why are world war one and world war two considered total wars course hero

by Coy Rowe II 5 min read

Why was World War I considered a total war?

Sep 28, 2016 · World War One is nothing like that. World War One was the culmination of centuries of greed and bitterness finally boiling over. There were no “good guys”, only bad guys who forced their men to die in the hellish trenches of Flanders. All the empires involved, including the US, were involved for selfish reasons. World War One is not a typical heroic fantasy, but a …

Why is WW1 more important than WW2?

“Total war” includes four things: Mobilization, refusal to compromise, the blurring of roles between soldier and civilians, and total control of society. In many ways World War I was total war. There had never been a war that was so widely devastating. Created by World History Project.

What is “Total War”?

Everything in society, except for maybe the elite, became part of the war. Women, kids, colonies, normal shops, factories, everything was raised to aid the war effort and to win the great war. That is why it was a total war, because everything was involved, and …

How did the practice of Total War end with WW2?

Apr 07, 2022 · Total war does mean the near-total mobilization of the population. All are expected to do their part to help with the 'war effort.'. "..There is another more obvious difference from 1914. The whole of the warring nations are engaged, not only soldiers, but the entire population, men, women and children.”.

Why was World War 1 considered a total war?

World War I was considered a total war because all of the population of the main nations involved were called into service in one way or another. Even women, who typically were not involved in war, were responsible for growing food supplies and working in artillery factories.

When was the term "total war" created?

The term "total war" was not created until the 1930s by a German general, which was after World War I, but preceding World War II. Both of these wars put incredible strain on all aspects of the nations involved. Governments passed laws that would normally never be acceptable in order to bolster wartime efforts. ADVERTISEMENT.

What is total war?

“Total war” includes four things: Mobilization, refusal to compromise, the blurring of roles between soldier and civilians, and total control of society. In many ways World War I was total war. There had never been a war that was so widely devastating. Created by World History Project.

Why was World War 1 called the first total war?

World War I is often referred to as the first "total war.". People at the time used this term to describe the size and devastation of the war. It helped them understand how the roles of soldiers and civilians became difficult to separate.

What was the first World War?

The idea of total war involves four things. The first, mobilization , refers to gathering troops, weapons, resources and other preparations. The second is the blurring of the roles of soldiers and civilians.

Why did historians say the Civil War was a total war?

Civil War as a "total war". They feel that the Civil War was a total war because it involved great loss and mobilization in the United States.

What are the four things that make up a total war?

"Total war" includes four things: Mobilization, refusal to compromise, the blurring of roles between soldier and civilians, and total control of society. In many ways World War I was total war. There had never been a war that was so widely devastating.

How did conscription affect the war?

As the war waged on, countries with military conscription (drafts) increasingly forced men to become soldiers. This provided a low-cost supply of young men for the front lines. All of the major warring countries used conscription. Overall, the number of military deployments over four years of war was unthinkably huge.

What was the impact of the Russian and Ottoman Empires during World War I?

The tension resulted in revolution in the Russian and Ottoman Empires. Elsewhere, it resulted in unrest, cynicism, trauma, and the growth of new social movements across national borders. World War I in some ways showed the impact of the rapid growth in four areas during the "long nineteenth century".

What is total war?

Total war is a war fought without limitations on targets or weapons. Ideological or religious conflicts are more likely to give rise to total war. Total wars have occurred throughout history and include the third Punic War, the Mongol Invasions, the Crusades and the two World Wars.

What is the purpose of total war?

The purpose is to destroy the other contender’s resources so that they are unable to continue to wage war. This might include targeting major infrastructure and blocking access to water, internet, or imports (often through blockades).

How many people died in the Napoleonic Wars?

During the Napoleonic Wars that followed the revolution, it is estimated that approximately five million people died over the twenty-year period. During this time, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte became known for his savagery. People March Thru Georgia Following Sherman. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images.

What was Khan's largest invasion?

One of the best examples of Khan’s use of this type of warfare is his largest invasion, which was against the Khwarazmian Empire. He sent hundreds of thousands of troops across the empire to kill the citizens without discrimination and enslave others to be used as human shields in later battles.

How do tribal wars incorporate aspects of total war?

Smaller conflicts across the globe, such as tribal wars, incorporate aspects of total war by kidnapping, enslaving, and killing civilians. This deliberate targeting of civilians elevates less expansive wars to the level of total war.

What was the end of nuclear war?

The practice of total war, however, largely ended with World War II, as nuclear war assured mutually assured destruction. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States showed the apocalyptic possibilities of total nuclear war. Five years after this event, the International Humanitarian Law outlawed any weapons that were indiscriminate (and though nuclear weapons are not explicitly mentioned, many agree they are prohibited under this clause).

Why did the Allies bomb Dresden?

The British and American forces firebombed the German city of Dresden because it was one of Germany’s industrial capitals. The bombing destroyed the nation’s railways system, aircraft factories, and other resources.

How did the war affect the world?

The war's economic legacy changed the world as the capital of finance shifted during the conflict from London to New York and, with vast swathes of European agriculture ruined, Argentina and Canada greatly increased their market share as food suppliers. Global attitudes were also changed.

Why was the First World War called the First World War?

After 1945, historians found the term "First World War" appropriate because they saw 1914-1918 as the first of a particular type of international conflict - the world's first industrialised "to tal" war - which had been followed by a second industrialised world war of this kind - 1939-1945. There are certainly arguments that can be made, however, ...

What was the impact of World War 1 on the Armenian minority?

The war saw severe treatment of minorities. In particular, Tsarist Russia persecuted its Jewish population and the Ottoman Empire deliberately destroyed its Armenian minority through massacre and deportation. World War One was also global in terms of the range of ethnicities and nationalities mobilised to fight.

What did the French and British call the Great War?

The French and British referred to the war as "La Grande Guerre" or the "Great War", but also adopted the term "World War" later in the conflict. The Germans, seeing themselves pitted against the global empires of Britain and France, felt the world was against them from the outset. From their perspective, the war was of such magnitude ...

What was the legacy of the war?

The war's legacy was new global ideas about the right of peoples to self-determination and the need for a global system of international co-operation, which was embodied in the League of Nations. It was a war that utterly altered the world and in this regard, in the sheer scale of the changes it brought, it was certainly a first.

What did the Japanese call for after the war?

The Japanese called for a clause on the equality of all races to be inserted into the League of Nations covenant after the war - they were unsuccessful, but the idea revealed changing mindsets. The first Pan-African Congress, held in Paris in 1919, advocated that African peoples should govern themselves.

Which country was the Western Front?

The Western Front, which cut through Belgium and Northern France, is well known, reaching, for much of the war, from Dunkirk in the north to Belfort on the Swiss border in the south. But much of the rest of Europe also became a war zone.

Why was World War 1 called the war to end all wars?

After it was over, World War I was called "the war to end all wars" because it was so destructive that the nations of the world wanted to prevent such slaughter from ever happening again. This prompted prolonged negotiations over proposed solutions like the League of Nations.

What was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles, drafted mainly by the Big Four of the United States, England, France and Italy, sought to limit Germany's capacity to build its military.

How long did the Treaty of Versailles last?

Instead, nation after nation was dragged into a bloody conflict that lasted four years.

What was the most controversial topic in the 1930s?

The most controversial topic involved Germany's war reparations, a pun itive debt that the most devastated nations insisted that Germany pay. The ruinous terms of the treaty almost destroyed Germany's economy and led to the rise of the Nazi Party in the 1930s. ADVERTISEMENT.
