why cant ap course be erradicated

by Dr. Monica Muller PhD 5 min read

What happens if a school bans required topics from AP classes?

"If a school bans required topics from their AP courses, the AP Program removes the AP designation from that course and its inclusion in the AP Course Ledger provided to colleges and universities," Zach Goldberg, executive director of media relations for The College Board, told TODAY in an email.

Should AP classes lose their designation in high school?

Having AP classes lose their designation would also remove the opportunity for high school students to earn college credits in those subjects by scoring high on AP exams.

How do I find AP courses that have passed the audit?

Go to the Administrator page. The AP Course Ledger is the official, up-to-date, comprehensive list of courses that have passed the AP Course Audit. It’s searchable by school, subject, city, state, country, and more, and it’s updated every year in November to reflect offerings in the current school year.

Can I take AP Comp Sci as an elective?

AP statistic is a Math class though. If the intent of the school was that you take an arts elective obviously AP Comp Sci isn't going to cut it. But you'll need to find out if the school has an official definition of elective or rules about when you take what kind of electives.

What happens if a course is not authorized?

If authorization is not granted after the second submission, teachers can speak directly with one of the college faculty members who reviewed their syllabus for assistance.

What is AP course audit?

Any course that a school labels “AP” must receive authorization through a process called the AP Course Audit , which confirms teacher awareness of course scope and occasional exam changes , and ensures that confidential practice exams and other resources are only accessible to real AP teachers verified by a school administrator.

What is AP unit guide?

Teachers who adopt AP Unit Guides or sample syllabi or submit a colleague’s approved syllabus receive immediate authorization. It is added to the AP Course Ledger. Also, the AP teacher is granted access to AP Classroom and online student score reports and secure documents including practice exams.

How long does it take to hear from AP program review?

Teachers will hear from the program within eight weeks.

Do AP courses have unit guides?

These subjects do not have AP Unit Guides, so new teachers must adopt a sample syllabus, or a colleague’s already-approved syllabus, or submit their own original course syllabus for review. New AP Seminar and AP Research teachers cannot adopt an AP resource and must submit an original syllabus.

Does AP require a curriculum?

The AP Program does not mandate a specific curriculum for AP courses to follow. Instead, the official Course and Exam Description provides a scope and sequence for new AP teachers to utilize, modify, and adapt, rather than having to build from scratch.

Can AP courses be renewed?

Previously authorized courses can simply be renewed by an AP Course Audit administrator. When a subject has significant course and/or exam changes, teachers will be instructed to submit a new Course Audit form and complete one of the four options above to demonstrate awareness of the changes.

What is the benefit of AP classes?

The real benefit of AP classes is that they are often the most challenging classes offered at many high schools. Without AP classes, my kids would have been bored to death in high school academics.

Is 85% GPA overrated?

The problem is GPA's are overrated. I have a friend who can test correct any test to an 85% AND has tons of extra credit opportunities. Our school doesn't even allow test corrections. If the lowest grade you can get in a class is an 85%, it makes GPA useless.
