who need a huntersaftey course in georgia

by Mrs. Layla Wehner DVM 9 min read

Do I need to take a hunter safety course to hunt in Georgia? Any person who hunts within the state of Georgia, who was born on or after January 1, 1961 is required to complete a state-approved Hunter Education Course, and obtain a Hunter Education Certificate. There is no minimum age to get certified.

Full Answer

Can you take a hunter safety course online in Georgia?

Hunters Age 12–15. Must complete a hunter education course prior to hunting unless under direct supervision of a licensed adult hunter. It is unlawful for an adult to permit their child or ward (12–15) to hunt without adult supervision unless the child possesses a hunter education certificate while hunting.

What are the hunter education requirements in the state of Georgia?

Residents born on or after Jan.1, 1961, must successfully complete a hunter education course before purchasing a hunting license. There is no age limit to take this online course. You must be a resident of Georgia to take the online course. *** You'll need your GA DNR Customer ID Number to complete the course.

What is the Georgia huntercourse?

Mar 08, 2022 · Residents and non-residents born on or after January 1, 1961 must successfully complete a hunter education course prior to purchasing a season hunting license. However, a hunter education course is not required to purchase an Apprentice License or a license identified as a “Short Term” License.

How do I get a hunting license in Georgia?

The Georgia HUNTERcourse.com course immerses you in an online hunter education course that is professionally narrated, beautifully illustrated, and designed to ensure your Georgia hunter education training is successful. All of our hunter courses include a groundbreaking set of interactive animations used by hunting instructors in the classroom.

Do you have to have hunter safety course in GA?

According to Georgia law, all hunters born on or after January 1, 1961, must complete hunter education certification in order to hunt in Georgia.

What age do you have to take the hunter safety course in Georgia?

Hunters Age 12–15 Must complete a hunter education course prior to hunting unless under direct supervision of a licensed adult hunter. It is unlawful for an adult to permit their child or ward (12–15) to hunt without adult supervision unless the child possesses a hunter education certificate while hunting.

Do you need a hunting license to hunt on your own property in GA?

Landowners. Nonresident landowners owning land in Georgia must obtain a nonresident license to hunt or fish. Nonresident family members of a resident landowner must obtain a nonresident license to hunt or fish, except that nonresidents under age 16 may fish or hunt small game without a Georgia license.

Does a 14 year old need a hunting license in Georgia?

Georgia residents age 15 or under are not required to have a hunting license. However, they must be under adult supervision. Visit the Georgia Department of Natural Resources website for more details. All non-residents must have a hunting license except for non-residents age 15 or under who are hunting small game.

How long does the Georgia hunters safety course take?

10-12 hoursThe traditional Georgia hunter safety classroom course lasts a minimum of 10-12 hours and is usually given over the span of a weekend or several weeknights.

Are deer tags required in Georgia?

The answer was yes, very easily. Under current law, deer processors are responsible for making sure every deer they have hanging in their cooler is properly tagged. This tag must contain the hunter's name, date of kill, county of kill, and sex of the deer.

Can I shoot a deer on my property in Georgia?

Deer may be hunted over or near any bait on private lands in all counties provided the hunter has written permission from the landowner.Jan 27, 2022

What is the fine for hunting without a license in Georgia?


Can you hunt year round on your own land in Georgia?

PRIVATE LAND Much of the land in Georgia is either privately owned or managed. Hunters may freely take most game animals on their own land, or may get permission from private landowners to hunt on their property.

Does a 13 year old need a hunting license in Georgia?

Under 12. Kids under 12 who reside in Georgia do not need any type of license or permit to hunt. ... Kids under 12 ARE REQUIRED to be under the “direct supervision” of an adult. By definition, direct supervision means uninterrupted, unaided visual contact and auditory communication with the child by an adult.Sep 4, 2017

How do I find my hunter safety number in Georgia?

DNR Number Visit www.gooutdoorsgeorgia.com to locate your existing Customer ID Number or create a new one. Call 1-800-366-2661 (8AM–6PM Monday–Friday, 9AM–5PM Saturday–Sunday) or visit a local license agent for more information.

