what function does the no shut command play in configuring cisco-based devices? course hero

by Brianne Moore 7 min read

What is the use of no shut command?

Dec 27, 2016 · To enable an interface FastEthernet 0/1 on a CISCO switch or router, run: # enable # configure terminal (config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 (config-subif)# no shutdown (config-subif)# end # write. To display a status of the interface FastEthernet 0/1, use the show interfaces FastEthernet 0/1 status command:

What does the shutdown command do when configuring an interface?

Jan 31, 2019 · The command "no shutdown" enable the interface to move from adminstration down status to UP. Router(config)# int f0/1 Router(config)#no shutdown. The interface f0/1 status changes from adminstration down to up state .

What is the use of no shutdown in Cisco ASA?

Sep 15, 2005 · no shutdown:- This command is used to bring the interface up from the administratively shutdown state or the shutdown state on an interface which default on the routers. When the routers come up they put the interfaces in the shutdown state and you give the "no shut " command to bring the interface up.

How is the initial configuration of Cisco IOS devices accomplished?

May 20, 2010 · All devices in cisco can be made shutdown or reload by isuuing a command reload ,Genarllay a shutdown or reload of router or switch is done in case of any problem or ios upgarde.If everything working fine no need for shutdown for any devices. Hope to help !! 05-20-2010 12:53 AM. 05-20-2010 12:53 AM.

Table Of Contents

Example: Specifying LDP As the OAM Protocol and Associating a Service Instance to an EVC

Configuring Remote Port Shutdown

The Remote Port Shutdown feature uses Ethernet Local Management Interface (LMI) in an Ethernet over Multiprotocol Label Switching (EoMPLS) network to propagate remote link status to a customer edge (CE) device.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release.

Information About Configuring Remote Port Shutdown

An Ethernet virtual circuit (EVC) as defined by the Metro Ethernet Forum is a port level point-to-point or multipoint-to-multipoint Layer 2 circuit.

Configuration Examples for Remote Port Shutdown

In this example, the OAM protocol for EVC pw_evc is specified as LDP, and service instance 1 is associated with the EVC.

Lab Intro

  • The Topology
    Here’s a picture of the devices contained in our lab. In this topology, we find two desktop computers connected to a 2960 switch. That switch is then connected to the Corporate Network cloud through a router. On the other end of the cloud, we find another router with a computer co…
  • The Requirements
    The switch you find in this topology is completely brand new. Therefore, we will need to prepare all the initial switch configuration. Specifically, we are going to define the hostname and the banner message, set up the switch for remote reachability, and add some basic security items. …
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Step-By-Step Switch Configuration

  • Cisco quick tips
    Before you dive into the configuration, we can spend some on improving proficiency. Cisco offers a lot of commands to do a lot of things, so it might be hard to remember them all. Cisco knows that, so they offer us some hints embedded in the operating system. First of all, the most useful …
  • IP addresses: a quick recap
    Each switch has the same major goal: allow layer 2 communication between connected devices. Thus, it does not need an IP address to work properly. However, configuring an IP address on a switch can extend its features. In addition, we are looking for is the possibility to manage the de…
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Configuring General Settings

  • Each switch configuration includes these general settings: a name for the device and a banner. Since you are going to work with several switches together, we must find a way to quickly identify which switch you are working on. To do that, we set the hostname of the device. In this switch configuration, we are going to set it to “LabSwitch”. Basically, the hostname command expect a …
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  • Congratulations!You completed your first switch configuration. Before moving to another topic, we can leverage this already-constructed lab to see how Layer 2 forwarding works. Understanding how a switch works will be extremely useful in troubleshooting, and it is a mandatory skill for every network engineer. Follow our CCNA course with the links below to learn more!
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