happy employees what course hero

by Renee Kreiger 3 min read

Do happy employees mean happy customers?

Happy employees work harder especially when they feel that the company has their from HRM 593 at DeVry University, Keller Graduate School of Management

Are happy employees the most important factor in raising productivity?

A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT A happy employee is a productive employee. People who enjoy their jobs are likely to engage more thoroughly with their work. It is in your interest to keep staff happy; otherwise, resentment could start to impact on the quality of their work or they may even consider leaving. 1. Comply with health and safety legislation.

How can you make employees’ happiness at work better?

Making the employees happy in an organization is very important and prevalent, because happy employees are more productive, they are less preoccupied with themselves more focus on their work and always open for new challenges. Happy employees are better leaders and are and better team players, they are more likely to help others and tackle the big issues confronting them at …

What happens when an employee is unhappy at work?

[You14]. Happy employees hence provide their best services and quality of work. They become innovative due to the feeling of family created and they are quite efficient in their tasks. All these are factors that facilitate a competitive advantage for an organization in comparison to other organization in the market. Main barriers to HPW. Inconsistency Consistency is one of the …

Why do managers reward good work?

Reward good work with promotions: Some managers worry more about their own careers than that of their employees. You want your employees to grow and shine. Helping them obtain promotions can help motivate your current staff and, as a bonus, you gain a positive reputation for training and developing people.

What are happiness shocks?

In another study, participants were given “happiness shocks.” While this may sound awful, the happiness shocks were actually ten-minute comedy videos or the receiving of drinks and snacks. The study checked that these methods made the subjects happier (they do) and then went on to show that these individuals had "approximately 12% greater productivity than a control group" who received nothing.

What happens if no one buys your product?

No matter how great your product, or how brilliant your idea, if no one is buying it, your business will fail. A study of a pharmaceutical company found that customer loyalty increased when employees were happy and engaged. Think about how you feel when you must meet with a person who is unhappy and doesn’t like their job.

What happens when you get up late?

When you get up late, spill coffee on your shirt, and have to drive around the block for 10 minutes seeking a parking space, you don’t bounce into work ready to do your best. Your employees are human, just as you are, and being in a lousy mood affects their performance.

What happens if you are treated poorly?

If you’re treated poorly, you’re not likely to go back. If employees are unhappy with their job or their workplace, they are more likely to treat your customers poorly. The result certainly won't be a line of people waiting for you to serve them.

Is it bad to watch 10 minutes of comedy?

Not a bad exchange for watching 10 minutes of comedy or snacking. This demonstrates that having the right, positive frame of mind can affect your work performance. Unhappy employees are more likely to have poor attendance and experience more burnout and stress . Think about your own life.

Can you change the pay structure of a company?

Sure, you can’t change the company’s pay structure, but you have some control over your department's budget and what you pay employees. If your employees all sat down and shared their salaries, would some experience hurt feelings? If so, take a look at your compensation and work to fix it.

What is the key to a company's success?

Most business leaders would agree that a key to a company’s success is an ongoing stream of happy customers, willing to pay for the company’s goods and services.

Why is feedback important in a job?

Feedback and praise are critical to employees feeling they are making a difference. Good managers who create a healthy, caring and supportive work environment will help cultivate the business’ future leaders who in turn will manage the overall customer experience.

Why do you need ongoing training and coaching?

Provide ongoing training and coaching that teaches employees new skills, because these skills will ultimately shine through in customer interactions.

Do happier employees make happier customers?

It’s simple — happier employees make happier customers. And, there are plenty of statistics and facts to back this up. Gallup reports in “The State of the American Workplace” that employees who are engaged are more likely to improve customer relationships, with a resulting 20% increase in sales.