How much does a GA hunting license cost?

Transaction fees apply: $2.50 online; $3.00 retail outlets; and $5.00 by telephoneLicenseTermResidentHunting License (Residents 16-64; All non-residents)Annual$15.00One-Daysee combo+ Additional Daysee comboSenior Sportsman's License (65+); also see lifetime licensesAnnual$7.0032 more rows

How much does the Georgia Hunter Ed Course cost?

The Georgia Hunter Ed Course fee is $28.95.

Do you need Georgia Hunting education?

You need education to hunt in Georgia if you were born on or after Jan. 1, 1961.

What is the minimum age to take this online course?

There is no minimum age requirement to take this online course.

Do I have to be a resident to take the Georgia Hunter Ed Course?

You must be a resident of Georgia to take the online course.

Is the Georgia Hunter Ed Course approved by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources?

The Georgia Hunter Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

Is my Georgia Hunter Education Certificate accepted elsewhere?

All U.S. states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept the Georgia Hunter Education Certific...

I failed a unit quiz. Have I failed the course?

If you fail a unit quiz, you can take it again until you pass. You must score at least 70% on the unit quizzes to pass.

Do I have to take an online exam?

The Final Exam is the exam you take at the end of the online course. You must score at least 76% on the exam to pass. You have unlimited attempts t...

What is the proof of online Georgia Hunter Ed Course completion?

Once you pass and pay for the online course, you will be able to immediately print out the Temporary Hunter Education Certificate. This is your pro...

What age do you need a hunting license in Georgia?

Hunters age 16 and older must have a hunting license to hunt, unless they are resident hunters hunting either on their own land or lands of an immediate family member (see definition of immediate family member ). If born on or after January 1, 1961, they must also have completed a Hunter Education Course. If a resident youth does not yet have a state-issued Driver’s License, they will need a State of Georgia ID issued by the Department of Driver Services or a Georgia Instructional Permit in order to purchase their hunting license.

How long is a Hunter Ed pass in Georgia?

Recent Georgia hunter ed grad? You have a free 3-month range pass! When you pass the Hunter Education Course, your certification card doubles as a free 3-month pass at any Department of Natural Resources shooting range.

What is HuntingSmart for?

Made for hunters, by hunters, HUNTINGsmart! is designed for hunters aged 9 and up, across all skill levels. Whether it’s green hunters looking to put orange on for the first time, or seasoned hunters looking to enhance their skills, this course is for you.

Can a 12 year old hunt?

Hunters under age 12 are not required to complete a hunter education course. However, no one under age 12 may hunt unless under direct supervision, i.e. within sight or hearing of licensed adult (at least 18 years old) hunter. It is unlawful for an adult to permit their child or ward under age 12 to hunt unsupervised.

Can a child hunt without adult supervision?

It is unlawful for an adult to permit their child or ward (12–15) to hunt without adult supervision unless the child possesses a hunter education certificate while hunting.

Is bowhunting required in Georgia?

Though bowhunter education in not required in Georgia, it is required in several states.

Do you need a Hunter Education Course to get an Apprentice License?

However, a hunter education course is not required to purchase an Apprentice License or a license identified as a “Short Term” License. Hunter education courses certified or mandated by any state wildlife agency or Canadian province are accepted.

Is the Beasafehunter Course approved by the state of Georgia?

Yes. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources has approved and accepted the Beasafehunter Course.

Is there a minimum age to take this online education course?

There is no minimum age requirement to take this online hunter education course.

Must I take this course to get a hunting license?

If you are 16 years old and up, and born on or after Jan. 1, 1961 must successfully complete a hunter education course before purchasing a lifetime hunting license.

Must I complete the course in one sitting?

You can complete the course in one sitting, or spread it out over several days. You go at your own pace.

Must I reside in Georgia to take the Beasafehunter Course?

Yes, you must be a resident of that state to take the online course for Georgia.

What passing score must I get in the quizzes and final test in order to be certified?

The passing mark for the unit quizzes is 80%. If you don’t pass the quiz, you must re-study that particular section and then re-take the quiz.

