why did many harvard law school students switch course from public interest law to corporate law?

by Lelia Smith 6 min read

Why did many Harvard law school students switch course from public interest law to corporate law? They became socialized into their profession during law school.

Why study law at Harvard Law School?

Apr 09, 2016 · 22. Why did many Harvard law school students switch course from public interest law to corporate law? A. They saw that many of their friends in other law schools were doing corporate law. B. They became socialized into their profession during law school.

What is the pro bono program at Harvard Law School?

Why study law at HLS?

How do I start a career in public interest law?

How did the Western view of children change in the nineteenth century compared to earlier times in history quizlet?

How did the Western view of children change in the nineteenth century compared to earlier times in history? Children became an economic liability rather than an economic asset. The influence of peer groups can only be seen in children and adolescents.

Which of the following groups is more likely to experience a shorter period of adolescence?

Which of the following groups is more likely to experience a shorter period of adolescence? Working-class youth.

Which theorist believes that power shapes our daily life and our sense of self quizlet?

As we saw in Chapter 5, Michel Foucault (1977/1979, 1980) is the social theorist most closely associated with the idea that power shapes our daily life and our sense of self. Michel Foucault focused on the way we internalize our culture's power relationships in developing a sense of self.

Which sociologist believes that parents socialize their children into doing work that is similar to their own work quizlet?

Which sociologist believes that parents socialize their children into doing work that is similar to their own work? the Stockholm syndrome. You just studied 50 terms!

Why do parents often socialize their children?

Parents often socialize their children to understand and follow the same norms that they themselves follow.

How does a child socialize in childhood?

Primary socialization for a child is very important because it sets the groundwork for all future socialization. Primary socialization occurs when a child learns the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. It is mainly influenced by the immediate family and friends.

Which of the following do life course theorists argue?

Terms in this set (33) Which of the following do life course theorists argue? Socialization continues through all stages of the life cycle. Which of the following is true about the self?

What is the key difference between those who have gone to college and those who have not?

What is the key difference between those who have gone to college and those who have not? There is a higher level of political participation among those with a college education. You just studied 104 terms!

Who believed that self development was developed through learning to take on the role of others in our lives?

One of the pioneering contributors to sociological perspectives on self-development was the American Charles Horton Cooley (1864–1929). Cooley asserted that people's self understanding is constructed, in part, by their perception of how others view them — a process termed “the looking glass self” (Cooley, 1902).

Why did many Harvard law school students switch course from public interest law to corporate law quizlet?

Why did many Harvard law school students switch course from public interest law to corporate law? They became socialized into their profession during law school.

Is a theory that contends that culture and social environment almost completely shape human behavior?

Understanding the expected values and behaviors of a job position can be vital to success. ... contends that biology, specifically our genetic makeup, almost completely shapes human behavior. social determinism. contends that culture and the social environment almost completely shape human behavior.

How do genes and the social environment relate to one another?

How do genes and the social environment relate to one another? Genes may exist for a certain trait but how that trait is expressed depends on the social environment. What perspective examines how age, time, and place shape social identities? emerging adulthood.