why cant you use celsius herbicide on golf course

by Prof. Milan Feeney 8 min read

What is Celsius herbicide?

Celsius ® is a postemergence, warm-season turf herbicide that handles conditions many other products cannot. It has one of the broadest spectrums of control on the market and controls more than 120 weeds, including troublesome dollarweed, Virginia buttonweed, doveweed and bull paspalum.

How do I control weeds on my golf course?

Browse our online cataloge and select post-emergent herbicides to control existing weeds on golf courses. Post emergent herbicides can also be used to treat specific problem areas.

Will Celsius kill weeds on its own?

A The Celsius on its own will kill the weeds as that is what it is designed to do as an herbicide. If you want accelerated control you can mix a surfactant with the product for better stick. Was this answer helpful to you?

Do you need herbicide and pesticide insurance for your golf course?

Herbicide and pesticide insurance is often associated with farms for obvious reasons. However, golf courses need their own coverage, as they often apply pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer to keep the grounds weed and pest free.

Is Celsius herbicide safe?

Celsius WG Herbicide is safe to use and is pet and child-friendly if applied properly according to the label. Be sure to wear the proper PPE before application (gloves, goggles, face mask).

Is Celsius safe for Bermuda grass?

Answer: Celsius will not remove bermuda from St Augustine grass as the label states it is safe for use on both turf types.

Is Celsius WG safe for St Augustine grass?

Celsius WG herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide that provides control for more than 150 weeds. Safe on St. Augustine grass and centipede grass types.

Does Celsius herbicide need a surfactant?

Answer: The amount of surfactant you use with Celsius per gallon of water is going to depend on the brand of surfactant you use. It is recommended to use a non-ionic surfactant with Celsius. The two most common non-ionic surfactants we sell are Southern Ag Non-Ionic Surfactant or Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker.

Is Celsius Zoysia safe?

Yes, Celsius WG Herbicide is safe for zoysia grass if used as directed on the product label.

How long does Celsius herbicide last?

about 3 yearsWhen stored properly, out of extreme temperatures and out of direct sunlight, you can expect Celsius to last for about 3 years from the date of purchase.

Which is better blindside or Celsius?

Re: Blindside vs Celsius Celsius was a slower kill but more effective. I've always had excellent results with Celsius. But it does take patience. Not uncommon to see no change for 8-10 days but then all the sudden the weeds are gone by 14 days.

How fast does Celsius WG work?

1-4 weeksDepending on the weed you're treating, it could take anywhere from 1-4 weeks for you to see results with Celsius WG Herbicide. Weed control may be reduced if application is made in the prescense of heavy dew, fog, and mist/rain or when weeds are under stress due to a drought.

Can I spray Celsius on centipede grass?

Yes, Celsius WG Herbicide will eliminate spurge in a centipede grass. This is safe for use in centipedegrass and will not harm it.

What is the active ingredient in Celsius?

DetailsActive IngredientDicamba 57.4%, Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 1.9%, Thiencarbazone-methyl 8.7%Target pestsAnnual and Perennial Broadleaf Weeds and Grasses5 more rows

What is the best herbicide for St Augustine grass?

Celsius Herbicide is the most recommended product to treat Virginia Buttonweed in St Augustine grasses. Virginia buttonweed is notoriously hard to control and may require a second application after 2-4 weeks.


CELSIUS WG Herbicide is a postemergent foliar-applied herbicide containing three active ingredients that provide a broad spectrum of weed control. This product is intended for use on residential lawns, commercial lawns, golf courses, sports fields, parks, campsites, recreational areas, residential lawns, roadsides, school grounds, cemeteries, sod farms to control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses in warm-season turf types listed on this label.#N#WEED SYMPTOMS#N#Weed growth ceases within hours after application. Symptoms progress from yellowing to necrosis resulting in plant death within 1-4 weeks after application. The speed of symptom development varies with temperature and will be faster at warmer temperatures. For best results to control mature weeds, apply when the daily average temperature is above 60° F. Make applications to actively growing weeds. Weed control may be reduced if application is made in the presence of heavy dew, fog, and mist/rain or when weeds are under stress due to drought.

What are the dangers associated with herbicides?

There are three main groups which can be harmed by the dangers associated with herbicide, pesticide, and pollution liability. Employees who work on the grounds or other employees who are onsite everyday could be endangered by chemicals in the substances applied to the course.

What happens if a golf course leaks?

If these were to leak or be damaged in a storm or fire, the environmental fallout could be quite damaging to the area around the course. This can lead to huge expenses. While herbicide, pesticide, and pollution liability are often not the most commonly discussed among golf course owners, they need to be taken seriously.

Do golf courses need pesticide insurance?

However, golf courses need their own coverage, as they often apply pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer to keep the grounds weed and pest free.

How long does it take for Fusilade II to kill grass?

Because of this mode of action, grass weed control may take two to three weeks, although the plant will stop growing within a week after application.

How much Fusilade II per gallon?

If perennial grass weeds are a component of the weed mix that you want to control, Fusilade II and Reward can be tank-mixed together at 0.75 oz. per gallon of each herbicide plus a non-ionic surfactant. This mixture will enhance control of perennial grass weeds such as bermudagrass, bentgrass, quackgrass, etc.

What is weed in science?

By Dean Mosdell, Ph.D., technical services manager for Syngenta. A weed can be defined simply as a plant growing where it’s not wanted. An agronomic view would add that weeds compete for water, light and space with desirable plants, and can harbor diseases and insects.

Does Tenacity herbicide work on crabgrass?

Depending on turf type, Tenacity ® and Manuscript ® herbicides have pre- and/or post-emergent activity on certain grass weeds, such as crabgrass, on turf. However in landscape areas, woody and herbaceous plants can be sensitive to post-emergent herbicide applications.
