why align an online course to standards

by Dulce Haley 3 min read

Ensuring online course alignment means that all critical course components work together to confirm that your students achieve the stated learning outcomes. You will want to be sure that you have aligned critical course components such as teaching materials, learning activities, assessments, other learning tools.

Full Answer

What is ensuring online course alignment?

to content and to grade-specific standards, in order to assess whether or not a student has gained the knowledge, skills, and abilities described in the standards. It is important to note that if curriculum is aligned to standards, and if assessments are aligned to standards, then the assessments—not only large-scale summative assessments, but

Is the content of your eLearning course aligned with its objectives?

Jul 08, 2020 · In an alignment matrix, the instructor lists each assignment and assessment that links to each learning objective. One example of a spreadsheet designed to help instructors structure their course design is the Fall Blueprint Planning Guide. The tab focused on Activities and Assessments is an alignment matrix that can help you put your course ...

What is meant by alignment within the standards?

When aligned, the major course components work together to ensure that students achieve the desired learning objectives. In an online course especially, objectives help instructors guide their choices about the content that needs to be included—what is truly important versus what is just nice to have. How to Put Into Practice?

Why align learning objectives with learning activities/assessments?

With aligning (or curriculum mapping), staff review a given course's: learning outcomes. content. learning activities and. assessment. to identify where and how graduate attributes are taught, practised, and assessed within the course. Often this exercise shows that many graduate attributes are already being developed, but not in an explicit way.

Why should lessons be aligned with standards?

Alignment in a lesson plan ensures that all the components are working together to support student success. If you start with aligned goals, objectives, and standards, you will set your lessons up for success!

Why is it important to align assessments with standards?

Assessments should reveal how well students have learned what we want them to learn while instruction ensures that they learn it. For this to occur, assessments, learning objectives, and instructional strategies need to be closely aligned so that they reinforce one another.

Why is it important to align learning outcomes with learning competencies?

Without the alignment between learning objectives and learning activities/assessments, students will spend time on activities, assignments and assessments that do not lead to intended goals.May 17, 2019

What is the importance of aligning our learning outcomes with our assessment task and teaching/learning outcomes?

Building alignment between assessment and learning outcomes also allows you to develop and communicate the pathway for students' learning progression. It enables you to explain what knowledge and skills were expected on entry to the course and the knowledge and skills that will be developed throughout the course.

What is the purpose of curriculum standards?

Standards set clear and measurable goals. Individuals often perceive standards as the curriculum or course of study in a particular subject. Rather, standards inform educators about what the outcomes of a course of study should be.Jan 16, 2017

Why does alignment improve the learning of your students?

Evaluating alignment is one way to demonstrate the connection between outcomes and assessment and can improve the quality of the educational system. Opportunity to learn is increased for students when there is a match between the content and cognitive processes of course objectives and classroom assessments.

Why alignment of goals and content is are needed?

Through proper goal alignment, your employees see greater clarity in their expectations and responsibilities and are more highly motivated to achieve their goals. This helps improve employee engagement and leads to a happier company culture.Feb 16, 2021

How to succeed in online classroom?

In order to succeed in the online classroom, students need to know how everything they are interacting with works together. You may have clear and well-written learning objectives, but without clear alignment of how the instructional materials and assessments support those objectives, students can feel lost and frustrated by the online learning environment (Alignment: A Proven Method to Help Students Achieve Learning Goals). Students should be able to quickly and easily identify the five W’s: 1 Who needs to do the work? 2 What work needs to be done and in what order? 3 Where the work is? 4 When the work is due? 5 Why does the work need to be done?

What is alignment table?

Alignment tables that map out what instructional or educational materials will help students complete specific activities or assessments and what objectives students are working towards. This can also be done during course development to ensure alignment and can be written as part of the weekly narrative.

What is QM in distance learning?

