why colleges should require communications course

by Dr. Alejandrin Upton 8 min read

Communication degree programs are known for equipping students with excellent skills in speaking, writing, thinking critically, using evolving technology and interacting productively with other people, according to U.S. News & World Report.

Full Answer

Why are communication courses important?

It's important to take communication classes because one of the major parts of making society work is the ability to communicate effectively with each other, that is, to express ourselves in a clear and easy to understand way.

Why is communication required in college?

People with good communication skills are not only more effective in informing others and persuading others, they're also more effective at getting support from others and acquiring information from others, and getting others to believe in them and what they're doing.

What is communications class in college?

Students develop an understanding of communication principles that are utilized to interpret, create, evaluate and deliver messages effectively. Some University majors within the Communications Area of Emphasis include English, Journalism, Media Communication, Speech, Public Relations, and Theater Arts.

Why is the study of communication relevant to your future profession?

Studying Communication can help you succeed professionally. Creating strong oral and written messages, working well with others, managing your image, researching, analyzing and solving problems are key abilities employers look for. Studying Communication helps you exercise your rights and become an effective citizen.

What are the three most important reasons for you to take more communication classes in college?

However, the majority of college students are unaware of the benefits that a communication course provides – regardless of any prior experience and major.Power of Persuasion. ... Ability to Inform. ... Listening. ... Confidence Booster.

Is it important to improve your communication skills to survive in college?

Effective communication skills are among the most valuable things you'll learn. These skills will take you further than the technical knowledge you learn in your college courses. Effective communication skills help you make a stellar impression and enable you to engage in clear conversation—whether written or oral.

Why is communication important?

People with good communication skills are not only more effective in informing others and persuading others, they're also more effective at getting support from others and acquiring information from others, and getting others to believe in them and what they're doing.

What is good communication?

Good communication is part and parcel of being a good parent, communicating effectively with your child, communicating effectively with your neighbors, and communicating effectively with others in your community. And the real truth of the matter is, we're not taught how to do that.

Why is communication important in liberal studies?

Lynn Harter: Communication is an integral part of a liberal studies education because what communication helps students to focus on how they use symbolic resources at hand to create and maintain relationships, to participate as a citizen in the public sphere , whether that's attending a city council meeting and exercising their voice about a local initiative or petition. Or maybe it's being involved on a board of directors for a local non-profit organization and being the person who's responsible for communicating with various stakeholders of that organization.

What does it mean to be able to communicate effectively?

There are a lot of studies that show that employers want good communication skills in their employees first and foremost, and by that they mean, in addition to being able to read and write effectively, the ability to communicate orally with others effectively , and to participate in teams.

What is instructional communication?

Instructional Communication. Communication is a topic that people assume they know a great deal about, particularly because they interact with many individuals on a daily basis via multiple channels —face-to-face conversations, phone, and email, for example.

Who are the five communication scholars?

Communication Currents invited five Communication scholars—Kevin Barge, Brant Burleson, Dennis Gouran, Lynn Harter, and John Heineman —to respond to questions people typically have about the discipline of Communication as well as how the issues studied in the discipline relate to everyday life.

Why is it important to have a communication degree?

But among the most important answer is that college graduates with Communication degrees have the knowledge and skills employers need.

What is the purpose of communication programs?

Many programs of study in Communication embrace a deep commitment to ethical and civically productive communication; they bring these values to their students via service learning experiences and coursework that reinforces the ethical imperative of good communication. Students emerge from such programs with a commitment to using their education to make a difference.

What is the most popular humanities major?

Humanities Indicators’ data indicate that Communication is one of the most popular humanities majors. In 2015, nearly 25 percent of bachelor’s degree completions in the humanities were in Communication .

Why do people take speech classes?

Additionally, people’s confidence levels often rise when they successfully interact and understand the needs and desires of others. The communication/ speech classes that are offered in colleges and schools play acrucial role in shaping the structures of the contemporary societies. One of the main reasons for the speech classes is to improve the understanding of one’s self and that of others, strengthening people’s relationships and increasing the confidence levels of college graduates who become future citizens, employees, and employers.

Is communication a determinant of success?

Irrespective of the course that the student pursues in college, communication skills remain one of the key determinants of one’s success both in college and in the workplace. Although most of the students with technical skills such as engineering shun communication it often becomes a deciding factor in the future of their course in and outside of school. It is apparent that with the dawn of technology, verbal and interpersonal communication skills have since been watered down.

Why do we need a degree in communication?

A recent report from CommunicationStudies explained, “One of the biggest issues in the last five years is employees e-mail ing instead of going to talk with, or at the very least picking up the phone to call, the person they need to communicate with,” says Patti Wood, professional speaker and trainer. “People don’t know how to make a request face to face and they avoid difficult or emotional conversations.”

