which of the following statements is not true of ipsec? course hero

by Verlie Sawayn 8 min read

Which of the following statements is not true of IPSec?

Which of the following statements is NOT true of IPsec? SelectedAnswer:IPsec can provide authentication but notencryption. IPsec may offer authentication but not encryption, according to a common misconception.

Which of the following statements is true of IPSec?

The correct answer is B. Phase 2 of IPSec VPNs provide either AH or ESP. ESP encrypts the whole packet, while AH just provides authentication and integrity and does not encrypt the data. This is true of IPSec VPNs.

Which of the following statements is not true about the VPN in network security Mcq?

Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning VPNs? Explanation: VPNs are not the backbone of the Internet as they are just a method to create private intranets on the internet. They are used for enhancing the connection security for the users.

Which of the following statement is true about the VPN in network security Mcq?

Right Answer is: It usually authenticates the communication between a device and a network by creating a secure encrypted virtual “tunnel”.

Which one of the following option is correct statement regarding the connection properties of IPsec VPN?

Hence the correct answer is VPN uses tunnelling to transfer data securely on internet.

Which of the following statements are not true to classify VPN systems?

3. Which of the statements are not true to classify VPN systems? Explanation: VPN systems have specific protocols for tunnelling the traffic, secure remote access connectivity as well as make sure how many levels of security it is providing for private data communication.

Which layer of the network does an IPSec VPN operate on Mcq?

network layerExplanation: IPSec is a set of protocols used to provide authentication, data integrity and confidentiality between two machines in an IP network. In the TCP/IP model, it provides security at the IP layer i.e. the network layer.

Which of the following statement is true for network hub?

Right Answer is: A It has multiple input/output (I/O) ports, in which a signal introduced at the input of any port appears at the output of every port except the original incoming. A hub works at the physical layer (layer 1) of the OSI model.

What are the different features of using IPSec?

Key Features of IPSec VPNAnti-Replay Protection. IPSec provides protection against replay attacks. ... Data Origin Authentication. The Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) verifies that the packets are not changed.Perfect Forward Secrecy. ... Transparency. ... Dynamic Re-Keying. ... Confidentiality.

Which of the following are the two basic modes in which IPSec can operate?

The IPsec standards define two distinct modes of IPsec operation, transport mode and tunnel mode. The modes do not affect the encoding of packets. The packets are protected by AH, ESP, or both in each mode.