Is my Hunter Education Certificate good in other states?

Every U.S. state that demands a Hunter Education Certificate accepts the Florida Hunter Education Certificate. As well, Florida will accept Hunter Education Certificates from other states that conform to IHEA requirements.

General Information

Wildlife Resources Division is pleased to continue its series of programs focusing on the development of hunting skills and conservation knowledge.

Becoming a Hunter Education Instructor

Each year, around 14,000 individuals pursue hunter education in Georgia. With over 500 active instructors in the state, you are part of a large team of dedicated volunteers teaching safe and responsible hunting.

Hunter Education Courses

Residents and non-residents born on or after January 1, 1961 must successfully complete a hunter education course prior to purchasing a season hunting license. However, a hunter education course is not required to purchase an Apprentice License or a license identified as a “Short Term” License.

What Our Customers Are Saying

HUNTERcourse.com has a TrustPilot rating of 4.6 out of 5 based on 5230 ratings and reviews.

What is the Georgia Online Course Completion Certificate?

The Georgia Online Course Completion Certificate is issued once you have completed the Georgia Online Hunter Safety Course.

Is the Georgia Online Course Completion Certificate the same as a Hunter Education Certificate?

No. The Online Course Completion Certificate is proof that you have passed the online hunter safety course. You will have access to your Hunter Education Certificate when you log into GoOutdoorsGeorgia.com.

Do I need to take this course to obtain a hunting license?

Anyone born after January 1, 1961, must have a valid hunter education certificate before they can obtain a Georgia hunting license. For more information, you can check out the Georgia Hunting License and Hunter Education Requirements Page.

How do I get a replacement Georgia Hunter Education Certificate?

If you have previously taken a hunter education course and have misplaced or require a duplicate hunter education certificate, you can obtain a new certificate through the DNR online portal at www.georgiawildlife.dnr.state.ga.us.

Is there a time limit to complete the online course?

You can take the online course at any time, day or night. However, courses must be completed within 90 days of payment at which time your access to the course will expire.

What to Expect from HUNTERcourse.com

The Georgia HUNTERcourse.com course immerses you in an online hunter education course that is professionally narrated, beautifully illustrated, and designed to ensure your Georgia hunter education training is successful. All of our hunter courses include a groundbreaking set of interactive animations used by hunting instructors in the classroom.

When is Georgia Hunter Safety Course required?

A Georgia Hunter Safety Course is required if you were born on or after Jan. 1, 1961. You can now take the class portion of the Georgia hunter education requirement online. Taking hunter education training online saves you time and allows you to complete the course when it is convenient for you.

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed Course meets the rigorous requirements to be an official online hunter education course for the state of Georgia. After completing the study material, take the final exam to earn your Certificate of Completion.

How old do you have to be to hunt in Georgia?

Any person who hunts within the state of Georgia, who was born on or after January 1, 1961 is required to complete a state-approved Hunter Education Course, and obtain a Hunter Education Certificate. There is no minimum age to get certified, however some requirements may vary for youth and non-residents.

Is Hunter Safety Course narrated?

The HUNTINGsmart! Georgia State Approved Hunter Safety Course is 100% narrated, animated and includes live action video that puts you right in the stand and includes everything you need to pass the test and obtain your official Georgia Hunter Education Card.


Take the Official Georgia DNR Hunter Education Test online. The multiple-choice exam includes unlimited retries.

Trusted from field to stand, Georgia approved

The official HUNTINGsmart! Georgia Hunter Education Course is approved by Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA) and recognized by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Georgia Hunting License

A hunting license is required for anyone who hunts within the state. License fees vary according to the hunter's age and the type of license, and whether the hunter is a Georgia resident. Lifetime licenses are also available for Georgia residents. Hunters who lose their licenses may replace them by contacting the Division of Fish & Wildlife.

Important Note

For a more complete listing of Georgia hunting license laws, hunting regulations, or hunter education requirements, please consult the Georgia Hunting Regulations page, available on the DNR website at www.gohuntgeorgia.com.