences are behind them.

Martial Arts Game 'Sifu' Receives Lavish Praise And Crashes Servers Ahead Of Launch Date, Leading To Memes About Its Difficulty

The newest game from studio SloClap isn't fully out yet and it's already crashing servers with its popularity, spawning memes about the game's difficulty and first boss being the PlayStation servers.

This 'Narrative Device' Generator Is Becoming An Instant Classic For Artificially Intelligent Meme Creators

A Mexico-based Ph.D. student created a website for human and AI creative collaboration, allowing meme narratives to be imagined. Now, the narrative device generator has become the latest meme trend.

Internet Appears To Side With Kanye West Over Kim Kardashian In Divorce Thanks To 'Akira' Manga Mention

Kanye West laid a lot of personal stuff bare when he commented about his personal drama on his Instagram recently, gaining lots of fans in the process. Now, some are siding with him over Kim after he mentioned his Akira graphic novel.


"Well, Of Course I Know Him. He's Me." is a memorable quote from the film Star Wars: Episode IV -- A New Hope said by the character Obi-Wan Kenobi, which has become a popular punchline for image macros. Online, the line is used to punctuate a joke in which one person admits to something humorous, absurd or offensive.


The line was first uttered in the film Star Wars: Episode IV-- A New Hope, first released on May 25th, 1977. In the film, the character Luke Skywalker asks his friend and mentor Ben Kenobi if he knows or is related to an "Obi-Wan Kenobi," unaware that they are one and the same. Kenobi responds, "Well, of course I know him. He's me."


Three years later, on April 1st, 2017, the Star Wars Instagram [2] account @starwars.humor shared a version of the scene with Senator Palpatine's face photoshopped over Obi-Wan's with the caption "When someone asks you about the Senate." The post (shown below, left) references the I Am the Senate meme and received more than 3,400 likes in eight months..

Why are training courses important?

Training courses are also great because they provide a way to enhance your current job or career path, thus enabling opportunities for progression. You may choose to take a course that will develop hard skills in line with your current job.

Why do we need training?

One key reason you should take a training course is to boost your employability. The best part is you don’t necessarily have to take a course that relates to your current career path. Ultimately, short-term training courses have long-term benefits.