Why do we study communication?

[...] Communication professionals need to be able to understand consumers.” How do we understand the motivations of others? Dr. Lee McGaan, professor of communication, says one of the six reasons to study communication is that, “Studying communication can improve how we see others as communication is the way we meet others, develop and manage relationships and work effectively with others.” He adds, “Studying communication develops important life skills, critical thinking, problem solving, conflict resolution, team building, [and] public speaking.”

Why is communication important in globalization?

The importance of communication in globalization is paramount because individuals from different countries, ethnicities, languages, cultural attitudes and other variations must understand one another and express themselves to another effectively in order to work together ,” writes Morgan Rush for Bizfluent.com.

Why is communication important?

Not only will you stand out in a crowded applicant pool, you will also have the skills to advance in your career and to become a valued asset on your team .

Is communication degree going up?

According to reports from the U.S. Department of Labor, the number of jobs requiring a communication degree, or where such a degree is useful, is only going up. “The number of jobs for public relations specialists and managers is expected to grow by 24 percent through 2018, considerably faster than the average growth rate for all jobs,” reports CommunicationMajor. The field is expected to increase and also coincide with increases in positions in advertising, marketing, promotions, and sales managers.

Do you need to learn sign language to communicate with Koko the Gorilla?

Okay, so maybe, at the end of the day, you don’t need to learn sign language to communicate with Koko the gorilla. But you will certainly build strong relationships and social bonds and build trust among your co-workers and peers if you have excellent communication skills. All of this can be learned through a degree in communication, which will set you up for success in a competitive job market that values highly qualified applicants. To communicate or not to communicate? That is the question of the day!

Why do we need to study communication?

Studying communications is a great way to prepare for roles in the business world, especially if you choose the right specialization. Many communications degree programs allow students to specialize in marketing or advertising. Completing a concentration in marketing or advertising will help you understand what motivates people to buy products and services and how your company can improve sales. You could also consider a specialization in business and organizational communication, especially if you want to use your communication skills to land a role such as human resources officer, event coordinator, personnel manager or corporate communications manager.

Why do people choose to major in communications?

Most communications majors don’t study the field just for the sake of quenching a thirst for knowledge. They apply the concepts they learn to creating media content, crafting corporate messages for business communications, marketing products and services or analyzing the relationship between communication and society. Communication degree programs are known for equipping students with excellent skills in speaking, writing, thinking critically, using evolving technology and interacting productively with other people, according to U.S. News & World Report. If you haven’t yet considered earning a degree in communications, perhaps you should – for several reasons.

What are the skills that an educated person should have?

These are life skills that help you learn new things, make informed decisions and keep your interpersonal relationships running smoothly at work and in your private life.

What does it mean to have a communications background?

Your communications background means that finding information, brainstorming ideas or putting together a draft of a document are all tasks you can handle with poise.

How much does a communications degree make?

The starting salary for communications professionals with a bachelor’s degree is around $40,000 per year, according to U.S. News & World Report. Some lower-paid communications positions, like announcers and photographers, often earn less, in part because they frequently work part-time.

What is a communications major?

As a college major, communications is the study of human interaction and expression. Students of communications seek to understand theories of oral, written and multimedia communication and how to apply those theories to persuade, inform, educate and entertain others. Most communications majors don’t study the field just for the sake ...

Do communications professionals work in the media?

Not every communications professional works in the media and communications industry. From education to engineering, from healthcare to retail and manufacturing, nearly every industry has a need for skilled communicators. Depending on your industry, employer and job title, you may handle internal or external communications.

Why Everyone Should Take A Communications Class

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What do speech classes teach you?

Speech classes taught me how to write papers, create better PowerPoint presentations, and draft emails that will actually get read. In speech classes you’ll learn and hone the steps of introduction, main body, and conclusion; tell them what your going to talk about, break it down into points, then tell them again what you said.

Why is public speaking important?

Public speaking does teach some important elements of communication such as perspective taking, personal interaction in small and large groups , interviewing, giving directions and communicating your ideas.

What is public speaking?

Public speaking is also about recognizing your audience and organizing what you have to say to that particular audience. It is a different form of communication than writing, and, like all good educational moments, and opportunity to stretch yourself and learn new skills.

Is a lecture appropriate for a colloquium?

There are methods which are appropriate for discussion with a colleague or two which are not appropriate for presentation at a colloquium. A small-group discussion calls for a certain kind of delivery, and in a classroom, a lecture may be quite appropriate, but it is not the only mode of delivery.

Should a course be required?

To say a course should be required is to put the case strongly. Few in five years reflection would deny the benefit of a speaking class; even if only as a skill used to inquire about improved compensation to a boss/HR with more confidence.