The Northwestern University Distance Learning department uses the QM Standards to ensure our courses provide exemplary learning experiences that help students achieve the program and course goals. The QM Standards were developed out of a faculty-centered, peer review process designed to certify the quality of online courses and online components (About Quality Matters). We use QM as framework for quality throughout our course design process, from start to finish, revisiting the standards along the way to make sure we are on track to creating a high-quality course. The QM Standards help us define and successfully design high-quality courses.

What is the CCSS article?

The article also provides recommendations for designing a coherent and aligned curriculum and assessment system within a school or district.

What is QR in school?

QR are tools designed by the Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) to support educators in evaluating the quality of available instructional materials and in making evidence-based selection decisions about the suitability of instructional materials under consideration. The tool is organized into grade-level or grade-band documents and is structured to mirror the IMET.

What is CSAI curriculum?

◆ The CSAI-Developed Curriculum and Instruction Resources webpage provides a collection of resources that address key shifts in learning represented in College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) and that are drawn from leading theory and research about learning and formative assessment.

What is Oregon Department of Education?

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) provides information around its statewide assessment system, along with resources that are pertinent to alignment to state standards for multiple types of assessments, to teachers and stakeholders.

What are aligned courses?

In short, a well-aligned course gives learners: 1 A clear destination for their learning 2 Opportunities to practice all of the skills they will have to demonstrate in high stakes assignments 3 Feedback during those practice opportunities so that they have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes prior to being assessed on their learning in a high stakes assignment

When designing about the activities and assessments your students complete, both for practicing new skills and to demonstrate what they’ve learned

When designing about the activities and assessments your students complete, both for practicing new skills and to demonstrate what they’ve learned, make sure that those activities map directly to your learning objectives. The verbs you used in your learning objectives are clues as to what kinds of assessments will tell you, and your learners, whether students have met those objectives.

What is backward design?

This approach to course design, where you start by describing your learners at the end of the course and move back from there to design other course elements, is called backward design. The most popular approach to backward design was developed by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe in their book, “Understanding by Design.”.

Why Is It Important?

Carefully written learning objectives provide students with a roadmap that explains where they are going in the course and what to expect when they get there. They describe the intended purposes and expected results of the course, unit, or activity.

Where to Find Resources?

Build an objective using the interactive UW-Madison Objective Builder.

Want More?

The “Learning Objectives & Alignment” deep dive topic examines strategies for developing and refining learning objectives and how to begin to align course elements.

How to use constructive alignment?

When you're using the constructive alignment approach to curriculum design, one basic activity is to choose and develop learning activities that are aligned with intended learning outcomes. That is, they are: 1 likely to lead to students achieving the specified learning outcomes for a particular teaching session, course, or program 2 practical and appropriate to use within your current context and with available resources.

What happens when you map a course?

Once you have mapped individual courses, you can collate the results and map the desired skills, knowledge and/or attributes across the entire program. Not every course can be expected to develop skills, knowledge and graduate attributes.

What is curriculum mapping?

Curriculum mapping and program review processes are most successful when Faculties use their particular learning and teaching goals as a base. Curriculum mapping is not a predetermined process - a tick-the-box approach has limited use.

What is the eLearning standard?

This standard says the eLearning course developers should use two or more instructional strategies to enrich online learning, support the objectives, and provide new information to the learner. This helps the learner internalize, synthesize, and apply new information. This standard emphasizes how the content (what the learner needs to learn) should be presented and demonstrated.

What is the purpose of an eLearning course?

The purpose of the course should explain the intended outcome of the eLearning course in terms of the knowledge and skills the learner will acquire. It should describe the intended outcome in terms of tasks or problems the learner will be able to accomplish or solve. It describes the target audience, the scope of the course, the syllabus, and how long the course would take to complete.

What is standard 7?

Standard 7: Assessment of Learning. When it comes to assessments, it should be ensured that each question is linked directly to a learning objective. If the learning objective is to describe an object, the question should ask the learner about the different aspects of the object description.

