why did 20th century psychologists study the subconscious course hero

by Skyla Quigley I 7 min read

What was American psychology like in the early 20th century?

1.Why did people at the turn of the 20th century take an interest in the studies of the subconscious? Both Jung and Freud believed that unlocking and analyzing the subconscious was the key to understanding human behavior. The writers of Modernism tried to incorporate this subconscious pool of thought into their writing.

Who is the most famous humanistic psychologist?

 · 06/13/2017 English Middle School answered Why did 20th-century psychologists study the subconscious Advertisement Answer 4.8 /5 59 MaliaTur Because They thought the subconscious could explain human behavior Advertisement Answer 4.8 /5 6 port0078 Answer: Because they thought the subconscious could explain human behavior Advertisement Survey

What did Carl Rogers do for psychology?

1. Why did people at the turn of the 20th century take a particular interest in the studies of the subconscious? Sample response: The work of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud began analyzing the subconscious, which made people interested in the subconscious pool of thought beneath the surface of conscious thought.

What did John B Watson believe about consciousness?

 · Because they thought the subconscious could explain human behavior. ... Why did 20th century psychologists study the subconscious? Wiki User. ∙ …

What was psychology dominated by in the early 20th century?

During the early 20th century, American psychology was dominated by behaviorism and psychoanalysis. However, some psychologists were uncomfortable with what they viewed as limited perspectives being so influential to the field. They objected to the pessimism and determinism (all actions driven by the unconscious) of Freud. They also disliked the reductionism, or simplifying nature, of behaviorism. Behaviorism is also deterministic at its core, because it sees human behavior as entirely determined by a combination of genetics and environment. Some psychologists began to form their own ideas that emphasized personal control, intentionality, and a true predisposition for “good” as important for our self-concept and our behavior. Thus, humanism emerged.

Who was the first psychologist to study behavior?

Behavioral Psychology. Early work in the field of behavior was conducted by the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936). Pavlov studied a form of learning behavior called a conditioned reflex, in which an animal or human produced a reflex (unconscious) response to a stimulus and, over time, was conditioned to produce ...

What reflex did Pavlov use?

The reflex Pavlov worked with was salivation in response to the presence of food. The salivation reflex could be elicited using a second stimulus, such as a specific sound, that was presented in association with the initial food stimulus several times. Once the response to the second stimulus was “learned,” the food stimulus could be omitted.

What is the role of behaviorism in psychology?

Behaviorism is largely responsible for establishing psychology as a scientific discipline through its objective methods and especially experimentation. In addition, it is used in behavioral ...

Why did humanistic psychologists reject the research approach based on reductionist experimentation in the tradition of the physical and

Humanistic psychologists rejected, on principle, the research approach based on reductionist experimentation in the tradition of the physical and biological sciences, because it missed the “whole” human being. Beginning with Maslow and Rogers, there was an insistence on a humanistic research program. This program has been largely qualitative (not measurement-based), but there exist a number of quantitative research strains within humanistic psychology, including research on happiness, self-concept, meditation, and the outcomes of humanistic psychotherapy (Friedman, 2008).

What is Watson's approach to behavior?

Watson was a major proponent of shifting the focus of psychology from the mind to behavior, and this approach of observing and controlling behavior came to be known as behaviorism. A major object of study by behaviorists was learned behavior and its interaction with inborn qualities of the organism. Behaviorism commonly used animals in experiments ...

Why is behaviorism deterministic?

Behaviorism is also deterministic at its core, because it sees human behavior as entirely determined by a combination of genetics and environment.