Why is it important to reinforce learning?

It is important to reinforce learning for those critical learning units, which will help achieve the learning objectives of the course. Practice opportunities should have correct directions/instructions. Practice opportunities allow the learner to make an incorrect response and recover from the error.

What is the difference between instructional objectives and course purpose?

There is a lot of difference between the course purpose and instructional objectives. Instructional objectives should be performance-based. They should be clearly stated , and describe specific, measurable, and observable skills or knowledge the learner will acquire in each unit, module, or lesson of the course.

What are the most important points in a course?

The most important points are: The course uses varied instructional methods to present and demonstrate new information. It is very important that course developers do not use just one or two methods. There should be a mixture of presentation patterns.

What is subject matter in a course?

Subject matter is consistent with course objectives. Interrelations between different parts of the course content are noted when appropriate. Course content exists for each of the objectives and is sufficient in substance to cover the objectives. Subject matter is equal in detail when covering multiple objectives.

The why

Following the release of the NCSBN study, there was palpable excitement that finally we had evidence to support adding simulations to the nursing curriculum. Now what? Now, we turn to the INACSL Standards of Best Practice: Simulation to provide evidence-based guidelines for implementing simulations.

The what

But w hat is curricular alignment? Curricular alignment is a linear configuration between program outcomes, course outcomes, and simulation outcomes. If program outcomes drive course outcomes, then course outcomes should drive simulation outcomes.

The how

We now know that we can substitute clinical time with simulation if we adhere to the design of the NCSBN study and the Standards. But how do we make that happen?


So, now that we have a better understanding of the why, the what, and the how of curricular integration, it is important to ask: How do my simulations align with my course outcomes? If you can"t show a linear correlation, then perhaps that simulation isn"t best for your course.

Why should assessments be closely aligned?

For this to occur, assessments, learning objectives, and instructional strategies need to be closely aligned so that they reinforce one another.

What happens if assessments are misaligned?

If assessments are misaligned with learning objectives or instructional strategies, it can undermine both student motivation and learning. Consider these two scenarios: Your objective is for students to learn to apply analytical skills, but your assessment measures only factual recall.

What is assessment assessment?

Your assessment measures students’ ability to compare and critique the arguments of different authors, but your instructional strategies focus entirely on summarizing the arguments of different authors. Consequently, students do not learn or practice the skills of comparison and evaluation that will be assessed.



  • The learning materials can be a variety of formats (textbook, instructor-created lectures, video, audio, and additional resources from library and webpages) and contribute to the achievement of student learning goals. When you prepare the materials, you need consider both course and mo
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Quality Matters Standards and Alignment

Helping Students Make Connections

  • At Northwestern, we ascribe to extremely high educational quality standards, and this of course extends to the online courses and programs we design, implement, and maintain for graduate and undergraduate adult learners. But, what does a quality online course look like? How do we define and measure quality? Those are both tough questions that we regularly ask ourselves as we des…
See more on dl.sps.northwestern.edu

Strategies and Examples of Alignment

  • The Northwestern University Distance Learning department uses the QM Standards to ensure our courses provide exemplary learning experiences that help students achieve the program and course goals. The QM Standards were developed out of a faculty-centered, peer review process designed to certify the quality of online courses and online components (About Quality Matters)…
See more on dl.sps.northwestern.edu


  • In order to succeed in the online classroom, students need to know how everything they are interacting with works together. You may have clear and well-written learning objectives, but without clear alignment of how the instructional materials and assessments support those objectives, students can feel lost and frustrated by the online learning environment (Alignment: …
See more on dl.sps.northwestern.edu


  • We have identified that effective alignment design strategies include: Weekly overview narrativesthat “tell the story” of each week. This is a great opportunity to clearly and precisely communicate some or all of the five W’s. The narrative should be student-focused so they know who needs to do the work and why the work needs to be done. Starting students off on the right …
See more on dl.sps.northwestern.edu